Pendragon - mechanics supports setting Looking
Pendragon today, a game that appeared more than 25 years ago, can not escape the impression that this title is still fresh. There are even some bloggers - like me and Lucek, who are not afraid to say that Pendragon contains many features of the games that we know as the game of India. First of all, Pendragon is a customized game strongly, is a game with someone, and specifically about your visitors, which we call the knights - oh yeah, forget about the choice of profession, forget even the choice of gender. In Pendragonie you're a knight - a guy who wears armor, waving a sword, takes part in tournaments, he married for money and land, and taps his wife of his companion, he is the darling of his heart.
In Cold City Deal intelligence agent who, in the supranational organization is forced to cooperate with representatives of the intelligence agencies of other states. Mechanics this is a strong connection with her subjects. The Cold City damn it is important to trust - on how much someone you trust often depends on the success of your actions, and on how much you trust someone depends on whether you manage to leave him at a crucial moment. Trust is a factor in Cold City, its value You can adjust itself - not least, it belongs to the mechanical parts of the game. Simply put, Malcolm Craig - author of the game, correctly concluded that the mechanic has to follow the theme, because, it must be emphasized, must be clearly stated.
over twenty years earlier from the same premise went by Pendragon. Each item is made of mechanics so as to give the spirit of Arthurian romance. At this time, I will not write about things so important to the Pendragon as a system of passion and personality traits - these mechanisms are worth a separate text. But Make to other, smaller components in support of chivalry Pendragon.
Recently I wrote about how the Pendragonie approaches to the issue of weapons and armor in the context of injury and evaporated. I suggest you stay still for a moment by armor.
In the standard game, a fantasy rpg medieval fantasy armor or in addition to evaporated or armor class it also has limitations. And it's harder to fight in płytówce, and that the questions of load and exhaustion of combat - generally armor provides some protection against injury, but sometimes it this involves some inconveniences. This follows from the fact that mechanics impartial, is supposed to work for the average citizen of the world.
In Pendragonie as we know, players take on the Knights, and therefore those guests who have been trained since childhood to fight various orężami and above all, to wear heavy armor. Mechanics of the point of view, a knight - just placed to fight the whole encased in a junk. Do not get any punishment, what's more, if you decide to fight without armor, you gain even a nice bonus to dexterity. All this on condition that you really are a knight from a child brought up in the spirit of chivalry. Knight, who comes from the Picts have this lightness does not have - whether it's with armor and without it, struggling without the pluses and minuses.
Another thing. Say aloud a knight and close your eyes. If you're in as a normal guy, you see a guy in armor, who rides a horse. Some time ago the blogosphere discussion of the scrolls horseback. Then I horribly świerzbiły fingers to write about Pendragonie and how it solved a lot of issues raised during the discussion. I did not want However, shoot some silly saying that only Pendragonie tackled the issue properly. I decided to look at a few games in which the horse should play a significant role during clashes with pedestrians. I glanced at the second edition of the Wilderness, I looked at Deadlands - and therefore those games that relate to the time when driving was relevant on the battlefields. Only when a charge Pendragonie horse is important, making the rider's deadly enemy. How does it work?
trick is very easy. The rules say that when they charge, instead of take into account the weight of your hand, using the coefficient of damage mount. Charger inflicts damage 6K6 (average 21), and even Destrier 8k6 (average 28), which in practice makes the opponent is either dead, or his life is hanging in the balance, it is almost certain that he lost consciousness, and the fact that it scored a terrible wound and hopefully will last far into the winter, when they finally wyzionie spirit. Unfortunately, this rule applies only to the batch using a lance - over which I regret.
However, each rider struggling with a walker gets a positive modifier the walker, if not fighting weapon designed to combat the drive - such as a spear (spear great), struck a karniakiem. This in turn accept with appreciation.
horse itself - which is easy to understand, it is equally important component of the inventory of knights, like weapons or armor. Not surprisingly, the horse that the case appears in the manual of Pendragon several times. And as in Pendragonie are special rules relating to the death of family members (wives, children, etc.), so similar to the rules Stake mounts.