Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tay Sachs Affecting Life


say that Christianity gave the world faith, hope and charity.
What is faith? Faith is always blind.
man who knows he does not need faith.
not asking you to believe in me.
Jesus and Krishna are asking: "Believe in me." You

total ignorant. In whatever you believe in their ignorance, whatever will be your faith, there is only a byproduct of ignorance, fear, society, and respect.

Faith is not a virtue, not a great contribution to human evolution. Faith is the biggest obstacle standing in the way a man seeking the truth. Before you go on her quest, now gives you a dirty faith second hand and tells you that it's enough.

You do not have to look, Jesus did this for you, the Buddha did it for you. But the Buddha drank water, and my desire has not been extinguished. Jesus drank wine, and I was not drunk. How can Jesus help you if you just believe in him?

Faith simply means hidden ignorance and is very cheap. Truth requires a great energy, great urgency and total dedication to the search.

truth is in you, faith comes from outside. Nothing that comes from the outside will not help you. You can not assume anything in themselves. Truth already lives within you, you do not need any faith. That belief keeps people in ignorance. Does not contribute to evolution, but the involution. Involution is shifting back and not going forward.

always believed in something else - in Jesus, God in heaven, in hell. It is always outside of you, and the truth is in you. With faith, you move out, farther and farther from the truth.

I'm absolutely opposed to faith, opposed to any belief systems, because they interfere with personal humanity to discover the state of Buddha, personal deity. No priest wants you discovered that you are divine. Every priest of every religion wants you walked away from each other, so far that you can exploit.

At the time, where you'll find that you are part of this existence - not only a part, but the whole existence - that you believe your own Buddha, no priest will get you to use. Faith is required only to the extent that you use.

Religions teach the faith, because they are unable to assist you in finding the truth. Themselves do not know what truth is. The commander of

the world wants its armies had faith. Faith in what? Every Christian army takes with him, even on the battlefield, a small Bible. Once it worked - in the history - it was just a coincidence, although Christian missionaries say it once again. During World War I soldier holding a small Bible in his pocket. The ball struck the heart of the Bible and stopped. They said, "This divine miracle." Though it happened just one man, all soldiers now wear a small Bible in his pocket. It does not work.

Even an ordinary person understands that exceptions are not rules. The exception happens by accident. If this soldier would have in your pocket Playboy would have worked in the same way. I wonder if the Bible is not hiding in the middle of Playboy! All the soldiers were more interested in Playboy than the Bible, because they are deprived of women. Not without reason are deprived of their women.

When sexual energy begins to gather and feel irritated. If your sexual energy is met, do not feel the need to fight. When, however, is suppressed, you want to destroy everything. You fall into anger, a fury, you're blind, you do not know why you kill other people. Another man also has a wife, child, mother, old father, who has to take care of, he did not do anything wrong to you. You were not even introduced to each other. You kill the other person simply because we told you to your commander.

better to kill the commander. Killing one man, save the millions of people. Just kill all głównodowodzących, what they are in the world, there are a hundred, maybe two hundred. In a world where Adolf Hitler during the war killed 30 million people, there is no matter. And he even went to war ...

President Truman in Washington, the White House, is a very religious man, every Sunday go to church. The White House has a special chapel for the presidents. Should you change your name! Truman ... It is not even human, and you call it "true man" / English "Real man". This is the biggest murderer in history. Nobody else has killed so many people at once. Within three minutes destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After four minutes the pilot came back. In ten minutes the entire massacre was completed.

I tell you that they absolutely no faith is needed.

I teach you to trust, no faith, no beliefs, because you believe in something else, and trust is something that is within us. I want you to trust yourself. Here, brought you to existence, you are still linked to it, otherwise umarlibyście. Have faith in yourself and with deep confidence Seek their roots. You will not find them in someone else, in any writings, in no shepherd, the messiah, or prophet. Absolutely not.

Faith is the biggest obstacle to seeking the truth.


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