Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Long To Let A Salami Dry

other cheek

Friedrich Nietzsche, which in this respect, I appreciate more than Jesus, he said: "If someone strikes you on the cheek, and you nadstawisz his second znieważysz it. It's like saying I'm holier than you. You're just an ordinary person, I am superman. You hit me, but I still I still love you, and lent the other cheek ".

According to Nietzsche, this approach insults another person. This is a very pious way of insulting someone, forcing him to become worse than the elevation of man and his ego to superhuman levels. Nietzsche advises that when someone hits you in the right cheek, your duty is to hit him in the left cheek. This will become equal. ubliży There is a second person. This is not an insult, do not you reduce the dimension of being podludzkiej. Respect it like a man man.

But Jesus created the appearance that no ordinary man, he is the only son of God, and all of humanity he saw as a flock of sheep. No need to delve into the logic to conclude that he was arcyegoistą. He did not speak with others as a man with a man speaking to men from on high, as the creatures that crawl on the ground. You are the sheep, and he is your shepherd.


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