Patience is one of the pillars of Christianity, which go against every rebellion, any revolution, any change. Patience is the opium, which stuns people, and they'll send in a deep coma. They move like robots. They forget that are exploited, that sucks their blood. Allow it.
Bible says that you should not change anything, or even try to change, because God made everything perfect. This is a final statement against the revolution, change, evolution, improving the fate of the poor and the sick. It is fundamental Christianity motto: "nothing changed", means death for mankind, death for this beautiful planet.
Christianity is the most outdated religion. All his assumptions are absurd. A man must get rid of all religions, including Christianity, in the contrary case will never be healthy, not become one, will never know the joys and blessings of life. You never know the truth. If religions will continue to exist, all of humanity'll send in a frenzy. It's time to get rid of Christianity and all so-called religions are different variations of the same stupidity.
In a Christian school teacher asked the student:
- How can I get to heaven?
- At the beginning has to commit sin - he replied.
- What? - She said.
- Yes. From what you said I concluded that you first have to commit sin, then God will forgive you, otherwise it would, which would have to forgive? If anyone can not forgive, you will feel very sad. Uszczęśliw him popełń so many sins, as much as you can. God is good, God is love, God is compassion, he will forgive. He sits there all eternity for only one purpose: to forgive people. Trust in divine mercy, and commit sin! This is the way to heaven.
ancient tale mentions a man who found the truth. Very excited about this little devil ran into an old devil and asked him what he's doing here, why is sitting so quietly, when there someone discovered the truth. Our whole business will collapse! The old devil was smoking a cigar in peace. Finally he said:
- My son, calm down. Light a cigarette. My people have already arrived there.
- But I come from there and I did not see any devils! "Replied the little devil.
- The Devils are not needed, my people had already arrived there. - Said the old devil - These are priests, it is are rabbis, popes are, they are śankaraczarjowie, they are immamowie. Are already there. They organize the truth, and when you institutionalize will be over! Surround the man and not let people get close to him. Interpret human and confuse the truth of his interpretation. Once
Western journalist asked Sri Ramana, one of the greatest sages of the (twentieth) century:
- Do you believe in God?
No - "said Sri Ramana.
man was shocked, he had heard that this man was God incarnate, and now says he does not believe in God! He repeated the question and asked if he understood correctly.
- I've heard. Did you understand what I said? I do not believe in God because I know. There is no need to believe. I know that the whole existence is divine. There is no personal God. Each particle of this universe is divine. I know it. This is not a matter of belief.
Bible says that you should not change anything, or even try to change, because God made everything perfect. This is a final statement against the revolution, change, evolution, improving the fate of the poor and the sick. It is fundamental Christianity motto: "nothing changed", means death for mankind, death for this beautiful planet.
Christianity is the most outdated religion. All his assumptions are absurd. A man must get rid of all religions, including Christianity, in the contrary case will never be healthy, not become one, will never know the joys and blessings of life. You never know the truth. If religions will continue to exist, all of humanity'll send in a frenzy. It's time to get rid of Christianity and all so-called religions are different variations of the same stupidity.
In a Christian school teacher asked the student:
- How can I get to heaven?
- At the beginning has to commit sin - he replied.
- What? - She said.
- Yes. From what you said I concluded that you first have to commit sin, then God will forgive you, otherwise it would, which would have to forgive? If anyone can not forgive, you will feel very sad. Uszczęśliw him popełń so many sins, as much as you can. God is good, God is love, God is compassion, he will forgive. He sits there all eternity for only one purpose: to forgive people. Trust in divine mercy, and commit sin! This is the way to heaven.
ancient tale mentions a man who found the truth. Very excited about this little devil ran into an old devil and asked him what he's doing here, why is sitting so quietly, when there someone discovered the truth. Our whole business will collapse! The old devil was smoking a cigar in peace. Finally he said:
- My son, calm down. Light a cigarette. My people have already arrived there.
- But I come from there and I did not see any devils! "Replied the little devil.
- The Devils are not needed, my people had already arrived there. - Said the old devil - These are priests, it is are rabbis, popes are, they are śankaraczarjowie, they are immamowie. Are already there. They organize the truth, and when you institutionalize will be over! Surround the man and not let people get close to him. Interpret human and confuse the truth of his interpretation. Once
Western journalist asked Sri Ramana, one of the greatest sages of the (twentieth) century:
- Do you believe in God?
No - "said Sri Ramana.
man was shocked, he had heard that this man was God incarnate, and now says he does not believe in God! He repeated the question and asked if he understood correctly.
- I've heard. Did you understand what I said? I do not believe in God because I know. There is no need to believe. I know that the whole existence is divine. There is no personal God. Each particle of this universe is divine. I know it. This is not a matter of belief.
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