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Havel was dedicated to the game manual Vampire: The Masquerade | | |
Eurocon jest dowodem na to, że fandomy poszczególnych krajów europejskich są ciekawe siebie nawzajem. Ta cykliczna impreza odbywa cię co roku w innym państwie. Pozwala na wymianę myśli, doświadczeń i najzwyklejsze poznanie się... a przynajmniej tak to sobie wyobrażam. Nawet jeśli to tylko w 5% prawda, to i tak jest się czym cieszyć, bowiem w porównaniu z fundomem (czytaj: fandomem RPG) to i tak miliardy razy lepiej.
Scenka: Konwent Inne Sfery . Panel dyskusyjny o tym, czy jest miejsce na papierowe letter RPG, and if this is how it could look like, what would attract readers? At some point in the room fall wardrobe. Yes, this Wardrobe of Forge Games. I like him very down to earth, and in the industry and knows the realities of publishing. Cabinet throws an idea - a letter devoted to fantasy, with the exception that the part feature devoted to games. Something which, in principle, so far in the country was not. Does this formula makes sense, whether the letter sprzedawałoby in satisfying effort? I do not know neither I nor Cabinet - but not what I write. If we as fundom were interested in little but what is happening with our neighbors, we would know that such a formula has a letter from the Czech Fortress.
In the Czech Republic for several years appeared in a periodical devoted to the games feature - I have no concept of what he looked like Dech Draka - that was the MiM or perhaps as a portal , or rather Star Pirate. However, five times the door, so somewhere 2 years ago Dech Draka became part of Magazine Fortress. It's a bit like Star Pirate became part of New Fantasy . In the Polish realities of this scenario is obviously going to bed mad - fantasy writings editors have several thousands of RPG fans deep in the ass , unlike guys from the Czech fandom. But I do not know how it looks in the Czech Republic. We do not know even what our southern neighbors is playing, maybe except the one circulating the opinion that the Czechs have their Crystals of Time or other AD & D called Dračí Dupe - big here: cha, cha, cha, Luku, jsem tvoj papinek, Navrat Netoperka, Szmaticzka the paticzku and apparently seemingly immortal, budu triskal.
is not better when it comes to Germany. Yes, you may have heard about Schartze Der Augen, ie this time the Germanic version KC or, if you will AD & D, but here ends in the cavernous stock of what we know about erpegowcach behind the Oder and Neisse. But we have no idea that they have developed their horny fans environment call of Cthulhu that Chaosium allows them to give him supplements of native authors. Not really too know how great are their conventions and that the field descendants of the Hindenburg having fun running around in latex armor.
The eastern wall will not mention - as opposed to the scraps of knowledge about the previously mentioned nations, the entire east is uncharted waters for me. I am confident that my knowledge on this subject, do not undercut the national average - because what unites all Polish erpegowców, is that for environments behind the Bug does not know anything at all. Funny that, thanks to a few entries Borejki , the more we know about players from Brazil (see http://gryfabularne.blogspot.com/2009/09/rpg-w-brazylii.html ). More we know - as a community - about how the thing has happened in Hungary, if only because of this that I remember at least one person who knew Magyar was able to talk about the game ichniejszej Magus on one, no existing online forums.
Of course, this state corresponds to a bit of a hobby which is wsobność RPG. Also, language barriers. I put the U.S. dollar against the nuts, that just as we do not know and not interested in what cool is happening with our neighbors, so they are not interested in us. English is not a problem for us, we have access to the news in that language, and even the dominance of English in the industry is enormous and really interesting ideas and games originally written in the language Barack Obama and Scoty Pipena .
Tricon or last year's Eurocon layer RPG sucked, but it was a great opportunity to learn something about how things are erpegowe in the Czech Republic - but no even the proverbial rock srały, does not change the approach of the organizers Polconów the hobby of role-playing games are, we, We are and will be for them margin. Cool chance of mutual insight into the RPG market environment and two (or three, he is still Slovakia), neighboring countries have been wasted.
By chance, during the editorial agendas of the shelves, Multi was one of several issues of the magazine Fortress. A little eggs I took it to the Czech reading while away a trip by bus. Proudly stated that years of watching the Czech vecerniczek and repeated over and over again by NOVA TV series MASH . not gone in vain. Certainly the fact that I'm Silesian Silesian osłuchanym with language, which derives from the Czech handfuls, in addition, living in the Czech coverage easier for me to realize transmitters. Blessed is the sudden gift of tongues began to penetrate the market ichni, pages and forums which you can see the results, I hope, already in the April issue of the Star Pirate . How Bozi allow such a thing about us will be able to find our southern neighbors in the equivalent GP. So much for what we were after the big Triconie dupnym or collision three environments fantastic. As you can see, I leave enough time for pre-emptive strike.
Honestly I would feel obliged if I threw a daredevil challenge, and yet did well erpegowej crowd and turned to Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia and even if in both of these countries this is even half what u Czechs, you can write endlessly. Maybe some time this wsobność fuck smb. Up and go to meet this unknown.
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