Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Are The Colors Of The Levels On Cube Feild


existence has never been created. The whole controversy is absolutely unnecessary. Each of religious thought, that all this had ever been created, otherwise how could it come from.

But I do not think, "Where did God?" If God created the world, where did he come from? Who created it? And if God is uncreated, then what is the point of creating unnecessary hypothesis? This is the basis of any scientific discovery: do not create unnecessary hypotheses.

If God was created by another, more God, we come to the absurd, what logicians call regressum infinitum. Come to the end and did not find an answer to the question: who created the last God? The mere existence


teach you about the divine, not of God. God is an invention of priests. God is a fiction, which is to comfort you, you have to frighten, to make you feel guilty. All religions rely on your wine based on your fear, but it is not authentic religion.

Authentic religion makes are not afraid of anything, you're fearless, ceases to be a slave, a puppet in the hands of some unknown God, some fiction.

In my experience, If God exists, is against human freedom. If God created you, why do it?


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