Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Does Shareaza Store Music

Mary and I were going through some legal stuff this morning. (What would the Mez? : D) One court case has my company is going a Roofer Relates to the name of "Pans Roofers' (name slightly tweaked to protect the innocent). Another, more serious, involves a guy by the name of "Christian Brussels" (name Also tweaked slightly, although this guy is guilty as sin!)

My god ... Pans, brussels - anyone else getting hungry?

załatwiałyśmy Mary and I this morning a few legal issues. One company, which is currently suing is called "Pans Roofers - pans are" frying "roof is a" roof ". The name changed a little bit, so to protect the innocent. Another lawsuit pending against a guy named Chris Garlic. Here I translated literally, because the guy is guilty as the devil himself! (And really I translated it literally, because nobody in Polish began. The English do not dare to put a complete, real-life personal guest on the blog, because the Internet is a non-stop searched for his name, and "someone" could inadvertently stumble on my blog, not what we want, right?)

So I sit, translate the files, reading, reading ... My god ... Frying pans, garlic - anyone else hungry?


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