After three daring actions in InSpectres because of a sudden crossover players switched to a slightly slurry SF. Funny thing because it's so retroindiano. That is a great mechanic InSpectres sandboxową combined with exploration, tables, abstracts and the like. We're already at 3 sessions - that is already the sixth, anniversary, once with InSpectres. I hate to write APków, and the players a little bit of me to expect. Forced to write, but in the mid-sag, so here's half of the second session of the game, which is for internal purposes are defined as InSpace Explorers.
have received a standard call. Scans have shown that it comes from the ship, which is located in the drift toward the nearest star - a red dwarf. The crew of the mysterious ship did not respond to attempts to contact it. Analysis showed that the ship will soon exceed the limit beyond which our emergency tug on him nothing will. Remote-controlled device, and two probes were directed towards bezimmiennej unit. Visual inspection showed no damage. The scanner has detected about 50 living creatures. Tug has led to a change of course and assured string sufficient to overcome the gravitational red dwarf star.

found in the hold, in containers of primitive life-support system. They were the same beefy men, their faces covered with zrogowaciałym epidermis and is installed with a regularity that indicates its adaptive functions. These beings were like people, but their behavior, movements and barbaric question conclusively testify that we are not neighbors. Sklodowsky dated the development of the Early Bronze Age - whatever that means.
Tuning translators took some time, but in the end we managed to communicate with them. They recognized us as the Titans, was fascinated with their drones and unusual circumstances in which they find themselves. The report, which drew up Sklodowsky shows that were sacrificed to the Gods and are firmly convinced that they are in the afterlife. Quickly we distinguished someone who could pass as a leader and it's unfortunate we decided to talk with him.
introduced us to the situation of his people. Here are angry gods came down from heaven in return for an annual human sacrifice, care about the welfare of a large community. We had no illusions that it comes to human trafficking. Anyway, what we have read from the on-board computer aimed towards destruction scows indicated clearly that the destination was a sizable colony of mining. We decided to act. Using the cover of the Titans - along with a small part of the natives, we planned to land on their home planet they knew under the name of IXOS. We took a new course - the purpose of our trip had to wait for Eden Prime. OZS Service are from the developing to protect civilization against interference from outside. This service is an honor.
Finally we reached the place. The plan, based on which we conducted a detailed interview with the leader of the natives, the assumption that we make an armed against the priests. With his relationship was to show that the situation between the priests and the people are tense, aware that the priests live in wealthy, but little benefit from them. As
zstąpiliśmy Titans to their planet, then plowing up the vast city, inhabited by an estimated 20 thousand natives. Above the city towered pyramid, with a distinct stepped shape.
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