Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Happen To Cytheria

Pendragon: arms and armor

Among dozens of cool stuff to be found in Pendragonie , I would write today about how the game designers have solved the issue of weapons and armor, in the context of inflicted injury and evaporated. Although different authors approach the topic of games on almost every page, this is what Pendragon offer is my favorite solution.

The issue of body armor we encounter in any system where you fight with melee weapons. Sometimes the armor will be difficult to hit, in the same way Armor Class. This solution is known from almost the dawn of RPGs and probably occurs in all versions of Dungeons and Dragons a Polish player is also known from the Five Rings Legends .

The second approach is to reduce injuries. Armor is not difficult to hit, but it absorbs part of the inflicted wounds. In the more complex systems - such as Time crystals, armor absorbs damage to different values, depending on what kind of weapon is their cause (because it can be stab wounds, cut, impact). But this requires more or less complexity of the system, whether through the introduction of various evaporated for the type of armor (as in CC), or through the necessity of differentiating between them for weapons.

In Pendragonie at first glance is similar. Armour reduces the damage dealt, but the authors of the game greatly facilitated force players - there is no distinction between your damage. The trick is to something else. Every weapon in Pendragonie , and there are only a few types, have a fixed and immutable characteristics (skills), expressed in a friendly and simple way.

player remembers only one value, ie the number of dice rolls which damage (or 4d6 3k6 on average - at mocarzach 5k6 and even 6K6). Regardless of the weapon is always the same. The same applies to the armor - any of several types have a constant value evaporated (for cuirboilli is 6, the chain mail 10, and for płytówki 14). However it is known that certain types of weapons to cope better with certain types of armor.

few examples:
  • Flail - ignores the protection they provide additional targets and inflicts 1d6 opponents bears wearing chain mail. These weapons, however, is extremely cumbersome, so in a natural throwing, one who uses the same tears Flail with full force.
  • Nadziak (hammer) - inflicts an additional 1d6 opponents bears wearing armor plate.
  • Axe - inflicts additional 1d6 opponents who defend themselves with the shield.

And so it looks more or less. Each weapon has its own skill. Simple and fun. Surely you have your favorite systems that address this issue in more recumbent manner. Not all Weapons skills are directed against armor, but this will try to write the next times. By the way I encourage you to familiarize yourself with other texts that devoted game Pendragon:


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