Thursday, March 31, 2011

German Shepherd Pet Rabbit

Dora handed in her resignation today. She'll be gone in two weeks. I can not possibly write about everything That Followed yet. Too angry. All three of us (Mary, Dora and I) cried today.

People keep disappointing me so severely. ________________

Dora has today resigned from work. She gave them two weeks notice. I am not able yet to describe what was happening. All three (Mary, Dora and I) cried today. I'm evil.

Every day more and more tracę wiarę w ludzi.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking Paludrine/avloclor With Yasmin

We're now officially placing bets on what Mary's goodbye gift from the company will be. Because after 25 years of not only putting up with their crap, but also working a lot of unpaid overtime, she's bound to get something, right? Or not…? Tell me, 'cause after two and a half years here I have difficulty telling right from wrong anymore…

Mark reckons she's going to get - WAIT FOR IT! - a Ferrari. Or the two-seater convertible Merc that belongs to my older boss'es wife, seeing as they want to sell it anyway. (That car cost $120,000, so I think it would be adequate.)

Dora's suggestion (excerpt from her e-mail to me): "I think she will be given the ute, it will be especially comfortable for Jeff and her when they travel down south. Just think what you could put in the back, lots of STUFF. They might even give her a laptop, so she could keep in touch. I have a company laptop sitting beside my desk, that collects dust."

Mary herself thinks she'll get a bunch of flowers and a few scones. Maybe ice cream.

For now, I think she's going to get a "bye bye" hand wave.

What's your bet?

Odds are 900 to 1 on the Ferrari, 899 to 1 on the ute or the laptop, 5 to 1 on the flowers and food, 2 to 1 on the hand wave. Choose wisely! There's some serious cash to be made here!

hereby declare that the office accept bets on the heads of pożegnalengo gift for Mary. Well because after 25-five years not only użerania with them, but hundreds of hours of overtime, for which he never received payment, something it probably should be, right? Do not you ...? Because I do not know anymore ... After two years of work in this place I no longer know what is right and what is not ... Well

Mark bets - WARNING! - Ferrari. Either this dwusiedzeniowy cabriolet Mercedes belonging to the wife of an older head, as that and just want to sell. (This car cost them approximately $ 120,000, so a gift not to be sneezed at, I think.)

suggestion Dory (excerpt from her e-mail to me): "I think it will equip its gospodarczak, it is convenient and when Jeff embarks on a journey to the south. Just think how much can be packed on the back, so many things. Or, give her a laptop so she could stay in touch. I have a company laptop at a desk, which collects dust. "

Mary Sam believes that he will get a bouquet of flowers and a few rolls with raisins. Maybe ice cream.

I think as of today, it gets "bye bye" handle.

And how do you think?

How far is 900 to 1 in a Ferrari, 899 to 1 na gospodarczak i laptop, 5 do 1 na kwiaty i jedzenie, 2 do 1 na "pa pa" rączką. Więc wybierajcie mądrze! Bo niechcący można tu zrobić niezłą kasę.

How To Make A Pringles Pin Hole Camera

The Minimalist Approach

I've Reached 100 folllowers recently and I'd would like to thank you all so much for the support! \u0026lt;3 I hope you enjoy reading my blog and looking at my pictures and maybe even find it inspiring from time to time:) Thanks again!; *

Recently I came to 100 observers, and that is why I would like to thank you for your support! \u0026lt;3 I hope that the destruction of my blog makes you a pleasure and maybe even inspiring from time to time) Again, thanks!; *

top, jeans, rings -
Primark jacket - Internationale
bandeau bra - H & M
shoes - Lime Soda
bag - Matalan
watch - dad's

How To Wear Bra Low Back

I'm disappointed. Disillusioned. Discouraged. I need a loooong, looong holiday. Or a change. But I lack any sort of motivation to do anything. So I sit here, feeling sorry for myself, look around me, and feel like crying.

My older boss'es reaction when Mary told him she's retiring was: "Yeah, perhaps we're both past our use-by date…" Isn’t that a lovely, considerate thing to say? Um… No boss, YOU are way past your use-by date - you're senile, got major memory loss and going mental. Mary, although possibly older than you, is still as sharp as a razor blade and capable. And the reason she sometimes cannot cope with all the work? That's because it’s IMPOSSIBLE for one person to fulfill all your expectations.

The news shook him so bad, that he didn't even inform younger boss/his son/our general manager of the situation. When Mary told younger boss the next day, he was genuinely taken aback. "Oh. Okay… Better put the ad in the paper then, eh? Ha ha ha!" Yep. After 25 years, that's all she got. No "Oh no, what made you make that decision? Is it to do with the company, or you're just ready for it? Is there anything that would make you reconsider? Let's have a meeting, let's talk about this, perhaps the could work something out, divide the workload a little Differently, so as not to put everything on you ... "Nope." Put an ad in the paper "is all she got. That's how much value They place a loyal , hard-working employees.

Who Are These People? "I'm not even sure if I can comfortably call them" people "Because it feels a little weird ...

Oh well, as the saying goes: What Does not kill you, will you off majorly shit.

__________________ I'm disappointed. enormously. Resigned. Devoid of illusion. długieeeeego need a rest. Holidays. Or a complete change. But I lack the motivation to do anything. So I sit, feeling sorry for myself, I look around, and makes me want to howl.

staszego my boss reacted to the news that Mary goes soon to retire, was: "Well, I think we both ended with the expiration date ..." Sweet, right? Um ... no sir, YOU are the expiration date is over - you have senile dementia, memory, and you lose your senses. Mary, though perhaps is even older than you, is still in full force mental. And that sometimes does not give advice? That's because your expectations can not be solved.

In any event, news a retired Mary shook him so that not even informed about the situation of the younger boss / your son / of our manager. When the next day Mary said to the young of its decision, this was genuinely surprised. "A. Oh ... It's better to give notice to the newspaper, eh? Ha ha ha!" Yes - just after the 25-five years of service. No "Gee, what made this decision podjęłaś? Is it related to the company, whether you are simply ready? Is there anything we could do you changed your mind? Call the council, let's talk about it, let's discuss, can come to some consensus, can somehow otherwise divide the responsibilities that everything was not on your head ... "No." Give notice to the newspaper. "And that's it. So appreciate loyal, hard for them harującego every day from 25 years of the employee.

Bosz who they are these people? "if ever I should call them people, because it somehow ...

No nothing. As they say - what does not kill you makes you mad.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kates Playground Hd Vid


Hope you like my American flag top, they are looking for with the British now: D
Have a nice week!;)

I hope do you like my top with the American flag, now looking for some of the British: D
Have a nice week!;)

top, hoodie, shirt, belt, thights - Primark
bag, oval ring - H & M
shorts - vintage
shoes - Internationale
skull rings - Poundland
glasses - Restyle

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Scrapbook Birthday Party Invites

by Joseph Wierenga

I'd gone shopping today. Nearly came back with two more guinea pigs. Gorgeous little things, looked just like our passed-away Runtie, and Both Danny and I found it difficult to walk away without taking them with us. But in the end, the reason prevailed over the heart - Browneye, in his old age of 4.5 (that's like 70 in human years) shouldn't have too much excitement in his life. And two at a time is really the perfect number.

I also nearly got an iPhone. The deal was $29 for the phone, and $29 a month for $450worth of calls/texts on a 24 month plan. I didn't get it in the end, as it's not a "need", it's a "want", but I walked away with a sense of very grim, very disgusting satisfaction anyway - because both my bosses and their spouses all have iPhones, and they pay close to $300.00 a month EACH for their phone calls and texts.

Working for these people makes me a bad person. (

I was out shopping today. A small hair and wrocilibyśmy home with two new świneczkami. This had little snout, really reminded us of our deceased Runcika, and both me and Dankowi it was hard to leave the store empty-handed. But in the end, reason won with the heart. Our four-and-half-year old man Browneye (nearly 70 in human years) should no longer be in this age of too much excited. And besides, the two are really the ideal number of pets on once.

I almost bought it myself ajfona. $ 29 bucks for the phone, and then $ 29 per month $ 450 per credit. The contract for 24 months. At the end, not bought, because however it is something you "want", not something you "need", but it went out of the store with an odious sense of satisfaction - because both of my bosses and their wives have ajfony, and pay close to $ 300 bucks a month for EVERYONE.

work for the people to make me a bad person.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ana Plaid Belted Tunic

A Little Bit Of Sparkle & A New Friend

As promised yesterday, I present to you my new friend - Piggy Betty! My friend who does the majority of pictures for my blog wanted something from herself on the pictures and we decided that it would be a mascot (idea inspired by polish photographer Marcin Tyszka who takes his Ducky everywere with him and takes pictures of it with all the models). We were thinking about it for a while and yesterday this sweet little piggy was waiting for us in a charity shop so from now on it will be hiding somewhere on the photos with me!;)

As promised yesterday, I present you my new friend - Betty pig, affectionately known as Pig Betinka! My friend, who does most of the photos on this blog wanted something from each other on the pictures and we decided on the mascot (the idea was inspired by Marcinek Tyszka, who as you probably rallies, everywhere takes with him his duck, who shoots with models). For a moment we wondered what it would be for the mascot and yesterday trafilysmy on our waiting Betinke our sh, so we now will not hide it on the photos with me!;)

jeans, bags, rings, earrings - Primark
top - H & M
blazer - Moow
shoes - June

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Emerald Gpsphone .cht

Mary dropped a bombshell this morning - she's retiring. I was the first person (except for her family members of course) That she told. She'll stay until the end of May this year, and then she's gone. Two more months. She's had it with the way they've Treated her, and finally made a decision.

I told her it was a great decision, that I'm very happy for her, and she said: "Joanna, I need a hug." I gave her a hug, and promptly burst into tears. For her, for myself, for life in general.

The string holding me to this place has just been cut. The reason I stayed here for so long and put up with all the crap was because of Mary. Because I knew that I'll never have such a cool office manager again. When I started looking for another job some month ago, my main worry was how will I ever get to say goodbye to Mary.

I love her. She's so much like me, it's not funny. I look at her, and see myself in some 30 years time. I will miss her a lot. A LOT.

I fell like my hands have just been untied. I've made plans for this year, but this news necessitates re-Evaluating Them. I do not know. I can not think of this yet. My head hurts.

Mary greeted me this morning the news that is retiring. I was the first person (with the exception of the family, of course) that the said. Is the end of May this year, and then adieu. Two months. She told me she has just enough of being treated like a dirty rag to the floor, and that all that stress adversely affects their health.

From my part I assured her that he took the right decision. Very good. "You gave them self-sufficient, without payment, without the least bit of gratitude, now think of yourself." She said: "Joanna, someone must now hug me." Well, hugged her, and of course just in tears. Behind her, for myself, and for life in general.

cord that tied me to this place was the same cut. The only reason I sat in the mud for two years, was Mary. Because I realized that it is very hard, if at all possible, would be to find another such a co-worker, manager, and Mary. Once a month ago I started looking for a new job, the most worried about how I manage to say goodbye to her.

I like her, damn. Because he thinks like I do, that is fine. The nature we are so similar that until the fear. I look at her, and I see what I'll be there for 30 years. I will miss her. VERY.

On the other hand, I feel like my hands resolved. I had already plans for this year, but this news makes me has to be przeewaluować. I do not know. I still can not think about it. I have a headache.

Oxygenating Toothpaste Mothers

Laid Back

Today just few of my favorite and comfortable stuff thrown together. I love this laid back kind of looks: D
PS: Make sure you check back tomorrow because I'm going to Introduce to you my special friend!;)

Today some of my stuff imposed ulubionyvh convenient time . I love this relaxed Looki: D
PS: Do not forget to check tomorrow, because I'm going to introduce you to my very special friend!;)

top, thights, bracelet, ring - Primark
shirt, jacket - vintage
shorts - DIY
shoes - Lime Soda
bag - H&M
watch - dad's

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cost To Reupholser Boat Seats St Augustine

Rest in Peace, Elizabeth. You Both Have Each Other Again ... : '(

Without you, the ground thaws, the rain falls, the grass grows.
Without you, the seeds root, the flowers bloom, the children play.
The stars gleam, the poets dream, the eagles fly, without you.
The earth turns, the sun burns - but I die, without you.

Kinds Of Italian Dressing

U Take Me In & Throw Out My Heart & Get A New One

The dress I had on today was bought few months ago and now I am finally presenting it to you. I fell in love with the tie-die print and the cut-outs on the midriff (which you can see on the pictures with details) and really love the fact that it actually has long sleves (promise more pictures the next time I'll wear it). It also was just 5 pounds so i did not think twice and run straigt to the cashier: D As you can probably see, from the Amount of sun, it was really hot today and I had to take off the jacket as it was just too much. The spring really has come to town!;) PS: I love gray nailpolish! \u0026lt;3

dress, which I am wearing today was bought a few months ago and finally I can present it to you. Princie fell in love, which is decorated in wyciecach under the breasts (which you can see on the pictures with more details), I really like I also the fact that he has long rekamy (promises more photos, when again will I had for myself). There was also no matter that it cost just 5 pounds, so I ran without thinking to present to the cashier: D As you can see, the amount of sun on the pictures, it was very hot today, so much so that after some time I had to remove the jacket, because it could not withstand it. Looks like the Spring arrived in full!;) PS: I love gray nail varnish \u0026lt;3

bag, shoes, thights -
Primark dress - Lime Soda
jacket - Internationale
skull rings - Poundland
oval ring - H & M

Birthday Invitation Card Pittsburgh Penguins

There was an incident in my very early childhood That has somewhat scarred me Mentally. It's made me scared of fire. And that the "scared of fire" I mean more than a normal person would be scared, because fire can be a pretty frightening thing for everyone at some point, and it's not to be messed with as a rule. I mean "scared of fire" in a phobia kind of way. I'm scared of lighting the gas cooker, for example. Or candles. I kind of kept telling myself over the years that it was silly to be afraid and forced myself to do it, and I CAN do it, but it's never one of those mindless things that I just do. There's always that moment of - stop, deep breath, it's okay... Okay, let's do it! The heart starts pounding, and THEN I strike the match, almost on impulse, before I have the time to chicken out.

Well, today, in the truest EUREKA! moment, I FINALLY figured out, that it wasn't fire as such that I was really scared of. I was mistaken all these years.

It's matches.

I can almost see my dad reading this and smiling right about now. Yep, it's all his "fault"!


What made me realize that, was the fact that I forgot to take my cigarette lighter with me this morning. We were already in the car, and I asked Danny to give me his for the day. He offered me a box of matches that he keeps in the car in case he ever forgets his lighter. And I fought tooth and nail with him for the lighter. I didn't want the god damn matches! He reasoned that while he's driving, it's easier for him to use the lighter, whereas at work, it shouldn't really make a big difference to me. Well, it made A HELL of a difference, but I took the damn matches anyway, just so I didn't have to explain.

I went out to have my lunch-time cigarette, and shit, were my hands shaking! And then it came to me - the lighter fire is okay, the match fire is not. Hmm... When was the last time I used matches? Years ago. A very, very long time. I recalled that I have no issue lighting the gas cooker or candles with a lighter - no problem. In fact, so much of a no problem, that I never even noticed that I wasn't scared doing it!

It's the matches. And it makes sense, it really does.

The incident took place when I was approx 1 year old. I've got a very vague memory of it. I remember my mother kneeling by the fireplace and lighting a fire in it. I remember the small box of matches my mother left on a wooden chair positioned by my cot. I remember a thought in my head to take those matches and do as she did, mimic her moves. I remember an awful sting to my backside. I remember mom sitting on the floor, holding me in her arms. I was crying.

Now, here's what I was TOLD happened by third parties (my parents). Mom lit that fire and left the room, hoping I would settle down to sleep. Her and dad were in the other room, watching tv. At one point, they heard me talking. Baby talk - goo goo, bah bah bah, that kind of thing. Mom told me they were the sounds I would make when I was happy, amused. She had an inkling to go and check what was up, but she was comfy on the couch, and didn't feel like moving. She asked dad to go and check what I was doing. Dad didn't feel like moving, either. It went back and forth like that for a while - you go, no, you go - until finally dad succumbed. He got up and went to check.

The door to my room had a thick, decorative glass in it. Dad recalls that he crept up to the door, and through that glass saw something flickering. He opened the door, and the blood in his veins ran cold. I was sitting in my cot, cooing at the fire slowly engulfing my blankets. He panicked. He swore loudly, which got my mom to her feet instantly.

He could have done a number of things. He could have pulled me out of the cot, and then grab a pillow and smother the flames, for example. But this was a young father in throes of panic. So what he did, was... He tried to put the flames out with his hand. Yes, his BARE hand. He managed to do it, but he burnt himself.

Mom came running, and promptly took me out of the cot. Crisis averted - or so it seemed. It could have ended right there, but my one-year-old self, not knowing any better, made a terrible mistake. As soon as mom let me out of her arms, I went for the matches again. That was too much for dad. Still very much in shock, his hand stinging horribly, he saw me do that - and his anger flared. He smacked my hand, so that the box of matches I was holding fell to the floor. He then smacked my butt. I think it was the first time he ever did it. To this very day, I remember that sting on my butt. It either hurt a lot, or I was just shocked and frightened, because I never experienced anything of the sort before.

Rest assured - I never, ever played with matches, ever again. It was the smack that did it. It was my earliest lesson, and one I remembered until this very day.

I vaguely recall another situation involving matches. I must have been about 5 years old, as I remember my sister being a little baby, she couldn't sit properly yet. So right around that time. Dad asked me to run to the kitchen and fetch him a box of matches. I went to the kitchen, located the matches on the counter, grabbed a small plate and a fork, used the fork to slide the matches from the counter onto the plate, and then I took them to dad - on the plate. I refused to touch the box.

Matches. As far as I'm Concerned, they're the root of all evil. The root of a butt painful sting That lasted a lifetime. Although that's way better than what could have been. _________________

He was sure such an incident in my very early childhood, which left a lasting mark on my psyche. Namely - meant that I'm afraid of fire. Means "fear of fire" in the sense that it is more than the average person, because the fire for all is somewhat scary, and everyone really knows that the fire is not what to mess with. "I'm afraid of fire" in the sense of the mini-phobia. For example, I am afraid to light a gas cooker. Or candles. Over the years I managed to tell myself so far as it is absurd so afraid, and forced to ignite the stove and candles, and I smoke as I have come to the crunch, but this is not something for me, what I do without thinking, without preparation. There's always a moment before, when I stop, take a deep breath, it is ... Okay, we light! And then serducho accelerates quickly and rapidly, almost on impulse, I do what I need, I turn what I have before I have time to burn funk.

And today I had the truest EUREKA! moment, and finally realized that the fire is not really scared. All my life I thought it was flames frighten me, but I was wrong.

Because I am afraid of matches.

I already see how dad reads this and smiles to himself. Because it's his "fault"!


And realized it yourself thanks to the fact that I forgot to bring lighter this morning. I was reminded on the way, there was no point to go back, so I asked Danka to lend me his for this one day. He offered me a box of matches, which keeps the car in the event of just such a situation. I fought like a lioness on the lighter. I did not want any damn match! Danny explained to me that while he is driving a lot more convenient to use a cigarette lighter, and my work should be neutral. Damn, I was not neutral, not at all, but took the match to avoid having too much to explain.

The lunch time I went out for a cigarette, and shook my hand like I do not know. And then somehow it hit me that the above - the fire from a cigarette is okay, and no longer matches no. Hmm ... When I was the last time I used a match? Years ago. Very, very long time. And so I stood and thought and realized that I do not have any problem with lighting a stove or a candle lighter - and it's so much I do not have a problem that has so far not even paid any attention to the fact that I'm not afraid.

These are the matches. This makes sense, really.

incident took place when I was about a year. Overall, I do not remember it, but I have such glimpses. For example, I remember my mother kneeling by the stove. I remember a box of matches on that wooden chair with a backrest which This happened with my baby. I remember the idea to reach for these matches and do so as a mom. I remember the stinging ass. I remember my mother sitting on the floor and hugging me. I remember that I cried.

And now what I know about the event from the so-called third-person (or parents). Mama kindled in the oven and left the room shutting the door behind him, hopefully I'll put it up for the night. The father sat in the living room, watching TV, Dad probably solve hybrids on the floor, and maybe not, but my dad always on the floor solves the hybrids, so I can easily imagine that, then it solved. At one point they heard that something started there after his tweet. Gu gu, ba ba ba, and the like. By the sounds we were, which usually seemed to myself when I was glad when something I liked. So it passed through the mind to go see what fascinated me so, but not very much wanted her to move. Tatce told to go check, but he also wanted to be so mean to get up from the floor. Banter for a moment - go, no, you go - dad finally gave in and went to check it out.

door to a small room was so thick, patterned, decorative glass. Daddy told me that crept up to the door, and through the glass something to him flicker. He opened the door, and the blood froze in his veins - at the sight of me in bed, świergoczącej joyfully at the sight of flames spreading slowly on my "pizince" (or blanket). Poor panicked. He shouted, "Oh Appl WHORE!" or something similar style, and this in turn poderwało mom on her feet.

could resolve the situation in different ways. He could, for example, remove me from the crib, then grab a pillow for her and smother the flames. But after the fact that everyone is smart, right? The young father, in the arms of treacherous panic, he threw himself put out a mini-fire ... hand. Own bare hands. And he succeeded, but it is burned.

Mama ran, and these shoots me out of bed. And after the crisis - or so one might think. This would be the end of the story, if I had one year I know what good for me and failed to play in the meantime. Did not fail, and it was a mistake. As soon as my mother let me out of the grip, I again reached for a match. Daddy saw, and a brilliant wkurwił. Still in shock, to lift his headache hand, slammed me for grabs, so that those matches came out of my hand, and then another to be sure that they have reached, I got my first slap on the butt. And in this way cured me of any piromaniakalnych tendencies. I still remember the stinging ass. Or really hurt (which I doubt to be honest, I had a diaper and in general), or just was in shock and the I freaked out, because nothing like I had never happened.

In any case, have never, ever, then I did not have the slightest desire to play with matches. The slate that was my earliest lesson in life, and I remember it to this day.

so little vaguely remember another incident with the matches. Then it had to be about 5 years old, I remember that my sister if she could not sit still well, and in general was so glubaśna such fa fa beach ball with a face and is still held by the leg. My dad asked me to bring him matches from the kitchen. So I flew, he located a match on the cabinet, I took a plate and fork, the fork slipped off a box on the plate, and so it took my dad - on a plate. For China's Party and the adjacent kingdoms dotknęłabym not the box.

As for me, the matches are the source of all evil. The source of burning ass. Not pleasant, I say to you. And sometimes the slate lasts a lifetime. But it's better than the alternative.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Facial Moles At The Side Of The Mouth

Mixing Winter With Summer

I probably haven't told you that before but I really like contrasts. Today I decided to wear my aviator jacket which I haven't worn in months, but as the weather was really warm I wanted to mix it with something light. I took more winterish jacket and socks and put it with summery playsuit and clogs. I know not everyone's gonna like the way I used socks, but hey, you need to experiment with fashion sometimes, don't you?;D Oh, and don't worry, I'm wearing thin nude thights;)

Pewnie wam o tym nie mówiłam, ale lubię contrasts. Today I wanted to start my aviatorkę, which wore not a few months, but that the court was really hot I decided to mixing it with something light. So I put more contrast winter jacket and a sock with a summer suit and a more chodakami. I know that not everyone will like the way you feel I wore socks, but hey, fashion is meant to be fun and experiment with it, is not it?, DA, and do not worry, I have thin legs tights;)

playsuit, socks, birds ring - Primark
necklaces, owl ring - H&M
jacket - C&A
shoes - Internationale
bag - vintage
deer ring - Top Shop

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cheapest Brazilian Wax Dc

I Want Orange Trees

Hello all! First of all I wanted to apologize for lack of new post in those few days. And second - forgive this simple outfit today, but I needed something very comfortable for my trip to library (I need to start writing assignments for my uni). Simple combination of simple items but I hope you'll appreciate the colors in here. I think orange looks really cool with navy, khaki with gray and with so I though 'why not put all of Those colors together? " And here we are!;)

Hi everybody! First, I wanted to apologize for the lack of new posts in the last days. Secondly, forgive me for this simple set, but I had to assume something very comfortable on your journey to the library (the time to get on with writing a work on varsity). A simple combination of simple things, but I hope you appreciate the colors. I really like the combination of orange with a grenade, with khaki and gray, so I thought 'why not connect all these colors together? " and behold the results!;)

jacket, bag - H & M
jeans, bracelet - Primark
top - Select
cardigan - Lime Soda
shoes - Matalan
watch - dad's