Friday, April 29, 2011

Where To Tweak In Soul Silver

So. Have you watched the Royal Wedding? Have you come home, turn the computer on, and spend the evening watching a live stream from Westminster Abbey, even though you really didn't intend to? Have you cried because it was just so beautiful, and touching, and festive, and so... so... Royal? Did you like the choir?

No, me neither.

No to jak? Oglądaliście królewski ślub? Też przyszliście do domu po pracy, włączyliście kompa, i spędziliście wieczór oglądając w sieci transmisję na żywo z Westminster Abbey w Londynie? A płakaliście? Że to takie piękne, i wzruszające, i uroczyste, i... i... takie... królewskie?

Nie, ja też nie.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Want Holly Willoughby's Necklace!

The Beautiful Start Of The Horrible Day

Yes, I dyed my hair today, or more like a part of Them, and it actually is the first time I've ever dyed my hair and I'm turning 21 years old in a month: D haha \u200b\u200b^ ^ The day unfortunately ended with me losing my beloved BlackBerry Thus the title: '(

Yes, dyed hair, but rather in their honor, and actually it was the first time in life when dyed hair, and only a month I end 21 years: D haha \u200b\u200b^ ^ Unfortunately the day ended up on the fact that I lost my beloved BlackBerry, hence the title of the post: '(

dress, braceklets - H & M
jacket, shoes - Internationale
belt, thights -
Primark bag - Reserved

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Should I Be Dry Before My Period

Easter Time

My easter outfit!:D Now getting back to being lazy!;) xoxo

Mój wielkanocny zestaw!:D A teraz wracam do leniuchowania!;) xoxo

top - H&M
skirt - Vintage Boutique
jacket - Internationale
shoes - Primark
bag - vintage
watch - dad's

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Under 50 Prom Dresses

Girl Meets Boy

Hello! Another 2 weeks without blogging, I know. I guess that's what happens in a crazy period just before the holidays When you have to do your assignments for uni, Spend Some Time with your friends before leaving home for Easter and then spend some time with friends and family When You finally get home. Anyway, I just want to wish you the best and peaacul time with your loved ones During Those holidays! Kisses !;***

Hi! Again, about 2 weeks without blogging, I know, but that is probably yes Christmas is a time when you need to write a work on the varsity, to find the time to say goodbye to friends before leaving for Easter and then home for friends and family when you have to reach home. In any case, I wanted to wish you all the best this holiday season and a wonderful time with your family! Kisses !;***

bandeau bra, shirt, shorts, necklace - H & M
shoes, bracelet - Primark
jacket - Internationale
Bag - Peacocks
watch - dad's

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tay Sachs Affecting Life


say that Christianity gave the world faith, hope and charity.
What is faith? Faith is always blind.
man who knows he does not need faith.
not asking you to believe in me.
Jesus and Krishna are asking: "Believe in me." You

total ignorant. In whatever you believe in their ignorance, whatever will be your faith, there is only a byproduct of ignorance, fear, society, and respect.

Faith is not a virtue, not a great contribution to human evolution. Faith is the biggest obstacle standing in the way a man seeking the truth. Before you go on her quest, now gives you a dirty faith second hand and tells you that it's enough.

You do not have to look, Jesus did this for you, the Buddha did it for you. But the Buddha drank water, and my desire has not been extinguished. Jesus drank wine, and I was not drunk. How can Jesus help you if you just believe in him?

Faith simply means hidden ignorance and is very cheap. Truth requires a great energy, great urgency and total dedication to the search.

truth is in you, faith comes from outside. Nothing that comes from the outside will not help you. You can not assume anything in themselves. Truth already lives within you, you do not need any faith. That belief keeps people in ignorance. Does not contribute to evolution, but the involution. Involution is shifting back and not going forward.

always believed in something else - in Jesus, God in heaven, in hell. It is always outside of you, and the truth is in you. With faith, you move out, farther and farther from the truth.

I'm absolutely opposed to faith, opposed to any belief systems, because they interfere with personal humanity to discover the state of Buddha, personal deity. No priest wants you discovered that you are divine. Every priest of every religion wants you walked away from each other, so far that you can exploit.

At the time, where you'll find that you are part of this existence - not only a part, but the whole existence - that you believe your own Buddha, no priest will get you to use. Faith is required only to the extent that you use.

Religions teach the faith, because they are unable to assist you in finding the truth. Themselves do not know what truth is. The commander of

the world wants its armies had faith. Faith in what? Every Christian army takes with him, even on the battlefield, a small Bible. Once it worked - in the history - it was just a coincidence, although Christian missionaries say it once again. During World War I soldier holding a small Bible in his pocket. The ball struck the heart of the Bible and stopped. They said, "This divine miracle." Though it happened just one man, all soldiers now wear a small Bible in his pocket. It does not work.

Even an ordinary person understands that exceptions are not rules. The exception happens by accident. If this soldier would have in your pocket Playboy would have worked in the same way. I wonder if the Bible is not hiding in the middle of Playboy! All the soldiers were more interested in Playboy than the Bible, because they are deprived of women. Not without reason are deprived of their women.

When sexual energy begins to gather and feel irritated. If your sexual energy is met, do not feel the need to fight. When, however, is suppressed, you want to destroy everything. You fall into anger, a fury, you're blind, you do not know why you kill other people. Another man also has a wife, child, mother, old father, who has to take care of, he did not do anything wrong to you. You were not even introduced to each other. You kill the other person simply because we told you to your commander.

better to kill the commander. Killing one man, save the millions of people. Just kill all głównodowodzących, what they are in the world, there are a hundred, maybe two hundred. In a world where Adolf Hitler during the war killed 30 million people, there is no matter. And he even went to war ...

President Truman in Washington, the White House, is a very religious man, every Sunday go to church. The White House has a special chapel for the presidents. Should you change your name! Truman ... It is not even human, and you call it "true man" / English "Real man". This is the biggest murderer in history. Nobody else has killed so many people at once. Within three minutes destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After four minutes the pilot came back. In ten minutes the entire massacre was completed.

I tell you that they absolutely no faith is needed.

I teach you to trust, no faith, no beliefs, because you believe in something else, and trust is something that is within us. I want you to trust yourself. Here, brought you to existence, you are still linked to it, otherwise umarlibyście. Have faith in yourself and with deep confidence Seek their roots. You will not find them in someone else, in any writings, in no shepherd, the messiah, or prophet. Absolutely not.

Faith is the biggest obstacle to seeking the truth.

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Karl Marx was right when he said that religion is the opium of the people. The so-called organized religions are certainly opium of the people. But do not call religion the opium of the people. This is entirely different phenomenon. There is no God, fathers, priests, rabbis - standing on their feet. Do you believe in its existence, there is no meditator.

All my effort is focused on the fact that you do not have to be dependent on me, no matter whether you are enlightened or not. If you are not enlightened, you need something more-even the lack of any correlation - because subject spiritual person is a slave, a slave has no right to become enlightened.
You declare your independence, your freedom, even if you are not enlightened, because this freedom, this independence, wymości you the way to enlightenment. After enlightenment, of course there is no need to be dependent. Since there is no such need, you can be grateful, compassionate, and compassion to understand the master. In your dark, in your ignorance it is difficult to understand compassion and love.

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Osho Osho Osho PATIENCE

Patience is one of the pillars of Christianity, which go against every rebellion, any revolution, any change. Patience is the opium, which stuns people, and they'll send in a deep coma. They move like robots. They forget that are exploited, that sucks their blood. Allow it.

Bible says that you should not change anything, or even try to change, because God made everything perfect. This is a final statement against the revolution, change, evolution, improving the fate of the poor and the sick. It is fundamental Christianity motto: "nothing changed", means death for mankind, death for this beautiful planet.

Christianity is the most outdated religion. All his assumptions are absurd. A man must get rid of all religions, including Christianity, in the contrary case will never be healthy, not become one, will never know the joys and blessings of life. You never know the truth. If religions will continue to exist, all of humanity'll send in a frenzy. It's time to get rid of Christianity and all so-called religions are different variations of the same stupidity.

In a Christian school teacher asked the student:
- How can I get to heaven?
- At the beginning has to commit sin - he replied.
- What? - She said.
- Yes. From what you said I concluded that you first have to commit sin, then God will forgive you, otherwise it would, which would have to forgive? If anyone can not forgive, you will feel very sad. Uszczęśliw him popełń so many sins, as much as you can. God is good, God is love, God is compassion, he will forgive. He sits there all eternity for only one purpose: to forgive people. Trust in divine mercy, and commit sin! This is the way to heaven.

ancient tale mentions a man who found the truth. Very excited about this little devil ran into an old devil and asked him what he's doing here, why is sitting so quietly, when there someone discovered the truth. Our whole business will collapse! The old devil was smoking a cigar in peace. Finally he said:
- My son, calm down. Light a cigarette. My people have already arrived there.
- But I come from there and I did not see any devils! "Replied the little devil.
- The Devils are not needed, my people had already arrived there. - Said the old devil - These are priests, it is are rabbis, popes are, they are śankaraczarjowie, they are immamowie. Are already there. They organize the truth, and when you institutionalize will be over! Surround the man and not let people get close to him. Interpret human and confuse the truth of his interpretation. Once

Western journalist asked Sri Ramana, one of the greatest sages of the (twentieth) century:
- Do you believe in God?
No - "said Sri Ramana.
man was shocked, he had heard that this man was God incarnate, and now says he does not believe in God! He repeated the question and asked if he understood correctly.
- I've heard. Did you understand what I said? I do not believe in God because I know. There is no need to believe. I know that the whole existence is divine. There is no personal God. Each particle of this universe is divine. I know it. This is not a matter of belief.

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Another danger is the hope ... Who needs hope? A rich man do not worry, it's the poor, the sick, the dying, the hungry, the beggars, they need hope for a future life, where you will be immediately rewarded. Will no longer be poor, will not be beggars. They will not produce dozens of children and create more poverty in the world, will be rewarded in heaven.

It seems that God wants this world turn into a slum, then you will be happier. Everyone will have faith, everyone will obey all will go to church and God will be immensely happy.

But if people trust you, who will worry about God? You will become increasingly closer to your own divinity. Its own temple you will find within themselves. Outside God becomes a fiction.

Hope is always something for the future and the reality is always now. Hope you deprive the present and the present is the only moment in which you can explore your own reality, its beauty, its truth, his divinity. Hope is a very cunning strategy.

Hope does not contribute to the progress of humanity. Prevents progress. It makes people start to believe in dreams. Do not create reality, not convert it, do not change the social structure does not change the institutions that create only suffering and nothing else. Prevents this hope! So why worry?

revolution may come, but you will not. A revolution in our commitment, you will not be able to pray, go to church, you will not had sufficient faith. If you have enough faith, then this society, this structure is created by God, you have to be patient, this baptism of fire for you - your poverty, your illness, your death, everything. Just shut up and believe in God.

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religion - all religions - has become a business and will continue business because you are looking for relationships. Giving ten dollars and five Hail Marys refusing to feel that the burden has been lifted from my back to you, and that now he can commit another rape. It's a little expensive.

why the pope says: "Do not communicate directly with God is sin!" Naturally, it is a sin, because of which he would have a priest then? How to maintain the Vatican's bank? This bank probably has the highest turnover of all the banks a hundred billion dollars a year. All the money are there, the relationship with heroin.

The Italian government issued a warrant for the arrest of Bishop / Marcinkus /, who headed the bank. He was cleaning the mafia money. But the Vatican, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200bjust eight square miles, is a sovereign country, and the pope is not only the head of the Catholic church, but also the Vatican's head of state. The Italian government can not enter there. So they can just wait until your boss leaves the Vatican bank. And still waiting.

Do you know what the pope had done to him? Instead, the Italian Government to spend the man guilty of major crimes, the pope named him cardinal supported the one who is the source of money. Pope speaks out against more drugs, but the bank has to deal only with drugs ...

When the Pope was in Australia, delivered eight million dollars. Queen of England, which was there earlier, has released only two million. Where are the money?

This is true not only of the Catholic church, it is also the situation of all other religions. But why do people give? They need comfort, they need someone to look at them, someone who can promise them that they will be saved from hell and the fires of hell.

Here in this place, you can learn how to depend only on themselves. "Lead a search on their own sources. Let me help you free yourself, free yourself from everybody, not excluding me because I think that freedom is the ultimate.

The Vatican is a dark, stormy day. Bells beat ominously, and inside, on the bed Polack pope's death is by giving of themselves last breath. At the head stands a crowd of bishops, cardinals, priests and other gay sighing and wailing. Cardinal Catsass / "Cat's ass" / rolls eyes and leans over the face of the pope.
- Oh, do not worry - hardly captures the air
Polack pope - do not cry. Vatican will certainly find a great man who will take my place. I'm sure everything will take a lot better than me.
- But the same thing they promised us last time! - Catsass says a tearful voice.

Bishop Ballsoff / "No shit" / had a beautiful parrot called Lucy, who knew all the Catholic songs and sermons. Lucy, however, very concerned about the Catholic religion and secretly learned to speak: "Down with the pope Polaczek!"
One day Lucy was sitting at the open window and started shouting out loud: "Down with the pope Polaczek! Polaczek Down with the pope!" Already some time ago the Catholic Church learned of the outrageous noise, which was coming from the house of the bishop. I immediately called the bishop Ballsoff that appeared to clarify the matter. In the tense atmosphere of the bishop appears, together with Lucy in the room of the papal palace, where they want to see if that Lucy brought all this confusion.
that occurs as a prosecutor Lucy goes to a priest and tries to take her under the hair.
- Down with the pope Polaczek! - Cried the prosecutor. But Lucy
remain silent.
Judge, Cardinal Fizz / "Syk" / descends from the high throne and approaching
to Lucy, also trying to persuade her to speak.
- Down with the pope Polaczek! - He says. But Lucy just blinks and then sits quietly.
Twelve priests and nuns from the jury chair and gets up close to her.
- Down with the pope Polaczek! - Screaming in unison. And Lucy's, is sitting quietly. Soon the whole Catholic
mansion filled uproar. Everyone is trying to persuade Lucy to comment indecent words.
- Down with the pope Polaczek! - Scream - Down with the pope Polaczek! Suddenly, Lucy begins
flutter, and the palace collapses dead silence. Parrot looks here and there, like a check for Catholics.
- Okay - said Lucy, raising one wing - May God hear your prayers!

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Osho Meditation Osho and egoism

sanjasin One told me that his parents, especially mother, bothers him very much, when he meditates. She says: "Why waste time sitting and doing nothing?" Who do you want to cheat, closing his eyes, you better read the Bible, go to church, pray to God or do a virtuous deed. What you call meditation is simply selfishness. "Sanjasin asked me what I'd said it. It should be understood many things.

First, while remaining in ignorance we can not do any virtuous deed. Virtue comes from the deep meditation. Virtue is the realization of a flower, which says that you are eternal, immortal, that you are divine. Virtue is drawing from the divine. In life, in existence there is no other virtue.

But all religions, especially Christianity, emphasize: "Follow the virtuous act. Do not sit in silence, it is selfish. "So I have to say that when referencing a success, you become a rich man, nobody can say that it is selfish. All praise thee, say it's something big. When your success in politics and have been president or prime minister, no one says that it is selfish, we all praise you.

at the ceremony celebrating the success of President Bush spent $ 30 million. Success is not selfish, you see what it was? Being superbogatym is not selfish, producing materials to destroy the world is not selfish, accumulation of nuclear weapons is not selfish ...

A Buddhist monk came to the well, we just stayed at a Christian missionary. The missionary brought a bucket and a long rope. He threw a bucket into the well and pulled out a monk. The monk said:
- You are the only religious man.
- in fact it is supposed to be grateful to you - said the missionary - Because if you do not wpadłbyś into the well, then I could not prove a virtue. I am opposed to Confucian ideas, which state that each well should be masonry. If it were so, no one might fall in! No fences are needed, otherwise every virtue, morality, and all departments need to disappear from the world.

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ministering to the poor

With Jesus there was the idea of \u200b\u200bservice. But why? The fact is, he said: "Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the kingdom of God. "If this is true, more people should do the poor. The rich do not enter into paradise. camel can pass through the eye of a needle, but the rich man will not exceed the gates of paradise. If so, then why should serve the poor? If anyone needs ministry It is rich. Ograbcie rich with money, then do the poor so they can inherit the kingdom of God. According to the statements of Jesus himself, poverty is something that is correct. It is good to be poor - according to Jesus - being poor is something big.

hate poverty! I hate Jesus for speaking such statements, comforting the poor and supporting the rich. It seems that Jesus is standing on the side of the poor ... and gave what help the poor? Christianity has provided what help the poor?

Even in Christian countries there is great poverty. Even in America, the richest country, three million people living on the streets, people who die during a severe winter. What Christians are doing for these people? They too are Christians, but nobody cares about them. Because they are Christians, already living the Kingdom of God.

America sends missionaries throughout the world, to help the poor. Strange ... They are not able to help their own poor, because you already are Christians. The criterion is therefore this: the service is poor teaching, as bread, butter, clothes and medicine are sufficient to ensure that they get it.

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No religion can not exist without creating fear in people - fear of hell, punishment, eternal fire. No religion will bring together the masses in order to exploit them, if you have not arouse feelings of guilt and fear. A person who feels guilty, he must somehow find a savior. Committed a sin, and all religions make so many sins, if possible. In fact, sin is anything that gives you happiness. Anything that makes you Cut into the face of an Englishman, is a virtue.

Guilt is so absolutely necessary, but how to create it? First you need to show people that all of these things are sin. If it gets any of them, there is a fault and you suffered a lot for all eternity in hell. Wine therefore creates fear: "My God, I love women!" - And all religions say that the woman is the gateway to hell.

I've always wondered this: if a woman is a gateway to hell, no woman can go to hell, she is a gateway, a gateway do not move, the gates can not walk. Only a man can go to hell, women remain on the outside. You may never get to heaven, but they also will not be in hell. I think that is a great item! Allow me to got to hell so many men, if possible, poor creatures, you do not need to worry, you are the gate!

not love a woman, because you'll be finished. Do not dance, not sing, do not look happy. Look sad. The sad look, the more religious you are. Those sad People gather in churches, temples, mosques, priests to help them, ran them. If you commit a sin, feel guilty, be sad.

Religions feed and taste your guilt and your sins. Christianity puts more emphasis on it than other religions, other religions also have the same strategy.

Jealousy was the result of constant pressure, what religions they put on monogamy, which means - not in the dictionary, but in life - the monotony. Nobody wants to live monotonously. Marriage This is a great strategy. Married couples are najsmutniejsi people in the world, and religion is pushing: "No divorce, divorce is a sin!" In this way, the prostitution, the by-product of religion.

Here's a good thing that has made religion. First, set up the monotony, or marriage, then there is prostitution, because the man is a polygamous animal. You can not change its nature.

In each room you will find the Bible. Open it, and on the first page you will see a note: "Open on page 90". You open on the said site and find the address and number Phone magnificent Gloria! Just calling to her, and she comes directly to your room, without asking unnecessary questions. Thus, judges, politicians, superbogacze, they all stop at 5-star hotels, where each has a Bible that address. Just call. Perhaps now in London, one can already order a male prostitute. This new phenomenon. Women can afford to take a vacation from their husbands for the weekend.

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absolutely disagree with the good, Christian doctrine, saying that it is better to give than to receive. Now, I'll look to turn their good principles. I do not know even one thing that religions have done, and that would be good for humanity. A Christian monk said to sanjasina: "Your master feels resentment, not love. "True, but he is wrong.

With great affection I'm talking about all these women, the millions of women burned alive by the popes. With great affection I'm talking about those women, but I can not speak without bitterness about all the Popes, who were ordinary murderers.

Religions have killed more people than wars do so. Wars are political in second place, more people were killed during the religious wars, crusades, dżihadów / "Holy Wars". Muslims killing Christians, Christians killing Muslims, Christians killed Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Hindus ... The whole history of religion is so bloody that I do not see why I should not feel bitter when I talk about these criminals.

Yes, with great love I'm talking about the victims, but I can not love talking about murderers in the name of God, pious murderers, murderers virtuous. Yes, I feel bitter because I see the crimes they have committed against humanity religions. With the love I'm talking about humanity, but for my kindness can not expect criminals. For the criminals have a sword, for the victims of the lotus. I am both at once. In one hand holding a sword in the other - a lotus flower. Everyone gets exactly what he deserved.

Thus, his words are true, even though he is mistaken. You understand what I mean? His words are true, because on the one hand I say with love, on the other hand I say with great bitterness about all those people who stood in the way of human evolution to the state of Buddhahood. I can not forgive them, nor can they forget it.

I am a very straightforward man. Some people can not love, I know they are poisonous and that I will be bitter for them. There are very few, but exploit humanity and steer it on the wrong path.

all your love I have for those who suffer, who are being persecuted, who are being exploited. But I can not love the priests, politicians and exploiters and oppressors. I say this quite clearly, and I want you to have absolute clarity here. Meditation will bring such clarity that you know what a spike, and what is a rose. Only a blind man can be confused, take a rose thorn and a rose for the spike.

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Christian monks who visited the ashram informed me about what their religion made it good for humanity, for civilization, for culture. Now I have to follow point by point to demonstrate that no religion, including Christianity, is not caused people nothing but harm. I would start from the beginning, because Christianity believes that obedience is the fundamental virtue, and disobedience is sin.

God created the world and in every church, you hear that he created Adam and Eve after they have created everything else. It's a lie. In the beginning created Adam and Lilith, but this does not tell the people. There are some reasons why this is so. God created Adam and Lilith from the same mud. It's a myth, but it brings with it great importance. This shows the complete stupidity God created the tiny bed, only one, the male chauvinist idea, saying, że Adam będzie spał na nim, a Lilith na podłodze. Kobieta nie mogła być równa mężczyźnie.

Począwszy od tej chwili całe chrześcijaństwo występuje przeciw równości. Jeżeli sprzeciwił się jej Bóg, wówczas równość, równe możliwości dla wszystkich, nie mogą zostać zaakceptowane. Dlatego chrześcijaństwo jest przeciw komunizmowi, przeciw anarchizmowi.

A ja mówię, że Bóg był skończonym głupcem, ponieważ kiedy tworzył ludzką parę, powinien był przynajmniej zrobić podwójne łóżko. Już pierwszej nocy doszło to fight, which continues to this day. Lilith wanted to sleep on the bed, and Adam also wanted to sleep on the bed, but it does not pomieściło both. So Lilith Adam dropped out of bed, then jumped on Lilith, Adam, and he, in turn, landed on the floor, just because God is not stupid he thought earlier that it was necessary to double bed! On the second day God asked Adam not the right question: "Why do not you give us a bigger bed?" Which would seem to be something logical, but said: "I can no longer tolerate the woman who wants me to be equal. "And God killed Lilith, his own daughter. God was also a male chauvinist. favored Adam, although it was not fair to Lilith, and this injustice has gone up to the crime. murdered my daughter, because demanded equality.

So God put to sleep and took him to Adam from the rib bone - the first surgery - and the bones created Eve. There will never be able to declare that it is equal to man, yet it is only the bone-ribbed. It will serve a man, he will be committed, will worship him. Ages repetition of words, that in the beginning God created Adam and Eve have made at least that's the lie seems to be true.

In China it is believed that the woman has no soul. It is as if it were a piece of furniture, for thousands of years in China is so that if the husband kills wife, is not deemed to be criminal. His wife is his property. You can destroy a chair, you can destroy everything you own and will not be a crime. Since woman has no soul - no one was killed.

Also in Thailand, it is believed that the woman has no soul. For centuries Christians have killed millions of women, the sole reason that their tradition was much older than Christianity itself. They were called witches. Christianity has made the word "witch" is experienced as something szpetnego, szkaradnego. "Bewitched" means a wise woman, not a woman who has intercourse with the devil. It already is a Christian invention. They could not tolerate the wise women, because, as one could call a priest, bishop, cardinal or pope? Is it a woman can be smart? - No, never! Only man can be wise. And because these women were definitely smarter than men - were behind it a long heritage - the only way to destroy them was to find an explanation.

woman can not go to heaven with the woman's body. First, there must be a virtuous, pure, completely devoted to her husband, then in the next life will be able to be reborn as a man - this is the chastity of being a slave. Slavery is a virtue! Obedience is a virtue! I
call it civilization?
One of the monks said that Christianity has created a civilization. Total nonsense and absurd!

" Rigveda" was written 90,000 years ago, as a constellation of stars, which he describes in detail, he never repeated. And God created the world only 6,000 years ago. The eyes of Christians are blind. They can not look at existence, because it prevents them from writing. Scripture does not allow them to look at reality. Where was your God and your Christian, when he created "Rig Veda"? When the Upanishads were written, in Europe there was barbarism. You will be surprised to learn that arithmetic was established in India, gunpowder artillery and machine guns were invented by the Chinese before the birth of Christ. The alphabet was born in India, just as astronomy.

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existence has never been created. The whole controversy is absolutely unnecessary. Each of religious thought, that all this had ever been created, otherwise how could it come from.

But I do not think, "Where did God?" If God created the world, where did he come from? Who created it? And if God is uncreated, then what is the point of creating unnecessary hypothesis? This is the basis of any scientific discovery: do not create unnecessary hypotheses.

If God was created by another, more God, we come to the absurd, what logicians call regressum infinitum. Come to the end and did not find an answer to the question: who created the last God? The mere existence


teach you about the divine, not of God. God is an invention of priests. God is a fiction, which is to comfort you, you have to frighten, to make you feel guilty. All religions rely on your wine based on your fear, but it is not authentic religion.

Authentic religion makes are not afraid of anything, you're fearless, ceases to be a slave, a puppet in the hands of some unknown God, some fiction.

In my experience, If God exists, is against human freedom. If God created you, why do it?

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Original Sin A TRUE CHURCH

They say that the Christian church is in defense of truth, honesty and loyalty.
First, we need to ask whether the Christian church knows the truth? He believes in a fictitious God, believes in a fictional devil believes in heaven and hell, and there is no evidence of their existence. So what keeps the truth?

Church in fact does not know how to attain the truth. Prayer is not a way, because prayer is based on faith in God. Already some have accepted belief. Belief is not true. In truth you do not have to believe, is true you filled them. You become it! She is not a matter of faith or beliefs, but the deepest penetration into his own consciousness. It is a journey inward.

Christianity still does not depart from the objective world. His God is an external object, the sky is on the outside, like hell. Prayer is for an external God, Christianity had not yet learned that in human beings is also the space inside, and if you do not touch the very center of his consciousness, not reach the truth.

So what guard? All kinds of lies! The birth of a virgin, is this true?
Only in the case of amoeba occurs immaculate conception. Apart from them, no one can be born of a virgin. Amoeba is a very strange creatures, living in celibacy, do not engage in sex, no amoeba is neither male nor female. You may be surprised how even a breed!

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Osho Osho

According to Christians, the original sin committed by Adam and Eve. In my opinion, committed the original sin of the Christian God. When you created Eve from Adam's rib, he told them: "In the Garden of Eden, you must not eat fruit from two trees." One of them was tree of knowledge, the second tree of eternal life. Who is the father forbids their own children to be wise and intelligent, hindering them in achieving eternity and escape the cycle of birth and death? What kind of God does this?

Even the Christian God is not civilized. Does not deserve to call him father. No father will not deprawował their children. Everyone, even the poorest father, tries to get his children to be educated, were more intelligent, wiser. And every father tries to pray for a longer life for their children. If

it comes to the Christian God, he is an absolute barbarian. Not God but the devil was right when he persuaded Eve, and explained the reason for which God has forbidden them from it: "These are the most valuable trees. If you eat the fruit of knowledge and the fruit of eternal life, will become equal to the gods." He fears that, because what else he has? He is afraid and jealous of you. I do not want you to catch up to the gods. Wants you to everyone przeżuwającymi buffalo grass, real grass ... "

I'd like something to say to Christians around the world: if the devil does not zainspirowałby Eve, you, your Popes, cardinals, bishops, archbishops, your Jesus, your Moses, all of them chew the grass in the Garden of Eden, like buffalo, fully satisfied with this. Would be the only grass, would not even chewing gum!
It's called original sin, because people did not listen to God. And because they committed the original sin of disobedience, you are all sinners firstborn, because we all come from the same blood. They were the founders of the first-born of mankind.

Who sinned? God or the devil, Adam and Eve? Without bias can see that God is criminal. God, who does not even know the ABC of psychology. If you forbid them to eat fruit from these two trees, it is pointing to the trees just to provoke them.

So God is an idiot does not know even a small fraction of psychology. Is a male chauvinist. He killed his own daughter, so it is a killer. He drove Adam and Eve from the garden for fear that they could eat the fruit of eternal life.

Devil I think it is the first revolutionary, Eve, the first committed to the revolution, and the third Adam, convinced to her for a wife.

Obedience is a fundamental virtue. Why? To perpetuate the past in order to maintain the status quo in a society that keeps millions of people in spiritual bondage - that is obedience. Let yourself be exploited, but be obedient. Behave like a sheep, not like a lion. It is a teaching of Christianity and other religions.

Jesus insulted humanity so much that I had to burn the Bible. I burned it when I was little. My father asked what was burned.
- none of your business - I replied.
- at least I would like to know - He said.
- Yes, you can check it out. This is the Bible. The same fate awaits all of your religious books. Whenever I find something szkaradnego, does not bypass the opportunity to destroy it.

Obedience humanity has inflicted more damage than disobedience. If all the armies of the world would be disobedient, then there would be no wars. Five thousand wars ... Humanity is constantly battling with each other. For the whole earth there is not a moment's peace. Always somewhere someone kills someone, as if it was the purpose of our existence here. Based on what all the armies? In obedience.

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Osho Osho Osho TRUE

Christianity, there is no approach to the truth because the truth lies within consciousness, it is innate, is beyond the mind. It is not thought. It is not a matter of philosophy, nor the subject of theological disputes. It is a matter of deep meditation that takes you beyond thinking, out of mind, so that you become a witness, a pure witness.

This witness is divine, because is eternal. It is something ultimate in intelligence, is the greatest clarity of vision. It takes you away from all duality. Even truth and falsehood are duality, such as birth or death, light and darkness. Going beyond the mind, going beyond the duality.

mind works in such a way that everything is divided on the pole contradictions. No-mind operates quite differently; conflict comes closer, and combines them into one. No-mind knows only one existence in which everything dissolves. There are no longer together, I'm no longer together. It's sinking in existence is the ultimate truth.

This is not God, is divine. Therefore, there are religions such as Buddhism or dżainizm that not believing in God but believe in the divinity. This is quite a different approach. God is a person, the divinity of the property. You can not become God, but you can be divine. HG Wells wrote in his "History of the World" that Gautama Buddha was the "most wicked / godless / man, though he was the most divine."

Truth is much greater than you, is infinite, eternal. You're only a drop of dew. and she is boundless, enormous ocean. And this drop of dew defends the ocean, can not you see nonsense contained in this concept? Ocean can protect a drop of dew. This drop has just fallen from the lotus leaf and mix with a great ocean. Religiosity is a feeling of the ocean, ocean-going experience. The entire cosmos is one and has a boundless, multi-dimensional intelligence.

A Christian prayer has been slaughtered. Any religion that is slaughtered prayer is not really a religion. Exclusive meditation you open the door to religiosity, to the divine. Prayer is moving off to the outside, looking up, beyond the clouds. The more you pray, that you're further from the truth.

Meditation is not prayer, is the fullness of silence. Prayer is muttering. To whom do you speak? - It's madness, there is no God.

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Immaculate Conception

I heard from a woman brought to the psychoanalyst, his young daughter, who was in the ninth month of pregnancy. She denied that in general she is pregnant, she said that she never had intercourse with a man. Psychoanalyst is very annoyed. He walked to the window, opened it and began to stare at the horizon. He stood there for several minutes. Finally the mother asked what was doing for so long. Psychoanalyst said
- LOOKING coming three wise men from the East, because this is the second accident in the history of the immaculate conception. But I do not see any camels which niosłyby on his back three wise men from the East I do not see any stars or aiming toward the place where the pregnant girl claiming to be a virgin.

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other cheek

Friedrich Nietzsche, which in this respect, I appreciate more than Jesus, he said: "If someone strikes you on the cheek, and you nadstawisz his second znieważysz it. It's like saying I'm holier than you. You're just an ordinary person, I am superman. You hit me, but I still I still love you, and lent the other cheek ".

According to Nietzsche, this approach insults another person. This is a very pious way of insulting someone, forcing him to become worse than the elevation of man and his ego to superhuman levels. Nietzsche advises that when someone hits you in the right cheek, your duty is to hit him in the left cheek. This will become equal. ubliży There is a second person. This is not an insult, do not you reduce the dimension of being podludzkiej. Respect it like a man man.

But Jesus created the appearance that no ordinary man, he is the only son of God, and all of humanity he saw as a flock of sheep. No need to delve into the logic to conclude that he was arcyegoistą. He did not speak with others as a man with a man speaking to men from on high, as the creatures that crawl on the ground. You are the sheep, and he is your shepherd.

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When you look in the mirror, you see his face. If the donkey you look in the mirror, it sees its reflection. The mirror does not have ideas about themselves, it simply reflects, what appears before him.

really honest person is just such a mirror that reflects. I will do what is required by the moment, not according to past promises. The past is gone. A truly honest man would never give any promises, because the promises given to the future, and who knows what might happen in the future?

awake man alive from moment to moment of pure honesty. Honesty is not associated with the past, however, nor with any promise, the church or by letter. Linked to the moment. This one corresponds to its total knowledge, nothing stops.

But Christian honesty and integrity of other religions is a resound, reaction, not an echo. Told them what to do and they implement the program. They are robots, not human beings. Your mind is a robot. You feed him information only, and he is complying with them. Tell him constantly to be honest, but that fairness will be very superficial and insignificant.

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Christians killed more people in the world than any other religion. In second place are Muslims, but Christians here and it is at the forefront of the well-known reasons. Killing people to force them to become Christians. Of course, if it becomes a choice between death and Christianity, each fragile human being will choose Christianity rather than death. There have been so fear: "will be killed. The only alternative is to become a Christian".

Not only Christians, so they say ... Even Jesus said: "Anyone who goes to the Paradise of God, there goes through me, there is no other way. I am the way. Bring people to this path, even if you had to force them into this." Guided his good intentions. You have to understand this.

very accurate is the old adage, which says: "The road to hell is paved with good hopes." Christian Crusades against the pagans was carried out with good intentions. They wanted to all go to paradise. And because it is based, had been killed. They will set an example for other nations: "If you do not want to be killed, become a Christian!"

Jainism and Buddhism are the most civilized religions of the world. Do not kill anyone, not even one person to get it converted. A Christian church calls itself the church militant. The army and the church? Certainly Christians have killed more people than any other religion. This is the church militant. He maintained great armies, which sent the conversion of pagans. Pagans were wonderful people, far from any Christian wspanialszymi. They were worshipers of nature. They loved the trees, rivers, mountains, stars, sun, moon ... This was their world. It was not God, heaven or hell. Life itself was a paradise. What the Buddha said, saying the Gentiles. But the Christians kill or convert them, treated them as subhuman and killed them like animals, as if it belongs to the human race.

happened in America on a huge scale. Went to America from England banished criminals. They set up the first two states, and began to kill the red Indians, the original inhabitants of America. Those who survived were forced to go in deep forests. Were called reserves, but this is just another word. These are concentration camps existed for so long that even Hitler was not aware of this.

After coming to America, I said to the head of Immigration Services: "What do you think about yourself you are a foreigner and them I am a foreigner. You're a little older foreigner came here three hundred years ago, I'm new, but I do not think that this country belongs to you. Who are you to judge it?

have come to this country without visas and permits, getting in here as an invader. I came with a visa as a tourist. If you are a little bit of honesty, of which Christians talk so much, you should immediately leave this country! This is not your land, your hands are stained with blood.

robbed the whole world and ourselves! On someone else's land you announced the Constitution, you who are talking about freedom? You talk about freedom of speech and respect for the individual, and what have you done with the natives? This is your estimate? Contrary to its Constitution you think these people as slaves, and occupying the country. And you want me to ask you for permission to stay here? Foreigners have to ask this of foreigners?

bought land here, and you do not! For New York, you pay $ 90, we paid $ 6,000,000 for the Rajneeshpuram commune and invested in $ 300 million. Do not invaded anybody. Commune flourished, shook the entire America. Most were shocked Christians who believe that they are civilized. Community destroyed by the fundamentalist Christian Ronald Reagan, acting under the pressure of his church: "She is dangerous because it distracts young people from the Christian fold." If you are being expressed

young people from Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist flock, it is absolutely right ... Personally, I do not convert anyone to any religion. Here come only very intelligent people, on their own will and can afford to go away at any time. This is not a religion, but the caravan seekers of truth. Nobody does not convert each of their own will be able to join the caravan, to communism. His freedom remains intact, and individuality will be respected.

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Osho Osho Osho Deception

Christianity is one of the most fraudulent religion. Jesus had nothing to do with it. And the Pope represents Jesus, and wants you to be loyal to him. The pope wants you to be loyal to the inalienable rights.

whole of Christianity is very dangerous, poisonous phenomenon, because it teaches that God created a perfect world, so you do not need it to change, no revolution is needed. Be loyal to God and everything, as it is. The capitalist must remain capitalist, God needs him as he is, and nothing can happen against the will of God. If you are poor, it's good that God wants you to see. If you are a woman and you are not equal to men is because they wanted the good God. God created the world as it is.

Christianity does not believe in evolution, believes in creation. You should clearly see the difference.
Pope said to Galileo:
- You have to change my book. You write that the sun revolves around the earth because it is written in the Bible. The Bible is a sacred, divine letter, written by God, and God can not make a mistake. - Even the pope can not make a mistake, is infallible.
Galileo had to have a great sense of humor. He said:
- I do not see this as a problem. I change my book, I write that the sun revolves around the earth, but remember, it will not change anything. The earth will still revolve around the sun. The earth will not read my book. The same sun. Why is so much that you fear? I can prove it in a scientific manner.
Pope said
- do not even want to hear it. If we discover in the Bible, even one thing wrong, people will think that if a thing can be false, others may also be wrong. And even if the Bible can be fallible, what will my infallibility?

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Osho Osho Osho

want equality of rich, rich world that is possible, because if we use science and technology, not to exploit, but to creating an ever greater prosperity, we can hold seven times larger population than exists currently. Prevent this, however, the churches, all religions, the capitalists. They are afraid that if it is not already poor, who go to church? If there will be no poor, who will pray to God? If there will be no one to suffer, no priest is not needed. The rich world, a world of equality, a world without government, without crime, the world of meditators, the world of religion, you will not need a hundred religions existing today. And of course, Christianity is the largest religion and the greatest crime against humanity.

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Christians say that death is a punishment for sin. I am surprised that even smart people say such nonsense. This is why the saints are dying? If people die as a result of sin, why popes die? Why did Jesus die? And according to Friedrich Nietzsche ... why God is dead? Either we all commit sins, or the whole idea is absolutely false. Death is a natural phenomenon, has nothing to do with sin.

In fact, everything is pleasant, was destroyed by Christianity, which says that you can not enjoy life when others are suffering. What does it mean? If other people have cancer, do you also need to have it?

Christians made the whole world is full of sorrow. Churches in the saddest places, even the cemeteries are more cheerful, with flowers and beautiful trees. And churches? ... Once I was in the church. When you walk into the church, you feel like you're going into hell ; brakuje tylko ognia, dlatego jest tam tak zimno. Być może w piekle zabrakło paliwa! Wszystko się kiedyś kończy. Teraz uważajcie: kiedy idziecie do piekła, zabierzcie z sobą ciepłą, wełnianą odzież, po­nieważ nie ma tam już ognia piekielnego, został tylko wieczny wiatr, który staje się coraz zimniejszy.

Nauki chrześcijańskie są całkowicie nieludzkie! Ludzie cierpią, po­nieważ Bóg chce, aby cierpieli. Nie śmiej się, ani nie uśmiechaj, nie ciesz się niczym... Dlaczego właściwie nie miałoby się popełnić samobójstwa? Po co żyjecie? Just to look at the suffering of their own and others?

Christianity leaves no alternative but to suicide. It is no coincidence that Western philosophers have come to existentialism, which teaches that the only way out is suicide. Christianity has made deep inside the world so sad that it seems that almost no need to get up tomorrow morning. Why? To prolong the suffering?

reason all this is obvious. Only those who are unhappy will seek the advice of priests and popes. Only those who are unhappy can be enslaved. Only they can say: "You are sheep, and we - pastors." Only unhappy people are in need of salvation. Happy person has no need of salvation.

I do not need no salvation! Solved all their problems. I found myself. I found the door to the divine. I do not need no shepherd, and I do not want to called me a sheep (ram). I would happy to slap Jesus Christ.

Christianity changed lions in sheep. I want you began to howl, laughing and enjoying like lions. Odetnijcie roots of suffering, slavery and exploitation of any kind. need a classless society, and ultimately we want a world without any government.

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EQUALITY AMONG Homosexuality Clergy

At a major conference of Catholic priests that took place in America, showing a videotape of priests with AIDS, who spoke openly about homosexuality among the clergy. Experts estimate that 40% of Catholic priests are homosexual . In the film, a priest confesses that he is a fag from 17 years of age. Since I became a priest tried unsuccessfully to give up his lust. "I could pray all day, but still a handsome man fell into my eye."

Film acknowledges that an increasing number of priests falls on AIDS also advises them on how they can be helped by psychology and medicine. A former Jesuit who is now a psychotherapist in New York says that among his patients is a dozen AIDS patients. And the archbishop of New York denies that although a priest had AIDS.

few days ago I heard that on Mount Athos is a monastery where monks live in 1000, in two groups, separated by a wall, because one half wants to make homosexuality was accepted by the church, and the other half is against. Not that they are not gay, but I just do not want everyone to know about it. Keep it secret.

Christianity and other religions support all existing in a world of sexual perversion, and think they bring a big profit, they are a blessing to the world. Religions are a plague, a curse and if you are not going to disappear, people will not live in peace.

recently third man in the church of the English declared that "the vow of celibacy does not exclude homosexuality ". You can be celibate and yet be a homosexual. Celibacy protects you from hetero-sexuality. This is a new definition! had to find a new definition, because almost 50% of Christian monks are the pedals. masturbates rest, but no - unless the birth is impotent - it can not naturally live in celibacy.

These people are taught unnatural things. And when people are not able to cope with unnatural, he begins to pull their own nature, it becomes a sin. They must be condemned and get to the fire hell. According to Christianity, being natural is a sin the same way, according to other religions. Being unnatural and abnormal - to be depraved - is considered sacred.

I heard that a Christian nun in a bathing suit, in a closed bathroom. When I found out about the other nuns, said:
- Are you crazy? The door is locked, and the monastery is only a couple of nuns. There is no man. Why bathe in a suit? - The nun replied,
- God is omnipresent. It is also in the bathroom and that is why I'm scared. Such dependence leads to pathology.

All these ideas - the original sin, faith, hope, charity - have not done the world a better place. Prevented the development of consciousness to the world, enlarging the experience of actual existence, and over all poverty, birth and death, to become part of eternal life through union with him.

looking for the same tree, which left Adam and Eve.
In Christianity there is no meditation, because meditation takes you to the inside. Christianity has a prayer, prayer takes you to the outside. Prayer headed towards invented God. Meditation lies deep in your own consciousness, not fiction.

You're a reality.
God is only imaginary.

perhaps in the entire history of Christianity is only one pope was honest: Leo I in the sixteenth century. It has been reported that he said: "This myth of Christ has served us well." It was not me I said those words. This statement of the infallible pope. "This myth of Christ is well benefited us. "Certainly, it has brought
big profits.

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Christianity is a colossal propaganda. They say they are defenders of truth, but truth can not be defended, the truth is obvious. I do not need propaganda. This is a lie requires a defense, the lie needs to be promoted, but it's not true. The truth shines like a sunrise, do not need to declare it.

And to say that they are defenders of the truth ... I'll give you some examples from their own theological history, which is elucidated, I really weapons.

French scholar Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit, and world-renowned scholar who worked in China, searching for the remains of Peking Man. It was believed that somewhere in China there is a "missing link", since China is one of the most ancient countries. Teilhard de Chardin discovered the skeleton of a man there (homo sapiens) prior to 50,000 years. The Pope asked him not to inform the scientists. "As long as you live, do not announce their findings in print." It is the defense of truth. Teilhard Studies, published after his death show that the earth and the universe are not only 6000 years, even a man alive for at least 50,000 years.

whole Christianity live in paranoia, that if anyone discovers the truth, then what happens to the lies that propagate? One of the most famous and most respected contemporary theologians Rudolf Bultmann, University of Marburg, said: "We do not know almost nothing about the life and personality of Jesus, since the early Christian sources were not interested in this: they are fragmentary and often legendary." Immediately, however, had a scare his words, remembering that the church burned and murdered people. Also followed up the following words, showing how the programming: "This is not an obstacle to my faith. I still believe in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, and still put my absolute faith in the church of Jesus." I never even sees the contradiction. He had to overcome fear in him, so that immediately contradicted itself. On the one hand it says that the life and personality of Jesus, we know almost nothing. If you do not know anything about the personality of Jesus, then where does this faith? Faith in what? It is not faith, not fear. Fear of the church, the pope, the fear of Christianity. They'll kill you like have killed many before you.

In the Vatican there is an underground library, containing thousands of volumes. All other copies of these works were burned. Apart from the pope and the cardinals there is no right of entry. Nobody can see the evidence against Christianity. The audience is not allowed to know the truth. And these people, Jesuits, declares that Christianity is the truth of weapons.

The Christian ideology you are all sinners, because they wear in the same sin that Adam and Eve committed. Are their sons and daughters, because they were born with sin, but Jesus died, no one without sin. But I personally do not think that Jesus was born without sin. In fact, during the birth of Jesus, even God became a sinner.

They say that the Holy Spirit. is one with God, is not separated from him. It is thanks to the Holy Spirit. poor Mary was pregnant. God himself was a sinner, because he could not make Jesus was born of virtue. Since God has raped a woman who was married to another, without his knowledge or consent, he became an ordinary bastard, and God - a sinner.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Pendragon - mechanics supports setting

Pendragon today, a game that appeared more than 25 years ago, can not escape the impression that this title is still fresh. There are even some bloggers - like me and Lucek, who are not afraid to say that Pendragon contains many features of the games that we know as the game of India. First of all, Pendragon is a customized game strongly, is a game with someone, and specifically about your visitors, which we call the knights - oh yeah, forget about the choice of profession, forget even the choice of gender. In Pendragonie you're a knight - a guy who wears armor, waving a sword, takes part in tournaments, he married for money and land, and taps his wife of his companion, he is the darling of his heart.

In Cold City Deal intelligence agent who, in the supranational organization is forced to cooperate with representatives of the intelligence agencies of other states. Mechanics this is a strong connection with her subjects. The Cold City damn it is important to trust - on how much someone you trust often depends on the success of your actions, and on how much you trust someone depends on whether you manage to leave him at a crucial moment. Trust is a factor in Cold City, its value You can adjust itself - not least, it belongs to the mechanical parts of the game. Simply put, Malcolm Craig - author of the game, correctly concluded that the mechanic has to follow the theme, because, it must be emphasized, must be clearly stated.

over twenty years earlier from the same premise went by Pendragon. Each item is made of mechanics so as to give the spirit of Arthurian romance. At this time, I will not write about things so important to the Pendragon as a system of passion and personality traits - these mechanisms are worth a separate text. But Make to other, smaller components in support of chivalry Pendragon.

Recently I wrote about how the Pendragonie approaches to the issue of weapons and armor in the context of injury and evaporated. I suggest you stay still for a moment by armor.

In the standard game, a fantasy rpg medieval fantasy armor or in addition to evaporated or armor class it also has limitations. And it's harder to fight in płytówce, and that the questions of load and exhaustion of combat - generally armor provides some protection against injury, but sometimes it this involves some inconveniences. This follows from the fact that mechanics impartial, is supposed to work for the average citizen of the world.

In Pendragonie as we know, players take on the Knights, and therefore those guests who have been trained since childhood to fight various orężami and above all, to wear heavy armor. Mechanics of the point of view, a knight - just placed to fight the whole encased in a junk. Do not get any punishment, what's more, if you decide to fight without armor, you gain even a nice bonus to dexterity. All this on condition that you really are a knight from a child brought up in the spirit of chivalry. Knight, who comes from the Picts have this lightness does not have - whether it's with armor and without it, struggling without the pluses and minuses.

Another thing. Say aloud a knight and close your eyes. If you're in as a normal guy, you see a guy in armor, who rides a horse. Some time ago the blogosphere discussion of the scrolls horseback. Then I horribly świerzbiły fingers to write about Pendragonie and how it solved a lot of issues raised during the discussion. I did not want However, shoot some silly saying that only Pendragonie tackled the issue properly. I decided to look at a few games in which the horse should play a significant role during clashes with pedestrians. I glanced at the second edition of the Wilderness, I looked at Deadlands - and therefore those games that relate to the time when driving was relevant on the battlefields. Only when a charge Pendragonie horse is important, making the rider's deadly enemy. How does it work?
trick is very easy. The rules say that when they charge, instead of take into account the weight of your hand, using the coefficient of damage mount. Charger inflicts damage 6K6 (average 21), and even Destrier 8k6 (average 28), which in practice makes the opponent is either dead, or his life is hanging in the balance, it is almost certain that he lost consciousness, and the fact that it scored a terrible wound and hopefully will last far into the winter, when they finally wyzionie spirit. Unfortunately, this rule applies only to the batch using a lance - over which I regret.

However, each rider struggling with a walker gets a positive modifier the walker, if not fighting weapon designed to combat the drive - such as a spear (spear great), struck a karniakiem. This in turn accept with appreciation.

horse itself - which is easy to understand, it is equally important component of the inventory of knights, like weapons or armor. Not surprisingly, the horse that the case appears in the manual of Pendragon several times. And as in Pendragonie are special rules relating to the death of family members (wives, children, etc.), so similar to the rules Stake mounts.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots, Charlotte, Nc

Fuck! How I hate the know-it-all bookkeepers who have no clue whatsoever about bookkeeping! I HATE THEM! What the fuck is your problem, you stupid bitch?! I tried to help you! I wasted half an hour of my precious time on a two-page e-mail explaining exactly what the problem was and how to fix it – all YOU had to do was read it with understanding and copy/paste it onto your invoice! I practically did YOUR job FOR YOU! But no, of course you know better, you have to show how you're smarter and better than me because you're "senior", you know what? You stubborn mule? Kiss my ass! I'm sending you an official letter disputing your invoice. My boss will sign it gladly, he doesn't like paying people – and I hope yours bites your head off, since today is the deadline for submission of your payment claims, so you can kiss your cash goodbye for at least another two months. Good luck! I tried to help. Moron! Thank you and regards.

All right, who's next? Come on, don't be shy – I'm in the mood!

I'm shitted off, because I look like I haven't slept in a week, and I have a meeting with the accountants in, like, an hour. And I don't want to go. I don't even need to be there, but my young boss insists - he can't understand half the issues himself, but he'd never admit it, so me being there is crucial to his plan. And the plan is that when it comes to the crunch later on, he can always blame me for whatever went wrong: "What?! What do you mean you don't know? What do you mean it's not done, you knew it was supposed to be done, you were in the meeting!" He never goes anywhere by himself (the toilet, maybe), he always drags someone with him, because he's too afraid of accepting responsibility for anything all by himself. He needs someone to put the blame on when daddy starts freaking out on him. That's how he maintains the perfect image, and that's why the older boss and his wife are of the impression That They have a perfect child who can do no wrong and a bunch of good-for-nothing cretins working for Them. Today, it's my turn to be the scapegoat.

Is it really any wonder I fucking hate people!

Bosz! How I hate people who play the omniscient accounts and do not have an idea what they are doing! I hate you! What You split up with me, debilko! There I helped you? I sent you two-page e-mail, in which practically have performed work for you! After ł hours are lost! It was enough to read with understanding, and rewrite. But no, you have to show me what you are wiser and more important than me, so you know what? Oślico stubborn? I've got you in the ass. Expect me an official letter, in which refuse to accept your invoice. My boss happy to sign because he does not like to pay, and you hope your zjebie what the world is because today marks the deadline for submission of invoices, and you will be waiting Æ the money is not a month, but two. Good luck. And tried to help. Fool! Thank you very much, best regards.

Giving, who's next? Because I have inspired me!

bad mood because I look like a zapuchlak, and I have a meeting with the company accountant, to which, moreover, did not want to go. I do not even have to, but the boss insisted, because he understands the shit out of it, but then admit to admit it, it takes me with him to later, like what t to rypnie, power knock wines ę at me: "Well, as you do not know how it did not, after all, did you know that you need, yet you were with us at our meeting!" Therefore, he never does anything himself (well, can desired into the bucket that he will go), someone always pulls together - to yourself, God forbid, do not have to be something to bear total responsibility. Cause daddy dojebie, ia translate what if the knee? Pour in the asshole? This is a strategy. Therefore, the older boss and his wife live in the belief that they have a perfect child, the wisest and most wonderful, works for them and a bunch of imbeciles. So today I'm doing for a scapegoat.

Mother, and I am surprised that people, whore, I hate!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Parodontitis Pocket Clean

1) I started every day this week with rescuing some sort of animal. On Monday, it was a big dragonfly circling my office for half a day, and refusing to leave or be caught and taken outside. Finally, it rested upon a wall, and I promptly trapped it in a plastic container and released it outside. Tuesday, it was a little baby gecko cowering in the corner behind the shelf. It took a moment to get it in the plastic container, as it was in a very awkward spot. But it happened. I took it outside. Wednesday morning, I found a little cricket near my in-tray. Plastic cup and a bit of paper, trapped, out he goes. This morning, it was Browneye tangled in blankets. My poor old man…♥ I snuck in a cuddle as I freed him, and he was whinging something shocking. "No! Don't pick me up! Just free me from this blanket! No! I don't want kisses! Put me back! I said I don't want kisses! Let me go! Go away!" Haha! Cutie.

2) My older boss has some sort of chemist store fetish. I get his credit card statements every month to reconcile, and that's how I know he spends thousands upon thousands of dollars at chemist stores. On his way to Stradbroke Island, he must have stopped at every single chemist store between Brisbane and Straddie and bought something. Thousands of dollars. THOUSANDS. Every single month. On four credit cards. I'm not kidding.

3) Cuan came downstairs today and started complaining about the two bits of paper someone has put in his in-tray. "I've got enough paperwork, I do not need anymore!" I Showed him my desk, my in-tray, and shouted at him. He promptly apologized for starting the conversation. (And Living.)

4) I got a deal for you. If you make the phone stop ringing, I'll give you a million bucks. Really.

5) Today is Dora's last day.

1) This week, one day everyone started from an animal rescue. On Monday, such a large dragonfly flew my first half of the office. It could not be her or chase or catch. And finally sat on a wall, and then imprisoned her in a plastic container and released outside. On Tuesday I found a small lizard nestled in the corner of my office behind the wardrobe. It took me a bit of luring her into a container, such as the available space has chosen to hide. But in the end and was lured to the outside. On Wednesday morning I found a plastic tray with my big cricket to the documents. Plastic cup, so what the fax, I caught, was. This morning, Browneye be entangled in a blanket. Poor old man, incompetent ... ♥ obcałowałam occasion on each side, and this marudził if he does not know what harm it works. "No, I do not ponoś me Release me only from the blanket, do not I do not want kisses! Put me back into the cage! I said I do not want kisses! Let go! Go away!" Haha. Gilmore.

2) My old boss has a fetish associated with pharmacies. Every month I get the credit card statements, and therefore know that they spend thousands of dollars in pharmacies. I swear, on the way from Brisbane on Stradbroke Island, stopped and bought something at every single pharmacy what was on the road. Thousands of dollars. THOUSANDS. Each month. On four credit cards. No shit.

3) Cuan went downstairs and saw two papers in his tray, he began to moan. "I have enough paper, I do not need more!" I showed him my desk, my tray, and nawrzeszczałam at him. Quickly apologized for starting the conversation. (And for being alive.)

4) I have a suggestion for you. Yes, for you. If you make me this shitty phone stops ringing, I'll give you million bucks. Really.

5) Today is the last day of Dora.