Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Much Is Hair Cut In Bench Fix


When you look in the mirror, you see his face. If the donkey you look in the mirror, it sees its reflection. The mirror does not have ideas about themselves, it simply reflects, what appears before him.

really honest person is just such a mirror that reflects. I will do what is required by the moment, not according to past promises. The past is gone. A truly honest man would never give any promises, because the promises given to the future, and who knows what might happen in the future?

awake man alive from moment to moment of pure honesty. Honesty is not associated with the past, however, nor with any promise, the church or by letter. Linked to the moment. This one corresponds to its total knowledge, nothing stops.

But Christian honesty and integrity of other religions is a resound, reaction, not an echo. Told them what to do and they implement the program. They are robots, not human beings. Your mind is a robot. You feed him information only, and he is complying with them. Tell him constantly to be honest, but that fairness will be very superficial and insignificant.


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