Christians say that death is a punishment for sin. I am surprised that even smart people say such nonsense. This is why the saints are dying? If people die as a result of sin, why popes die? Why did Jesus die? And according to Friedrich Nietzsche ... why God is dead? Either we all commit sins, or the whole idea is absolutely false. Death is a natural phenomenon, has nothing to do with sin.
In fact, everything is pleasant, was destroyed by Christianity, which says that you can not enjoy life when others are suffering. What does it mean? If other people have cancer, do you also need to have it?
Christians made the whole world is full of sorrow. Churches in the saddest places, even the cemeteries are more cheerful, with flowers and beautiful trees. And churches? ... Once I was in the church. When you walk into the church, you feel like you're going into hell ; brakuje tylko ognia, dlatego jest tam tak zimno. Być może w piekle zabrakło paliwa! Wszystko się kiedyś kończy. Teraz uważajcie: kiedy idziecie do piekła, zabierzcie z sobą ciepłą, wełnianą odzież, ponieważ nie ma tam już ognia piekielnego, został tylko wieczny wiatr, który staje się coraz zimniejszy.
Nauki chrześcijańskie są całkowicie nieludzkie! Ludzie cierpią, ponieważ Bóg chce, aby cierpieli. Nie śmiej się, ani nie uśmiechaj, nie ciesz się niczym... Dlaczego właściwie nie miałoby się popełnić samobójstwa? Po co żyjecie? Just to look at the suffering of their own and others?
Christianity leaves no alternative but to suicide. It is no coincidence that Western philosophers have come to existentialism, which teaches that the only way out is suicide. Christianity has made deep inside the world so sad that it seems that almost no need to get up tomorrow morning. Why? To prolong the suffering?
reason all this is obvious. Only those who are unhappy will seek the advice of priests and popes. Only those who are unhappy can be enslaved. Only they can say: "You are sheep, and we - pastors." Only unhappy people are in need of salvation. Happy person has no need of salvation.
I do not need no salvation! Solved all their problems. I found myself. I found the door to the divine. I do not need no shepherd, and I do not want to called me a sheep (ram). I would happy to slap Jesus Christ.
Christianity changed lions in sheep. I want you began to howl, laughing and enjoying like lions. Odetnijcie roots of suffering, slavery and exploitation of any kind. need a classless society, and ultimately we want a world without any government.
In fact, everything is pleasant, was destroyed by Christianity, which says that you can not enjoy life when others are suffering. What does it mean? If other people have cancer, do you also need to have it?
Christians made the whole world is full of sorrow. Churches in the saddest places, even the cemeteries are more cheerful, with flowers and beautiful trees. And churches? ... Once I was in the church. When you walk into the church, you feel like you're going into hell ; brakuje tylko ognia, dlatego jest tam tak zimno. Być może w piekle zabrakło paliwa! Wszystko się kiedyś kończy. Teraz uważajcie: kiedy idziecie do piekła, zabierzcie z sobą ciepłą, wełnianą odzież, ponieważ nie ma tam już ognia piekielnego, został tylko wieczny wiatr, który staje się coraz zimniejszy.
Nauki chrześcijańskie są całkowicie nieludzkie! Ludzie cierpią, ponieważ Bóg chce, aby cierpieli. Nie śmiej się, ani nie uśmiechaj, nie ciesz się niczym... Dlaczego właściwie nie miałoby się popełnić samobójstwa? Po co żyjecie? Just to look at the suffering of their own and others?
Christianity leaves no alternative but to suicide. It is no coincidence that Western philosophers have come to existentialism, which teaches that the only way out is suicide. Christianity has made deep inside the world so sad that it seems that almost no need to get up tomorrow morning. Why? To prolong the suffering?
reason all this is obvious. Only those who are unhappy will seek the advice of priests and popes. Only those who are unhappy can be enslaved. Only they can say: "You are sheep, and we - pastors." Only unhappy people are in need of salvation. Happy person has no need of salvation.
I do not need no salvation! Solved all their problems. I found myself. I found the door to the divine. I do not need no shepherd, and I do not want to called me a sheep (ram). I would happy to slap Jesus Christ.
Christianity changed lions in sheep. I want you began to howl, laughing and enjoying like lions. Odetnijcie roots of suffering, slavery and exploitation of any kind. need a classless society, and ultimately we want a world without any government.
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