mother possessed the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunist revolution, Cezary Baryka explained to him that "he would want to create a communist system, it should be divided into equal sections empty land, a step that some mountains, and there is a collective effort to plow, sow, build - and reap the harvest. Start all fairness, with God and with each other. What kind of communism, when they break into people's houses, palaces, churches, which for other purposes and are intended to share equally will not help. It is - she - common robbery. Low is the art from the palace to make a museum. It would be an art worthy of new people - create the museum items and put them in a building built in the communist forces of the museum. "
Does such a constructive way unionized?
This question smacks a bit generalization. How? Can we move into the same bag all the trade unions and treat them as a monolith? Probably not. The text, therefore, will focus on some characteristic (most?) Union activists trends, the expression of their sympathies, the initiatives they take.
union as a "general staff", "workers 'asset' is a part, and perhaps even the core problem we face. We often forget that such a compound co-specific individuals. Instead, we see different people only 'weight'.
The opening scene Charlie Chaplin film Modern Times, we see a huge flock of rushing sheep. Next scene: modern times - a herd of people poured into the subway and goes to work at the factory belts. As far as each member of the anonymous crowd responsible for one in their working conditions? As far as we can say that "he so chose? Do you like his work at the plant for mass production, and whether he feels that by doing it fulfills its calling?
Modern Times. The man who wprzągł up (it was harnessed? - Here again the question of individual consciousness) in the modes of employment for people's needs (and perhaps "not-required"). It stands eight hours a day at the factory tape margarine. He sits at the counter, taking customer buzzing coin, and something worth of papers. Overseer prohibits him to go to the toilet. The owner of the interest has an employee in the nose, because, in fact, fascinating to him seems only to dynamically rotate the virtual bank account numbers, or bask in the luxury - not a living man.
It turns out that many employees have similar feelings: how management treats its mercenaries as a "necessary evil", which we need to shed some offal, and did not see in them people endowed with dignity. We therefore assume a union. A trade union, and therefore an organization that will fight for our "rights", "rights" "Workers". Together we determine what we mean. We put forward the request. We demand safety improvements. We want a national health insurance. Less work. Renegotiation of contracts.
We want the Epiphany was the day off from work. First, we turn to those to whom knowingly and voluntarily (?) Enlisted to serve. (From a question mark after the words "knowingly and voluntarily?" The doubts as to how informed and voluntary decision can be called a man who - found himself in the unfortunate circumstances, crushed by taxes, regulations and directives, are employed in the state collaborated with the officers of the company - and still can not see if other solutions that can provide him and his family a decent living.). They do not want to give us free? Overwhelmed with resignation? ... And can we declare a strike and refuse to join the work [at the same time desiring the money, which "belong to us" - even though we do not do this, what is knowingly and voluntarily (?) Committed]? Flown banner and go out into the street?
Whoa, whoa! There is a new concept: send to a State official's call to order the "morning wstrętnemu capitalist 'to satisfy our conditions. This method
peeled many proponents of requiring notice Epiphany day off from work. Common sense it seems quite surprising. When you arrange for an employed person, after all, we can reach our potential employer to an agreement and agree that Jan. 6 will be devoted to tasks other than professional work. Is the moral and need to refer to a public servant, a stranger, a third and even fourth - To violence, we tried to impose a solution that we can accept ourselves voluntarily? And maybe in the course of negotiations with a prospective employer come to the conclusion that, in view of divergent views, if we do not take co-operation, but after some time we will return to this theme?
The above situation may appear to some idealization. Eyes of a human situation, which has the conditions to the extent freely give up to work on someone else's order. Let us ask: is it still the participation of every man, or even most of the people? And if such an occupation, which allows the relative freedom to reject proposals for an employment (if you prefer to do something else) is something precious, the goal towards which we strive? What are the objectives of the general economy?
Among interesting thoughts contained in the encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI Caritas in Veritate appears, and this "should strive to achieve - recognized as a priority - the goal of access for all to work and its maintenance." At these words many might beak to beak with the cry "Socialism!". Meanwhile, if you look through empathetic Pope ideal without unnecessary emotion - it turns out that "access for all to work and its maintenance is not only an attractive vision, but something that expresses the desires of the vast majority (if not all) of the inhabitants of our planet. But unless everyone dreams of doing something like that could do just about forever.
Many unions place on their banners call for permanent employment, creation of working conditions in which the employee could not worry about that from day to day being thrown away.
If we agree that it is worth trying to do so, let us ask ourselves the question: how does it do?
first step to ensure that every access to jobs and opportunities to sustain it would probably sound of your specific needs and duties towards those for whom I am responsible (families, the sick, the poor - in a broader and longer term: all people). Do you honestly fulfill the duties of my state? What should be different from me? Do I devote enough time to those who should I spend? Can I still am unable alone to talk to someone for more than fifteen seconds? Overall: if still in control myself - or I gave up suffer "logic" of a brave new world today in which every man tries to put in a predetermined place in the "social structure"? Can I answer the question about what I need, and choose the appropriate measures to implement the tasks standing before me?
with these issues combine to questions more "economical." Do I really have anywhere drive a car - or I can move on their own feet? Do I need a new plasma sześćdziesięciosześciocalowej in place this last year pięćdziesięcioośmiocalowej, which is already affixed to me? Can I live without my phone? And without the Internet?
Colin Ward wonders in his essay "Self-employed Society (Society or self-Employed Society) on how it is that a man who returns home after a hard day's work [ hired] with happy to take up the cultivation of his garden. He talks about the advantages of such a deal: here a man works on his, he is the boss. Sam decides when the work begins and ends. He works because he wants to, not because they must.
How many people - by Ward - a secretly dreams about, to have a small store, to act on their own, to run a small plant! Lots of people are willing to work very hard - if it gives them greater independence (a greater sense of independence?).
Is union rather, facilitates or impedes the realization of this objective?
As an organization of employees who "fight" for their work within the system almost exclusively on the needs of others, a trade union is often the temptation to engage in cooperation with state officials and attempts to gain certain privileges at the expense of those who come to the compound in question does not belong. In the interest of many unions operating today is entering the "logic" of the contemporary system of state capitalism with all its bureaucracy and activities on a mass scale. Is not uncommon for activists and "coordinators" federal cost may seem viable in the specific duration of symbiosis with the officers of the state and controls the mass production of big business - to the detriment of so-called "average" (even though uncommon), ordinary people, which also comprises the group of "ordinary" (even though extraordinary) union members.
phenomenon of collaboration between "large" or "major" of this world to the detriment of "little people" seeing for centuries. To the numerous conflicts forces, murders, rapes, theft, war atrocities, there have and continue to occur as a result of the decision and the (sometimes tacit) approval of the ministers, managers, presidents, secretaries, kings, presidents - in a word: so. makers - in the second-sighted man, "human resource", not a person endowed with dignity. What interest have conscription slaying each other in wars caused by their "masters"? It is common knowledge that "the war whistling bullets, / The people are down with sheaves, / A najdzielniej beat kings, / And the most densely fellows are dying. " [The situation is somewhat different to those carrying out murders and destruction at the request of state officials on a voluntary basis (of both the government soldiers and employees of private firms military and security services of cooperating with state officials) - they are simply paying the killer]. What meaning and what effects it has persecuted another person who is not a direct threat to me, did not attack me, he lives quietly in his own way?
minister to each other the representatives of big business, high-ranking officers state and the spec from unfair propaganda from time immemorial tried to do so to "gray" wykrwawiał man in the service of their self-appointed masters. Those actually informed of their activities, "social engineers" (swarming yourself that will become the engineers of human souls) is perhaps a handful. It is those people who by force or threat of use of force as husband and father to abandon the family and enlisting in the army or work beyond their strength, those who threat and blackmail and forcing his wife mother to abandon the family and the resignation of care home fire ("Oh yes - some people react - it's your wife does not work?". Answer: "Actually - not" working. "She toil!") - in the name of "professional fulfillment and job the needs of others outside the home, those who demoralize young people, trying to make them passive citizens brave new world. These same "architects" may be aware of this, on how fragile foundations of their power is based. In large measure as it depends on wpajanego 'subjects' feelings of helplessness. If only we generally reject the attitude expressed in words: "It's true, it's not fair, it should be otherwise - but what can I do?" And increasingly realized that, as in a good and important way we can influence the shape of the temporal world, the doprowadzilibyśmy changes in the blink of an eye.
Tyler Durden, bored and tired of living a hooligan-a nihilist, a hero of the movie Fight Club , it realizes the pursuer and his cronies to high police officer, the extent to which it is dependent on people who were chasing - they cook their meals. Export its garbage. They combine their telephone conversations. Keep an ambulance. They watch him when he sleeps. "Do not mess with us".
It is this great power dormant in "prolach" (George Orwell, 1984), they wisely used, can quickly lead to changes for the better.
probably good example of a constructive procedure gives portrayed by Kevin Carson workers "transferee" closed and standing idly by the company (Carson writes about them, including essays posted on website Homebrew Industrial Revolution and Center for a Stateless Society ). Instead, arrange fights in the streets and demand a life for someone else's expense, on its own initiative, the workers go to work, run abandoned machinery, make necessary repairs neglected equipment. As if by way strengthen ties within the local community. They do it well, who know, without looking at what it will say "mountain". Using the rotation system of work and conduct business, make an important step on the road to independence. If the additive is adjusted to produce what is needed - that is, corresponding to the expectations of potential customers (instead of rushing hundreds of software conceptualized by designers of copies of a device, and then scratch their heads: "How would it opchnąć?") - so to speak, working in the liberal professions.
Man working "at home" is a big incentive to make the best use of their talents and self-improvement. He realizes that the quality of his work has a direct bearing on the quality of its fruits. In addition, it is easier to enjoy something yourself, self made. Such work simply is a joy.
If the union members in a similar way, or trying to become more independent and shaped its organization on the model of mutual aid societies ( Friendly Society), by itself provide such support in the disease, a common education, material assistance in the event of job loss whether the collection of voluntary contributions to retirement - the result would be a more humane society.
Maybe at the beginning there is a need to organize a union, to feel the community of interests, a sort of professional solidarity " (Understood as concern for "access for all to work and its maintenance"). Then - if we do not meet the existing conditions of employment - each of us shall give notice. And because we know each other, we trust each other, we are willing to work and easy for us to get along with each other, the combined forces will assume a new company, which produce the same as before (or maybe even something potrzebniejszego and better) - only that now on their own. We refuse to actions on other people's principles, which we perceive as unfair, and use your own initiative - We make the contribution and repurchase redundant plant from the previous owner, take over the half-ruined building of the former state enterprise, we bring it into order and start production, we start producing something in your garage or home workshop ...
In order to strengthen these initiatives, it might be worth at the beginning of the union as a priority to allow each work "at home". We need this to go beyond the "logic" of mass production and to take effective action on a local scale. The key to the case may be formal ownership of their jobs. Piece of land, factory, a small factory, plant reperujący some furniture - it would be good if the employee could say about his work - "it's my job, I work at home" (whether it is owned by one man, or some form of " joint ownership ").
After reaching such a goal the union members could devote more energy to the other fundamental tasks - such as, for example to provide for themselves and their families health care.
work together to organize at the local level helps ago to more dating a man with a man instead of an organization (or anonymous, in fact, a representative of) the organization (or an anonymous agent.) (By the way, the fact that many organizations fit in the position of "Director of Communications," "coordinators for the flow of information", "representatives of public relations", etc. indicates that the officers completely lost sight of the man and chose plunges into a virtual ocean of information. How can you take seriously the company, which employees allocate the "expert" from communicating with each other?).
It could be such a plea: Whoa, whoa. He spins you here some idyllic visions, and the whole meaning of the union lies in the fact that the persons working in a stranger, but still pushing demand that we fight for her.
you anyway. Only if it is the hands and feet? Someone might not suffer the superior and hate what he does. Simple question: how to change it? What can be done about this particular man? How can work a trade union? Stubborn
holding jobs at the same time creates a conflict with their superiors rather unhealthy situation. On the one hand: I hate what I do and where I'm doing it, on the other: I spend an incredible amount of time and energy for it to continue this unnecessary agony. [Even if it happens - for example - that a court whose intervention will be called, will award to me in a dispute with the employer was right and - if I was unfairly dismissed earlier - has ordered me back to work, it creates a strange situation: I'm still working where I do not like - because I (feel that I need?), the employer hires me - because I must. We look at each wolf, it is difficult for any interaction, even now that we have called alien third party, to make us burst. Is not that sick?].
Today, unfortunately, is very strong temptation of resorting to violence, government officials, visible in the official program documents of contemporary trade unions ("demand that state regulations / laws / directives to ensure that / cause that ..."). It is also a double-edged weapon. If we accept that the state functionaries and rob someone 'give us' - we accept also that "we take", and give someone else - and from time to time try to pacify us by the armed forces.
Battles with the police or security guards in areas which temporarily zawiadują state functionaries, or your current employer, perhaps only result in unnecessary damage to health and deepening hatred between the union and those that are currently in the service of the regime - and it has them in a special way would help to throw off the yoke of state capitalism and resignation from employment to other people's needs.
As a glove fits a quote from Boleslaw Prus, to discourage the unnecessary destruction: "He who by word and personal example goes against karciarstwu, alcoholism, prostitution - is doing well, because it seeks to avoid waste of time and money, serious illness and hideous bondage of human beings. But who breaks the public houses, doing wrong, because it does not prevent harlotry, destroys a lot of useful items, impoverishes society "(Mark Twain, Chronicles tygodniowe , Warszawa 1987, t. II, s. 79).
Kolejna sprawa: strajk okupacyjny. Instalujemy się gdzieś i nie ruszymy się stąd! Ale co powiemy naszej żonie i dzieciom – „Nie wracam na noc do domu, bo muszę pilnować barykady, żeby tylko nas nie wywalono?”. Rodzina cierpi, produkcja staje, spędzamy dość bezczynnie całe dnie, godziny, minuty i sekundy... W ostatecznym rozrachunku tracimy wszyscy – a najwięcej nasi najbliżsi.
Jak związek zawodowy traktuje łamistrajków albo wolnych strzelców, którzy pracują razem z nami, ale nie należą do związku? Czy odnosimy się do nich jak to the people, though they try to secure a decent living and working conditions by other means than we do? Can we use any unfair harassment?
Want to work here? You're welcome. If myself and my union colleagues do not want - the way free. We can make a pronounced and try to get another job.
Did I ever want to work here - we might ask in the spirit of anarchosyndykalistycznym - and fight a bit more bearable unnatural conditions of captivity? Do for a stranger? Give him what he did? There are no stupid! I give up! I want to keep a full fruit of my work! Well, at least the greater part of it. (Bows to Benjamin Tucker). We meet with my friends from the compound, together, constitute dismissal and try to raise their own interest.
If necessary, we can retrain. Brotherhood of working people better expressed in the willingness to help another, and teach him something useful than the automatic defy individuals as "fitters", "electrician", "fork-lift truck operators," and nobody else. Each received a gift, a task to accomplish, everyone likes to do something. Many have multiple talents and is willing to learn something new. The practical answer to the question of how to enable (or at least easier) to all people and every one realize its potential - this is just art.
Spore hope can be associated with organizations of self-owners - for example, farmers. Nature of their work in a natural manner that promotes the interests of the property (farm land), family ties (joint effort of the abundant harvest, large numbers of contributing children with various activities) and local [probably better - after all - neighbors-gossips (if we find just such) than the anonymous urban crowd?].
If we understand the trade union as an association of specific people designated for specific tasks without regard for public officials and "structures" (bureaucratization threatens non-stop every institution erected by human hands) - we have a healthy alternative to bureaucratic behemoths zastałych - both public and private. History (perhaps above all, family) provide us with numerous examples and guidance as we can, rather than someone else's own forces to ensure a dignified existence.
help in that, once advised by Maciej Dudek, distancing herself from the media tumult. Actually - it works! The time you save by refusing to silting their heads served to customers for sixty seconds per minute pigułami information and artificially excited to someone else's life, we use the specific action - first on a local scale.
could argue whether a direct conversation with another person, planting a few trees together with a neighbor or a home workshop to construct a useful device is always and under all circumstances, provide greater value than watching (otherwise wise) of the film or read the (important otherwise) of article - but the pendulum swung probably already too much in the direction of the artificial world and it's time to start back to reality.
members of trade unions may, at any time say "sneeze and politicians in their service journalists. We left our previous bosses. We reject slavery and organize your work on your own. After our six-hour (maybe less) working day, instead of poisoning the minds of television and newspaper pulp, we go to a meeting with a colleague-a trade unionist from a neighboring village or town and learn about how to improve its products, jointly reflect on how the best way to secure a livelihood in old age, let's look to the Internet when you want to get some tips that can help us work. "
grown amazingly, many people today narzekactwo. "My manager is stupid, my supervisor This idol, my job is hopeless "- we hear often from people who still work for the fool, or a snowman. "Something is poor? Bos stupid. Something stupid? Bos poor. Complain, but still you do for me "- could, in turn, respond with a mocking smile of the President or the Director, remembering that for centuries class representatives of the exploiters (which so aptly portrayed in the text of Christopher Śledziński Ku libertarian class theory ) parasites on those who did (trying to do?) his subjects - Also on the workers, members of trade unions. Baty, almost always getting this simple, "poor" man. As far as he was responsible for it? To what extent was aware of the need to break out of the constructed by the statists and their collaborators social structures, which accounted for them only a block useful in so far as to give him a place at the designated place? As far as remember what it says in the Church Gaudium et Spes : "Man [...] is the creator, the center and to the entire economic and social life? (How this awareness had his oppressor?)
note that the Church, which has traditionally supported the formation of trade unions, puts at the center of economic and social life of man, a particular person. Thus, at first, the man - his dignity and needs.
trade union whose members have forgotten this truth, may have to meet a very important role. Help people in a healthy social self-organization. Encourage all who wish to work on your own. Give the area to exchange experiences and mutual improvement. Care of providing material support to the needy.
Organizing a union can help us especially in the initial stage of transition from employment to someone else for that reality, where instead of employing megagigakorporacji five billion people have one billion small business, which operates five people - or five billion self-employed. Trade union conceived (in the initial stage of operation) as a tool for self-liberation of the exploited class (understood as defined by Christopher Śledzińskiego) can be converted over time based informal relationships with a group of friends, colleagues, people who collectively are able and like to do something.
Such a direction of change can foster the spirit of the proceedings in the proposals outlined by Pope Benedict XVI: "If everyone in your environment might reject the lies and violence in the intentions, the words and deeds, carefully cultivating a feeling of respect and esteem of others, it may not solve it all problems of everyday life, but they could be taken with greater calmness and efficiency. " ( Benedict XVI reflection of the "wisdom descending from above" )
Pope goes to the everyday problems of human toil, like many friends, the idea of \u200b\u200bliberty. This indicates that, contrary to the utopian dreams of statists, the paradise on earth do not we build - but our own attitude, our personal testimony can help to make the mundane world fairer. "Cherishing tenderly feelings of respect and esteem of others" can no longer be here [in your own environment: in the family circle, in their place of work (you might want to try to make these areas of life have the same)], and now to build something of value.
In this way, also make it easy for everyone to understand the choice faced: either opt for a lie and violence in the intentions, the words and deeds - or choose the path of truth, freedom and respect for human dignity.
text is a revision of the article stated on page Liberalis as a voice in discussions on Trade unions and the consequences of their activities (protection of employee rights, strikes, etc.) .
Does such a constructive way unionized?
This question smacks a bit generalization. How? Can we move into the same bag all the trade unions and treat them as a monolith? Probably not. The text, therefore, will focus on some characteristic (most?) Union activists trends, the expression of their sympathies, the initiatives they take.
union as a "general staff", "workers 'asset' is a part, and perhaps even the core problem we face. We often forget that such a compound co-specific individuals. Instead, we see different people only 'weight'.
The opening scene Charlie Chaplin film Modern Times, we see a huge flock of rushing sheep. Next scene: modern times - a herd of people poured into the subway and goes to work at the factory belts. As far as each member of the anonymous crowd responsible for one in their working conditions? As far as we can say that "he so chose? Do you like his work at the plant for mass production, and whether he feels that by doing it fulfills its calling?
Modern Times. The man who wprzągł up (it was harnessed? - Here again the question of individual consciousness) in the modes of employment for people's needs (and perhaps "not-required"). It stands eight hours a day at the factory tape margarine. He sits at the counter, taking customer buzzing coin, and something worth of papers. Overseer prohibits him to go to the toilet. The owner of the interest has an employee in the nose, because, in fact, fascinating to him seems only to dynamically rotate the virtual bank account numbers, or bask in the luxury - not a living man.
It turns out that many employees have similar feelings: how management treats its mercenaries as a "necessary evil", which we need to shed some offal, and did not see in them people endowed with dignity. We therefore assume a union. A trade union, and therefore an organization that will fight for our "rights", "rights" "Workers". Together we determine what we mean. We put forward the request. We demand safety improvements. We want a national health insurance. Less work. Renegotiation of contracts.
We want the Epiphany was the day off from work. First, we turn to those to whom knowingly and voluntarily (?) Enlisted to serve. (From a question mark after the words "knowingly and voluntarily?" The doubts as to how informed and voluntary decision can be called a man who - found himself in the unfortunate circumstances, crushed by taxes, regulations and directives, are employed in the state collaborated with the officers of the company - and still can not see if other solutions that can provide him and his family a decent living.). They do not want to give us free? Overwhelmed with resignation? ... And can we declare a strike and refuse to join the work [at the same time desiring the money, which "belong to us" - even though we do not do this, what is knowingly and voluntarily (?) Committed]? Flown banner and go out into the street?
Whoa, whoa! There is a new concept: send to a State official's call to order the "morning wstrętnemu capitalist 'to satisfy our conditions. This method
peeled many proponents of requiring notice Epiphany day off from work. Common sense it seems quite surprising. When you arrange for an employed person, after all, we can reach our potential employer to an agreement and agree that Jan. 6 will be devoted to tasks other than professional work. Is the moral and need to refer to a public servant, a stranger, a third and even fourth - To violence, we tried to impose a solution that we can accept ourselves voluntarily? And maybe in the course of negotiations with a prospective employer come to the conclusion that, in view of divergent views, if we do not take co-operation, but after some time we will return to this theme?
The above situation may appear to some idealization. Eyes of a human situation, which has the conditions to the extent freely give up to work on someone else's order. Let us ask: is it still the participation of every man, or even most of the people? And if such an occupation, which allows the relative freedom to reject proposals for an employment (if you prefer to do something else) is something precious, the goal towards which we strive? What are the objectives of the general economy?
Among interesting thoughts contained in the encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI Caritas in Veritate appears, and this "should strive to achieve - recognized as a priority - the goal of access for all to work and its maintenance." At these words many might beak to beak with the cry "Socialism!". Meanwhile, if you look through empathetic Pope ideal without unnecessary emotion - it turns out that "access for all to work and its maintenance is not only an attractive vision, but something that expresses the desires of the vast majority (if not all) of the inhabitants of our planet. But unless everyone dreams of doing something like that could do just about forever.

Many unions place on their banners call for permanent employment, creation of working conditions in which the employee could not worry about that from day to day being thrown away.
If we agree that it is worth trying to do so, let us ask ourselves the question: how does it do?
first step to ensure that every access to jobs and opportunities to sustain it would probably sound of your specific needs and duties towards those for whom I am responsible (families, the sick, the poor - in a broader and longer term: all people). Do you honestly fulfill the duties of my state? What should be different from me? Do I devote enough time to those who should I spend? Can I still am unable alone to talk to someone for more than fifteen seconds? Overall: if still in control myself - or I gave up suffer "logic" of a brave new world today in which every man tries to put in a predetermined place in the "social structure"? Can I answer the question about what I need, and choose the appropriate measures to implement the tasks standing before me?
with these issues combine to questions more "economical." Do I really have anywhere drive a car - or I can move on their own feet? Do I need a new plasma sześćdziesięciosześciocalowej in place this last year pięćdziesięcioośmiocalowej, which is already affixed to me? Can I live without my phone? And without the Internet?

Colin Ward wonders in his essay "Self-employed Society (Society or self-Employed Society) on how it is that a man who returns home after a hard day's work [ hired] with happy to take up the cultivation of his garden. He talks about the advantages of such a deal: here a man works on his, he is the boss. Sam decides when the work begins and ends. He works because he wants to, not because they must.
How many people - by Ward - a secretly dreams about, to have a small store, to act on their own, to run a small plant! Lots of people are willing to work very hard - if it gives them greater independence (a greater sense of independence?).
Is union rather, facilitates or impedes the realization of this objective?
As an organization of employees who "fight" for their work within the system almost exclusively on the needs of others, a trade union is often the temptation to engage in cooperation with state officials and attempts to gain certain privileges at the expense of those who come to the compound in question does not belong. In the interest of many unions operating today is entering the "logic" of the contemporary system of state capitalism with all its bureaucracy and activities on a mass scale. Is not uncommon for activists and "coordinators" federal cost may seem viable in the specific duration of symbiosis with the officers of the state and controls the mass production of big business - to the detriment of so-called "average" (even though uncommon), ordinary people, which also comprises the group of "ordinary" (even though extraordinary) union members.
phenomenon of collaboration between "large" or "major" of this world to the detriment of "little people" seeing for centuries. To the numerous conflicts forces, murders, rapes, theft, war atrocities, there have and continue to occur as a result of the decision and the (sometimes tacit) approval of the ministers, managers, presidents, secretaries, kings, presidents - in a word: so. makers - in the second-sighted man, "human resource", not a person endowed with dignity. What interest have conscription slaying each other in wars caused by their "masters"? It is common knowledge that "the war whistling bullets, / The people are down with sheaves, / A najdzielniej beat kings, / And the most densely fellows are dying. " [The situation is somewhat different to those carrying out murders and destruction at the request of state officials on a voluntary basis (of both the government soldiers and employees of private firms military and security services of cooperating with state officials) - they are simply paying the killer]. What meaning and what effects it has persecuted another person who is not a direct threat to me, did not attack me, he lives quietly in his own way?
minister to each other the representatives of big business, high-ranking officers state and the spec from unfair propaganda from time immemorial tried to do so to "gray" wykrwawiał man in the service of their self-appointed masters. Those actually informed of their activities, "social engineers" (swarming yourself that will become the engineers of human souls) is perhaps a handful. It is those people who by force or threat of use of force as husband and father to abandon the family and enlisting in the army or work beyond their strength, those who threat and blackmail and forcing his wife mother to abandon the family and the resignation of care home fire ("Oh yes - some people react - it's your wife does not work?". Answer: "Actually - not" working. "She toil!") - in the name of "professional fulfillment and job the needs of others outside the home, those who demoralize young people, trying to make them passive citizens brave new world. These same "architects" may be aware of this, on how fragile foundations of their power is based. In large measure as it depends on wpajanego 'subjects' feelings of helplessness. If only we generally reject the attitude expressed in words: "It's true, it's not fair, it should be otherwise - but what can I do?" And increasingly realized that, as in a good and important way we can influence the shape of the temporal world, the doprowadzilibyśmy changes in the blink of an eye.
Tyler Durden, bored and tired of living a hooligan-a nihilist, a hero of the movie Fight Club , it realizes the pursuer and his cronies to high police officer, the extent to which it is dependent on people who were chasing - they cook their meals. Export its garbage. They combine their telephone conversations. Keep an ambulance. They watch him when he sleeps. "Do not mess with us".
It is this great power dormant in "prolach" (George Orwell, 1984), they wisely used, can quickly lead to changes for the better.
probably good example of a constructive procedure gives portrayed by Kevin Carson workers "transferee" closed and standing idly by the company (Carson writes about them, including essays posted on website Homebrew Industrial Revolution and Center for a Stateless Society ). Instead, arrange fights in the streets and demand a life for someone else's expense, on its own initiative, the workers go to work, run abandoned machinery, make necessary repairs neglected equipment. As if by way strengthen ties within the local community. They do it well, who know, without looking at what it will say "mountain". Using the rotation system of work and conduct business, make an important step on the road to independence. If the additive is adjusted to produce what is needed - that is, corresponding to the expectations of potential customers (instead of rushing hundreds of software conceptualized by designers of copies of a device, and then scratch their heads: "How would it opchnąć?") - so to speak, working in the liberal professions.
Man working "at home" is a big incentive to make the best use of their talents and self-improvement. He realizes that the quality of his work has a direct bearing on the quality of its fruits. In addition, it is easier to enjoy something yourself, self made. Such work simply is a joy.
If the union members in a similar way, or trying to become more independent and shaped its organization on the model of mutual aid societies ( Friendly Society), by itself provide such support in the disease, a common education, material assistance in the event of job loss whether the collection of voluntary contributions to retirement - the result would be a more humane society.
Maybe at the beginning there is a need to organize a union, to feel the community of interests, a sort of professional solidarity " (Understood as concern for "access for all to work and its maintenance"). Then - if we do not meet the existing conditions of employment - each of us shall give notice. And because we know each other, we trust each other, we are willing to work and easy for us to get along with each other, the combined forces will assume a new company, which produce the same as before (or maybe even something potrzebniejszego and better) - only that now on their own. We refuse to actions on other people's principles, which we perceive as unfair, and use your own initiative - We make the contribution and repurchase redundant plant from the previous owner, take over the half-ruined building of the former state enterprise, we bring it into order and start production, we start producing something in your garage or home workshop ...
In order to strengthen these initiatives, it might be worth at the beginning of the union as a priority to allow each work "at home". We need this to go beyond the "logic" of mass production and to take effective action on a local scale. The key to the case may be formal ownership of their jobs. Piece of land, factory, a small factory, plant reperujący some furniture - it would be good if the employee could say about his work - "it's my job, I work at home" (whether it is owned by one man, or some form of " joint ownership ").
After reaching such a goal the union members could devote more energy to the other fundamental tasks - such as, for example to provide for themselves and their families health care.
work together to organize at the local level helps ago to more dating a man with a man instead of an organization (or anonymous, in fact, a representative of) the organization (or an anonymous agent.) (By the way, the fact that many organizations fit in the position of "Director of Communications," "coordinators for the flow of information", "representatives of public relations", etc. indicates that the officers completely lost sight of the man and chose plunges into a virtual ocean of information. How can you take seriously the company, which employees allocate the "expert" from communicating with each other?).
It could be such a plea: Whoa, whoa. He spins you here some idyllic visions, and the whole meaning of the union lies in the fact that the persons working in a stranger, but still pushing demand that we fight for her.
you anyway. Only if it is the hands and feet? Someone might not suffer the superior and hate what he does. Simple question: how to change it? What can be done about this particular man? How can work a trade union? Stubborn
holding jobs at the same time creates a conflict with their superiors rather unhealthy situation. On the one hand: I hate what I do and where I'm doing it, on the other: I spend an incredible amount of time and energy for it to continue this unnecessary agony. [Even if it happens - for example - that a court whose intervention will be called, will award to me in a dispute with the employer was right and - if I was unfairly dismissed earlier - has ordered me back to work, it creates a strange situation: I'm still working where I do not like - because I (feel that I need?), the employer hires me - because I must. We look at each wolf, it is difficult for any interaction, even now that we have called alien third party, to make us burst. Is not that sick?].
Today, unfortunately, is very strong temptation of resorting to violence, government officials, visible in the official program documents of contemporary trade unions ("demand that state regulations / laws / directives to ensure that / cause that ..."). It is also a double-edged weapon. If we accept that the state functionaries and rob someone 'give us' - we accept also that "we take", and give someone else - and from time to time try to pacify us by the armed forces.
Battles with the police or security guards in areas which temporarily zawiadują state functionaries, or your current employer, perhaps only result in unnecessary damage to health and deepening hatred between the union and those that are currently in the service of the regime - and it has them in a special way would help to throw off the yoke of state capitalism and resignation from employment to other people's needs.
As a glove fits a quote from Boleslaw Prus, to discourage the unnecessary destruction: "He who by word and personal example goes against karciarstwu, alcoholism, prostitution - is doing well, because it seeks to avoid waste of time and money, serious illness and hideous bondage of human beings. But who breaks the public houses, doing wrong, because it does not prevent harlotry, destroys a lot of useful items, impoverishes society "(Mark Twain, Chronicles tygodniowe , Warszawa 1987, t. II, s. 79).
Kolejna sprawa: strajk okupacyjny. Instalujemy się gdzieś i nie ruszymy się stąd! Ale co powiemy naszej żonie i dzieciom – „Nie wracam na noc do domu, bo muszę pilnować barykady, żeby tylko nas nie wywalono?”. Rodzina cierpi, produkcja staje, spędzamy dość bezczynnie całe dnie, godziny, minuty i sekundy... W ostatecznym rozrachunku tracimy wszyscy – a najwięcej nasi najbliżsi.
Jak związek zawodowy traktuje łamistrajków albo wolnych strzelców, którzy pracują razem z nami, ale nie należą do związku? Czy odnosimy się do nich jak to the people, though they try to secure a decent living and working conditions by other means than we do? Can we use any unfair harassment?
Want to work here? You're welcome. If myself and my union colleagues do not want - the way free. We can make a pronounced and try to get another job.

Did I ever want to work here - we might ask in the spirit of anarchosyndykalistycznym - and fight a bit more bearable unnatural conditions of captivity? Do for a stranger? Give him what he did? There are no stupid! I give up! I want to keep a full fruit of my work! Well, at least the greater part of it. (Bows to Benjamin Tucker). We meet with my friends from the compound, together, constitute dismissal and try to raise their own interest.
If necessary, we can retrain. Brotherhood of working people better expressed in the willingness to help another, and teach him something useful than the automatic defy individuals as "fitters", "electrician", "fork-lift truck operators," and nobody else. Each received a gift, a task to accomplish, everyone likes to do something. Many have multiple talents and is willing to learn something new. The practical answer to the question of how to enable (or at least easier) to all people and every one realize its potential - this is just art.
Spore hope can be associated with organizations of self-owners - for example, farmers. Nature of their work in a natural manner that promotes the interests of the property (farm land), family ties (joint effort of the abundant harvest, large numbers of contributing children with various activities) and local [probably better - after all - neighbors-gossips (if we find just such) than the anonymous urban crowd?].
If we understand the trade union as an association of specific people designated for specific tasks without regard for public officials and "structures" (bureaucratization threatens non-stop every institution erected by human hands) - we have a healthy alternative to bureaucratic behemoths zastałych - both public and private. History (perhaps above all, family) provide us with numerous examples and guidance as we can, rather than someone else's own forces to ensure a dignified existence.
help in that, once advised by Maciej Dudek, distancing herself from the media tumult. Actually - it works! The time you save by refusing to silting their heads served to customers for sixty seconds per minute pigułami information and artificially excited to someone else's life, we use the specific action - first on a local scale.
could argue whether a direct conversation with another person, planting a few trees together with a neighbor or a home workshop to construct a useful device is always and under all circumstances, provide greater value than watching (otherwise wise) of the film or read the (important otherwise) of article - but the pendulum swung probably already too much in the direction of the artificial world and it's time to start back to reality.
members of trade unions may, at any time say "sneeze and politicians in their service journalists. We left our previous bosses. We reject slavery and organize your work on your own. After our six-hour (maybe less) working day, instead of poisoning the minds of television and newspaper pulp, we go to a meeting with a colleague-a trade unionist from a neighboring village or town and learn about how to improve its products, jointly reflect on how the best way to secure a livelihood in old age, let's look to the Internet when you want to get some tips that can help us work. "
grown amazingly, many people today narzekactwo. "My manager is stupid, my supervisor This idol, my job is hopeless "- we hear often from people who still work for the fool, or a snowman. "Something is poor? Bos stupid. Something stupid? Bos poor. Complain, but still you do for me "- could, in turn, respond with a mocking smile of the President or the Director, remembering that for centuries class representatives of the exploiters (which so aptly portrayed in the text of Christopher Śledziński Ku libertarian class theory ) parasites on those who did (trying to do?) his subjects - Also on the workers, members of trade unions. Baty, almost always getting this simple, "poor" man. As far as he was responsible for it? To what extent was aware of the need to break out of the constructed by the statists and their collaborators social structures, which accounted for them only a block useful in so far as to give him a place at the designated place? As far as remember what it says in the Church Gaudium et Spes : "Man [...] is the creator, the center and to the entire economic and social life? (How this awareness had his oppressor?)
note that the Church, which has traditionally supported the formation of trade unions, puts at the center of economic and social life of man, a particular person. Thus, at first, the man - his dignity and needs.
trade union whose members have forgotten this truth, may have to meet a very important role. Help people in a healthy social self-organization. Encourage all who wish to work on your own. Give the area to exchange experiences and mutual improvement. Care of providing material support to the needy.
Organizing a union can help us especially in the initial stage of transition from employment to someone else for that reality, where instead of employing megagigakorporacji five billion people have one billion small business, which operates five people - or five billion self-employed. Trade union conceived (in the initial stage of operation) as a tool for self-liberation of the exploited class (understood as defined by Christopher Śledzińskiego) can be converted over time based informal relationships with a group of friends, colleagues, people who collectively are able and like to do something.
Such a direction of change can foster the spirit of the proceedings in the proposals outlined by Pope Benedict XVI: "If everyone in your environment might reject the lies and violence in the intentions, the words and deeds, carefully cultivating a feeling of respect and esteem of others, it may not solve it all problems of everyday life, but they could be taken with greater calmness and efficiency. " ( Benedict XVI reflection of the "wisdom descending from above" )
Pope goes to the everyday problems of human toil, like many friends, the idea of \u200b\u200bliberty. This indicates that, contrary to the utopian dreams of statists, the paradise on earth do not we build - but our own attitude, our personal testimony can help to make the mundane world fairer. "Cherishing tenderly feelings of respect and esteem of others" can no longer be here [in your own environment: in the family circle, in their place of work (you might want to try to make these areas of life have the same)], and now to build something of value.
In this way, also make it easy for everyone to understand the choice faced: either opt for a lie and violence in the intentions, the words and deeds - or choose the path of truth, freedom and respect for human dignity.
text is a revision of the article stated on page Liberalis as a voice in discussions on Trade unions and the consequences of their activities (protection of employee rights, strikes, etc.) .
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