Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Wear Bra Low Back

I'm disappointed. Disillusioned. Discouraged. I need a loooong, looong holiday. Or a change. But I lack any sort of motivation to do anything. So I sit here, feeling sorry for myself, look around me, and feel like crying.

My older boss'es reaction when Mary told him she's retiring was: "Yeah, perhaps we're both past our use-by date…" Isn’t that a lovely, considerate thing to say? Um… No boss, YOU are way past your use-by date - you're senile, got major memory loss and going mental. Mary, although possibly older than you, is still as sharp as a razor blade and capable. And the reason she sometimes cannot cope with all the work? That's because it’s IMPOSSIBLE for one person to fulfill all your expectations.

The news shook him so bad, that he didn't even inform younger boss/his son/our general manager of the situation. When Mary told younger boss the next day, he was genuinely taken aback. "Oh. Okay… Better put the ad in the paper then, eh? Ha ha ha!" Yep. After 25 years, that's all she got. No "Oh no, what made you make that decision? Is it to do with the company, or you're just ready for it? Is there anything that would make you reconsider? Let's have a meeting, let's talk about this, perhaps the could work something out, divide the workload a little Differently, so as not to put everything on you ... "Nope." Put an ad in the paper "is all she got. That's how much value They place a loyal , hard-working employees.

Who Are These People? "I'm not even sure if I can comfortably call them" people "Because it feels a little weird ...

Oh well, as the saying goes: What Does not kill you, will you off majorly shit.

__________________ I'm disappointed. enormously. Resigned. Devoid of illusion. długieeeeego need a rest. Holidays. Or a complete change. But I lack the motivation to do anything. So I sit, feeling sorry for myself, I look around, and makes me want to howl.

staszego my boss reacted to the news that Mary goes soon to retire, was: "Well, I think we both ended with the expiration date ..." Sweet, right? Um ... no sir, YOU are the expiration date is over - you have senile dementia, memory, and you lose your senses. Mary, though perhaps is even older than you, is still in full force mental. And that sometimes does not give advice? That's because your expectations can not be solved.

In any event, news a retired Mary shook him so that not even informed about the situation of the younger boss / your son / of our manager. When the next day Mary said to the young of its decision, this was genuinely surprised. "A. Oh ... It's better to give notice to the newspaper, eh? Ha ha ha!" Yes - just after the 25-five years of service. No "Gee, what made this decision podjęłaś? Is it related to the company, whether you are simply ready? Is there anything we could do you changed your mind? Call the council, let's talk about it, let's discuss, can come to some consensus, can somehow otherwise divide the responsibilities that everything was not on your head ... "No." Give notice to the newspaper. "And that's it. So appreciate loyal, hard for them harującego every day from 25 years of the employee.

Bosz who they are these people? "if ever I should call them people, because it somehow ...

No nothing. As they say - what does not kill you makes you mad.


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