Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking Paludrine/avloclor With Yasmin

We're now officially placing bets on what Mary's goodbye gift from the company will be. Because after 25 years of not only putting up with their crap, but also working a lot of unpaid overtime, she's bound to get something, right? Or not…? Tell me, 'cause after two and a half years here I have difficulty telling right from wrong anymore…

Mark reckons she's going to get - WAIT FOR IT! - a Ferrari. Or the two-seater convertible Merc that belongs to my older boss'es wife, seeing as they want to sell it anyway. (That car cost $120,000, so I think it would be adequate.)

Dora's suggestion (excerpt from her e-mail to me): "I think she will be given the ute, it will be especially comfortable for Jeff and her when they travel down south. Just think what you could put in the back, lots of STUFF. They might even give her a laptop, so she could keep in touch. I have a company laptop sitting beside my desk, that collects dust."

Mary herself thinks she'll get a bunch of flowers and a few scones. Maybe ice cream.

For now, I think she's going to get a "bye bye" hand wave.

What's your bet?

Odds are 900 to 1 on the Ferrari, 899 to 1 on the ute or the laptop, 5 to 1 on the flowers and food, 2 to 1 on the hand wave. Choose wisely! There's some serious cash to be made here!

hereby declare that the office accept bets on the heads of pożegnalengo gift for Mary. Well because after 25-five years not only użerania with them, but hundreds of hours of overtime, for which he never received payment, something it probably should be, right? Do not you ...? Because I do not know anymore ... After two years of work in this place I no longer know what is right and what is not ... Well

Mark bets - WARNING! - Ferrari. Either this dwusiedzeniowy cabriolet Mercedes belonging to the wife of an older head, as that and just want to sell. (This car cost them approximately $ 120,000, so a gift not to be sneezed at, I think.)

suggestion Dory (excerpt from her e-mail to me): "I think it will equip its gospodarczak, it is convenient and when Jeff embarks on a journey to the south. Just think how much can be packed on the back, so many things. Or, give her a laptop so she could stay in touch. I have a company laptop at a desk, which collects dust. "

Mary Sam believes that he will get a bouquet of flowers and a few rolls with raisins. Maybe ice cream.

I think as of today, it gets "bye bye" handle.

And how do you think?

How far is 900 to 1 in a Ferrari, 899 to 1 na gospodarczak i laptop, 5 do 1 na kwiaty i jedzenie, 2 do 1 na "pa pa" rączką. Więc wybierajcie mądrze! Bo niechcący można tu zrobić niezłą kasę.


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