Thursday, April 21, 2011

Which Is More Painful, Labour Or Kidney Stones?

Osho Osho Osho TRUE

Christianity, there is no approach to the truth because the truth lies within consciousness, it is innate, is beyond the mind. It is not thought. It is not a matter of philosophy, nor the subject of theological disputes. It is a matter of deep meditation that takes you beyond thinking, out of mind, so that you become a witness, a pure witness.

This witness is divine, because is eternal. It is something ultimate in intelligence, is the greatest clarity of vision. It takes you away from all duality. Even truth and falsehood are duality, such as birth or death, light and darkness. Going beyond the mind, going beyond the duality.

mind works in such a way that everything is divided on the pole contradictions. No-mind operates quite differently; conflict comes closer, and combines them into one. No-mind knows only one existence in which everything dissolves. There are no longer together, I'm no longer together. It's sinking in existence is the ultimate truth.

This is not God, is divine. Therefore, there are religions such as Buddhism or dżainizm that not believing in God but believe in the divinity. This is quite a different approach. God is a person, the divinity of the property. You can not become God, but you can be divine. HG Wells wrote in his "History of the World" that Gautama Buddha was the "most wicked / godless / man, though he was the most divine."

Truth is much greater than you, is infinite, eternal. You're only a drop of dew. and she is boundless, enormous ocean. And this drop of dew defends the ocean, can not you see nonsense contained in this concept? Ocean can protect a drop of dew. This drop has just fallen from the lotus leaf and mix with a great ocean. Religiosity is a feeling of the ocean, ocean-going experience. The entire cosmos is one and has a boundless, multi-dimensional intelligence.

A Christian prayer has been slaughtered. Any religion that is slaughtered prayer is not really a religion. Exclusive meditation you open the door to religiosity, to the divine. Prayer is moving off to the outside, looking up, beyond the clouds. The more you pray, that you're further from the truth.

Meditation is not prayer, is the fullness of silence. Prayer is muttering. To whom do you speak? - It's madness, there is no God.


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