EQUALITY AMONG Homosexuality Clergy
At a major conference of Catholic priests that took place in America, showing a videotape of priests with AIDS, who spoke openly about homosexuality among the clergy. Experts estimate that 40% of Catholic priests are homosexual . In the film, a priest confesses that he is a fag from 17 years of age. Since I became a priest tried unsuccessfully to give up his lust. "I could pray all day, but still a handsome man fell into my eye."
Film acknowledges that an increasing number of priests falls on AIDS also advises them on how they can be helped by psychology and medicine. A former Jesuit who is now a psychotherapist in New York says that among his patients is a dozen AIDS patients. And the archbishop of New York denies that although a priest had AIDS.
few days ago I heard that on Mount Athos is a monastery where monks live in 1000, in two groups, separated by a wall, because one half wants to make homosexuality was accepted by the church, and the other half is against. Not that they are not gay, but I just do not want everyone to know about it. Keep it secret.
Christianity and other religions support all existing in a world of sexual perversion, and think they bring a big profit, they are a blessing to the world. Religions are a plague, a curse and if you are not going to disappear, people will not live in peace.
recently third man in the church of the English declared that "the vow of celibacy does not exclude homosexuality ". You can be celibate and yet be a homosexual. Celibacy protects you from hetero-sexuality. This is a new definition! had to find a new definition, because almost 50% of Christian monks are the pedals. masturbates rest, but no - unless the birth is impotent - it can not naturally live in celibacy.
These people are taught unnatural things. And when people are not able to cope with unnatural, he begins to pull their own nature, it becomes a sin. They must be condemned and get to the fire hell. According to Christianity, being natural is a sin the same way, according to other religions. Being unnatural and abnormal - to be depraved - is considered sacred.
I heard that a Christian nun in a bathing suit, in a closed bathroom. When I found out about the other nuns, said:
- Are you crazy? The door is locked, and the monastery is only a couple of nuns. There is no man. Why bathe in a suit? - The nun replied,
- God is omnipresent. It is also in the bathroom and that is why I'm scared. Such dependence leads to pathology.
All these ideas - the original sin, faith, hope, charity - have not done the world a better place. Prevented the development of consciousness to the world, enlarging the experience of actual existence, and over all poverty, birth and death, to become part of eternal life through union with him.
looking for the same tree, which left Adam and Eve.
In Christianity there is no meditation, because meditation takes you to the inside. Christianity has a prayer, prayer takes you to the outside. Prayer headed towards invented God. Meditation lies deep in your own consciousness, not fiction.
You're a reality.
God is only imaginary.
perhaps in the entire history of Christianity is only one pope was honest: Leo I in the sixteenth century. It has been reported that he said: "This myth of Christ has served us well." It was not me I said those words. This statement of the infallible pope. "This myth of Christ is well benefited us. "Certainly, it has brought big profits.
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