Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hiv Rash Erythema Maculopapular
Translation Fred Reed "Other times and mores"
loader sand against the incoming wave
When dumam curiously unbalanced over our civilization, able to put golf carts on Mars but unable to match the poetry drenched in mud Elizabethan London, I wonder why it is who we are. In terms of technology the United States is przewspaniałe - Athens semiconductor physics. Despite this great band die unheard, we have no Shakespeare or Dante - not a clue about why we need them, and religiousness or is suppressed, or manifests itself in a harsh and hostile. Why?
I think it is because our environment depends not only on what we think, but also about what we can think of. We live in an urban area [urban ], but very random [ not urbane ], among the howling sirens in the air from the exhaust posiwiałym gibberish and broken buses. Pleas do not become false from the fact that often they are repeated. I am not able to imagine Whitman creates in the mall.
Haste and collect all their complexity harvest. As a society we can be called restless. And here - Niezamyślonymi.
Another way life is - or was - possible. Long ago, I spent a summer in Hampden-Sydney, in my small college on a huge wooded campus in the country was still Virginia. Students, thank God, gone.
Along the Via Sacra (the so called unique path in the campus) into the endless blue sky there was silence, absolute silence - unless you count the chirps of birds and insects wailing coming from the crown venerable oaks. This may sounds, but not noise. It's not even music, but something more ancient, old, earlier, better. Vivaldi was a great man, but here he would not have a chance. Homes professors, often old and dignified, though without ostentation, watched around the courtyards shaded by ancient trees. It was quiet and warm, and were finding himself alone with his thoughts.
It was terribly outdated. At night the stars shone on the black expanse of the sky and there is no noise was coming to you. None. Here, Thoreau could write a Corot painting. I do not think it could be done in zgiełkliwej suburban hideousness.
dochodziłeś Following the Via Sacra, the Black Bottom, where the road ended in the woods where he was a pond, a swan on it. It was not the place to which you are placed in photographic magazines - but just quiet, loud hum of insects from the forest in Virginia. In my increasingly long life I have never seen anything more peaceful. On the left path from the ruddy clay mica Wila spotted more and more down to Slippery Rock. Here, deep in the woods, a small brook splashed softly between the red edge, gliding over the mossy płaskim kamieniem. Niewielu znało to miejsce. Mój ojciec, jeszcze zanim doprowadzono elektryczność, przychodził tu, żeby wślizgiwać się do położonego niżej stawku. Ja też.
Wiele popołudni spędziłem tam czytając, albo nic nie robiąc, albo oglądając nartniki ślizgające się na powierzchni wody z nogami w lekkich wklęsłościach. Jako że studiowałem wtedy fizykę i chemię, wiedziałem co nieco o napięciu powierzchniowym, surfaktantach i preferencjach do tworzenia wiązań wodorowych, ale wiedziałem też, że przyglądam się czemuś niepojętemu. To nie była obserwacja Scientific. Researchers are looking at each thing in isolation from all others, but - with the exception of the great people - they do not notice a whole. Few are great on the ground.
Such places change the inner world of man. The Slippery Rock thinking about things that I could not think in Arlington, Virginia, next to Washington, with its sirens, traffic and silently angry people connected to the iPod. Wilson Boulevard, where I lived, it was not terrible. I liked located at the restaurants, bars and places of sushi. People were not angry. But it was horribly anxious.
I'm not religious - at least not in the sense that I believe that I have answers, but I am religious in the sense that I know the questions. I know that there are things they can not know - even more important matters than finding a spouse before the age of thirty. Most of us certainly know about it. But it is not easy to break free from a fixed mode of life. We try. People rush to Europe in search of the old, quiet and nice. Real estate salesmen understand this urge and call to buy a quiet rural life while building shopping centers, This would prevent. And so, in Arcadia appears haste. People think if a flight to the next small town. We use very much time to escape from ourselves. Maybe instead we should build a place that we will be liked.
We can not, because I decided to run things at a distance, and corporate. We have little choice when it comes to the place of residence - not because we were not able to move, but because all the seats are the same. Located in the South, the old town and the families of the gray-green moss English zwieszającym the beards from the trees gives way to shopping malls and restaurants, Ruby Tuesday networks. Perhaps the preserved town center with parking for tour buses, so that visitors can have experience of the South. The town turned into an exhibition of singularity is no longer adequately town.
So little remains of what is local. There were times that the two-lane highway peared among the Mists of the valleys in the Great Smoky Mountains, on their wrinkled slopes perched small towns and family restaurants - each different from the others. Barstow was desert town of desert people, and New Orleans was a city, not a theme park.
now - do not. Things are and the same, and the ugly. Korporatczycy belt driving skills acquired in the landscape of shops, homes, estates - cheap, because the same - because of the wonders of mass production - and who is able to tell them no? You can not stop progress - say booster - although I can not say that I noticed some progress.
And, of course, people want or think they want the hustle and bustle, standardized suburbs and franchise stores. The construction provides for a short time jobs, Wal-Mart actually sells saws at low prices, and eating in restaurants, Ruby Tuesday is good. Young people like the noise, a shop that sells thirty types of running shoes to people who do not run, it is certainly nothing wrong. It was only later gets into boredom and emptiness - are starting to feel them children, who are only shopping centers - never forests. Hamsters are running reels. We buy things.
I suspect that few people really liked what we have - but as freedom from it? Probably most have a very clear feeling of what it is, from what he wants to escape - and besides, there is nowhere to run. As in the bedridden jazgotliwych, smelly exhaust fumes, crowded cities, where the stars disappear behind the veil of smoke, where the flow of the river half-poisonous, and a large proportion of the population barely cope with reading, can anyone think of anything beyond the stock market, and another blank mating? There is no Milne'ów, Donne'ów and Marlowe'ów, because they can not exist, but we do not want to, because I do not know how they want.
Translation based on:
Fred Reed, Other Times and Ways , 20III.shtml
Other Times and Ways published on Fred Reed Fred On Everything in 2008
When dumam curiously unbalanced over our civilization, able to put golf carts on Mars but unable to match the poetry drenched in mud Elizabethan London, I wonder why it is who we are. In terms of technology the United States is przewspaniałe - Athens semiconductor physics. Despite this great band die unheard, we have no Shakespeare or Dante - not a clue about why we need them, and religiousness or is suppressed, or manifests itself in a harsh and hostile. Why?
I think it is because our environment depends not only on what we think, but also about what we can think of. We live in an urban area [urban ], but very random [ not urbane ], among the howling sirens in the air from the exhaust posiwiałym gibberish and broken buses. Pleas do not become false from the fact that often they are repeated. I am not able to imagine Whitman creates in the mall.
Haste and collect all their complexity harvest. As a society we can be called restless. And here - Niezamyślonymi.
Another way life is - or was - possible. Long ago, I spent a summer in Hampden-Sydney, in my small college on a huge wooded campus in the country was still Virginia. Students, thank God, gone.
Along the Via Sacra (the so called unique path in the campus) into the endless blue sky there was silence, absolute silence - unless you count the chirps of birds and insects wailing coming from the crown venerable oaks. This may sounds, but not noise. It's not even music, but something more ancient, old, earlier, better. Vivaldi was a great man, but here he would not have a chance. Homes professors, often old and dignified, though without ostentation, watched around the courtyards shaded by ancient trees. It was quiet and warm, and were finding himself alone with his thoughts.
It was terribly outdated. At night the stars shone on the black expanse of the sky and there is no noise was coming to you. None. Here, Thoreau could write a Corot painting. I do not think it could be done in zgiełkliwej suburban hideousness.
dochodziłeś Following the Via Sacra, the Black Bottom, where the road ended in the woods where he was a pond, a swan on it. It was not the place to which you are placed in photographic magazines - but just quiet, loud hum of insects from the forest in Virginia. In my increasingly long life I have never seen anything more peaceful. On the left path from the ruddy clay mica Wila spotted more and more down to Slippery Rock. Here, deep in the woods, a small brook splashed softly between the red edge, gliding over the mossy płaskim kamieniem. Niewielu znało to miejsce. Mój ojciec, jeszcze zanim doprowadzono elektryczność, przychodził tu, żeby wślizgiwać się do położonego niżej stawku. Ja też.
Wiele popołudni spędziłem tam czytając, albo nic nie robiąc, albo oglądając nartniki ślizgające się na powierzchni wody z nogami w lekkich wklęsłościach. Jako że studiowałem wtedy fizykę i chemię, wiedziałem co nieco o napięciu powierzchniowym, surfaktantach i preferencjach do tworzenia wiązań wodorowych, ale wiedziałem też, że przyglądam się czemuś niepojętemu. To nie była obserwacja Scientific. Researchers are looking at each thing in isolation from all others, but - with the exception of the great people - they do not notice a whole. Few are great on the ground.
Such places change the inner world of man. The Slippery Rock thinking about things that I could not think in Arlington, Virginia, next to Washington, with its sirens, traffic and silently angry people connected to the iPod. Wilson Boulevard, where I lived, it was not terrible. I liked located at the restaurants, bars and places of sushi. People were not angry. But it was horribly anxious.
I'm not religious - at least not in the sense that I believe that I have answers, but I am religious in the sense that I know the questions. I know that there are things they can not know - even more important matters than finding a spouse before the age of thirty. Most of us certainly know about it. But it is not easy to break free from a fixed mode of life. We try. People rush to Europe in search of the old, quiet and nice. Real estate salesmen understand this urge and call to buy a quiet rural life while building shopping centers, This would prevent. And so, in Arcadia appears haste. People think if a flight to the next small town. We use very much time to escape from ourselves. Maybe instead we should build a place that we will be liked.
We can not, because I decided to run things at a distance, and corporate. We have little choice when it comes to the place of residence - not because we were not able to move, but because all the seats are the same. Located in the South, the old town and the families of the gray-green moss English zwieszającym the beards from the trees gives way to shopping malls and restaurants, Ruby Tuesday networks. Perhaps the preserved town center with parking for tour buses, so that visitors can have experience of the South. The town turned into an exhibition of singularity is no longer adequately town.
So little remains of what is local. There were times that the two-lane highway peared among the Mists of the valleys in the Great Smoky Mountains, on their wrinkled slopes perched small towns and family restaurants - each different from the others. Barstow was desert town of desert people, and New Orleans was a city, not a theme park.
now - do not. Things are and the same, and the ugly. Korporatczycy belt driving skills acquired in the landscape of shops, homes, estates - cheap, because the same - because of the wonders of mass production - and who is able to tell them no? You can not stop progress - say booster - although I can not say that I noticed some progress.
And, of course, people want or think they want the hustle and bustle, standardized suburbs and franchise stores. The construction provides for a short time jobs, Wal-Mart actually sells saws at low prices, and eating in restaurants, Ruby Tuesday is good. Young people like the noise, a shop that sells thirty types of running shoes to people who do not run, it is certainly nothing wrong. It was only later gets into boredom and emptiness - are starting to feel them children, who are only shopping centers - never forests. Hamsters are running reels. We buy things.
I suspect that few people really liked what we have - but as freedom from it? Probably most have a very clear feeling of what it is, from what he wants to escape - and besides, there is nowhere to run. As in the bedridden jazgotliwych, smelly exhaust fumes, crowded cities, where the stars disappear behind the veil of smoke, where the flow of the river half-poisonous, and a large proportion of the population barely cope with reading, can anyone think of anything beyond the stock market, and another blank mating? There is no Milne'ów, Donne'ów and Marlowe'ów, because they can not exist, but we do not want to, because I do not know how they want.
Translation based on:
Fred Reed, Other Times and Ways , 20III.shtml
Other Times and Ways published on Fred Reed Fred On Everything in 2008
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Create Own Lax Pinnies
Translation: John Derbyshire, "Freedom"
Does it want?
I just finished reading Suicide Marlboro Man Fred Reed, who in turn drew inspiration from the full minionymi sometimes longing for G. Gordon Liddy book When I was a kid, it was a free country [ When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country ]. (So \u200b\u200bthis article is inspired by the conservative commentary conservative commentary on the book written by a conservative commentator. Give me some slack, christmas soon.) Fred unspeakable * ** Shares Liddy longing for the old American independence and self-sufficiency, but it shows that the distribution and the eventual loss of this way of life were inevitable. I hope that Fred will not be offended if I quote the last paragraph of the text in its entirety. Fred uses the words in a way that I admire, but do not deceive myself that I manage to match him. Here are his words:
Under the influence of the reading I began to wonder about freedom, longing and uncompromising independence of our ancestors. Unfortunately, my ancestors were not working on their own land farmers from the hills of West Virginia, but in most English miners, so I approach the subject from the other side. However, I believe I can shed some light on these issues.
Thinking of freedom always begin on the first page History of England from 1914-1945 AJP Taylor (one of the volumes Oxford History of England ) [ Angielski History, 1914-1945 ]. Let me quote the entire page. I can not bear the thought that I would summarize it or shortening. Here it is:
At first glance, this sounds like an idyll - the dream of the libertarian [1]. Now let's look on a little bit more. As it happens, I grew up among the English, the oldest of whom worked and founded the family in the times described by Taylor - shortly before the outbreak of World War [World War I ] (or, as they always said, "Great War" [ "The Great War" ]). They presented a lot of socially conservative attitudes in this respect agree with G. Gordon Liddym. For our youth - were accustomed to speak - the beer was stronger, people cared about each other, the country was not full of foreigners, the children know that adults should not shoot one's mouth, murderers were judged, sentenced and hanged - all within a month, and so on. Yet all these older people were socialists. In matters of public policy has never been quite the government. Nationalization of the mines? State pensions for the elderly? State disability insurance? State housing? Free education? The National Health Fund [National Health Service ]? You're welcome.
If you try to examine where did these socialist tendencies, did figure scary stories. Down the road lived the poor widow with eight kids to feed - none of them had a single pair of shoes. He was old Sam Matthews, who died in agony, because he could not afford the operation. He was a cousin of Alfred, the smartest and most well-read man I ever met, who had to quit school at the age of fourteen and exit "to hell" (that is, to work in a coal mine), because the family lacked the money. They were work-related hazards - fires in the shafts, for example: "The changes people crawling behind iron carriages, each of which is wyrywający forward to put in the carriage shovel hot coals, then returning at the end of the series - all nine pence in the carriage. "(From the notes, which I did once at a family meeting. In 1914, nine pence was worth fifteen cents American.) Worst everything was shelter - a word uttered with such dread and terror that to this day I feel chills. Shelter was the only form of social care in the Victorian (though, as Taylor points out, the decreasing extent) Edwardian England - The Community House was managed by the parish in which the poor received a symbolic shelter and meager meals in exchange for low-skilled work.
historians - including Taylor, who, by the way, he was a socialist - confirm that the libertarian idyll in essence boiled from the discontent and injustice. The best book on this subject is the classic position of George Dangierfielda strange death of liberal England [ The Strange Death of Liberal England ], resumed today, 66 years since the first edition. Dangerfield reveals hidden dark side of the vast Edwardian idyll. Trade unions tighten your muscles begin to work towards universal strikes and demanded nationalization of industry. Participants campaign for voting rights for women to smoke puszczały rural houses, attracted to the fence in public places, threw themselves under the hooves of racehorses. Ireland was a festering wound - a large group of Irish people demanded more autonomy, the second large group of them objected to this, in the British army mutiny occurred when soldiers were ordered to shoot loyal Ulsterczyków. The very constitution - yes, Britain has a constitution, but no one ever bothered transcribe it - began to totter, and a constitutional monarch was forced to use their authority to carry out reforms.
certainly possible to identify some common points above description with the image of the former, more free America, he remembers with such fondness G. Gordon Liddy. "Farmer cultivating their own land" sounds very nice and after jeffersonowsku until I think about Ethanie Frome Joadów or family. Freedom is a beautiful thing, but, like any other good, has its price, and for many people, this price was too high. Sold their freedom for a little security, making America and Britain as they are today. Nobody forced them to do so by force. Accepted the exchange smoothly, we would - in fact many of them fought bravely, and some even died, so that the market managed to finish off. The former, richer way of life in freedom was, as Fred puts it succinctly, "condemned the suicide."
why America today is like the looks: a monstrous level of taxation, huge government bureaucracy is characterized by a breathtaking arrogance, and - as we have seen over the past few months, all too well - incompetence ***, slaying the industry comprising lawyers collective actions for damages, stealing other people's property the government regulators, labor saudyarabizacja (God forbid! to an American born in America, washed cars, cleaned toilets, pucował shoes or picking fruit - we have 13 million illegal immigrants who **** this will take) and choke-free mind disciplined by the Government sets the rules for "diversity", "sensitivity" and "correctness". We have reached the stage provided by Tocqueville, in which "the supreme authority of [...] covers the surface of society, the network of small complicated rules, detailed and consolidated people [...] do not tyrannize, but it oppresses them, weakens, deprives them of hope and makes them in dementia - until the moment when each nation is reduced to the level of the herd suddenly docile and diligently working animals whose government is the shepherd. " And - apart from malkontentami few, such as Fred Reed, G. Gordon Liddy - none of us do not mind.
Fred ends his text saying: "As a species simply can not be overcome. But for some time, we lived well. " So far I agree with him. But what of the future? Our society can not stand still. Or freedom will continue to shrink until the biotechnology and science of the nervous system does not lead us to the state-controlled infantile hedonism Brave New World ? (A few weeks ago when I read once again the master Huxley's work, suddenly I realized why I am absolutely not able to watch the television series Friends . Phoebe, Chandler, and the company would be shining examples of a State of the World in 632 Lord of Our Ford.) And maybe it is way back, leading to a rebirth of freedom? And - if so - whether we want it to go?
really hard is, of course, that last question. In any case, I am sure that way back exist. evil in the past actually took place, but the use of a favorite remedy of the twentieth century - increasing government power - has led to a situation in which gains exceed the losses began, long before the end of last century. In many cases, this means not only proved to be a cure, but even worse case. Readers of the book by Charles Murray'ao libertarianism remember "test the trend line" [ "trend line test" ]. You're doing something like this: You specify any quantitative social phenomenon - poverty, educational attainment, road accidents, infant mortality - and draw a graph of its occurrence over several decades. Then, staring intently at the chart, trying to identify the moment at which the government began to intervene. Usually, you fail.
All this is, of course, at odds with "official" history. For example, the "official" version on race relations says that the nation [the U.S.] generally discriminated against black Americans - until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 destroyed the power of legalized racism. In fact, segregation and the associated evils were in constant back from the moment World War II, and their ultimate end was approaching more rapidly in the late fifties [twentieth century]. The civil rights movement and its activities related to legislation is not driven this process, but followed him, or at best were only a part of it - secondary phenomena, not first causes. Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace [2] did not really fight with the government, but with the inevitable social change - lose these anyway.
The twentieth century was full of such processes. Trivial statement in the field of political science says that revolutions almost never explode, when the worst happens - comes to them when things start to go in the right direction. That has always been the government's meddling in our lives. Reference is an undesirable phenomenon and causes a stir; adopt a law ... And yet, while this process continues - perhaps even before it began - the trend line is already moving down and ended up in the same place, regardless of whether that created a new bureaucratic state office with a budget of 40 billion U.S. dollars, regardless of if enacted by this bust of the new laws, regardless of whether the next piece zrezygnowalibyśmy freedom.
farmer cultivating his own land as an essential part of our society gone for good. Met the same fate, thanks to God, a glowing coal loader for change after nine pence in the carriage. Reducing government intervention to the level before its massive intrusion in the twentieth century does not mean a return to the shelters, the rules of racial segregation, deprivation of women's voting rights and the brutalization of working conditions. Technological advances, more sophisticated financial systems and spare change in consciousness us this, and probably oszczędziłyby us this and so - without any need for rapid progress of socialism in the past few decades. We can live, and live well, enjoying much more freedom and much less government interference, if you want. The problem, which decides the shape of the new century, is this: Do we want?
FOOTNOTES * Forgive me if you have already mentioned this, but one of my all time favorite krzyżówkowych passwords in the London Times was: "Do not describe it any vulgarity." Answer: unspeakable.
** BTW, I noticed that when I read the text of Fred's network, my mouse cursor all the time takes the form of a small hourglass. Presumably, this means that Fred secretly loaded on my hard drive called a "cookie" containing, I believe, tips on cleaning the weapons, cops life stories, recipes for pate raccoon, promotional offer for sale of diving equipment and computer graphics depicting Mexican a raven-haired beauty.
*** This incompetence meets at all levels - to the existing long, the most basic services. I asked recently at the post office that examined whether a letter which I sent as registered, has reached the addressee. I filled out the form and brought the original proof of origin, which, it assured me, will allow the post office to trace the fate of the consignment. Six weeks later, I returned to form with a stamp "unknown fate of the consignment." Since &*!!#@/?%*# the fate of this letter is unknown, then what I paid, so he was sent as registered? **** Sam
trash your lawn. This means that I am the increasingly shrinking minority on Long Island. Most of my neighbors work in the garden has such groups Aztecs.
[1] It is difficult to agree with the opinion Derbyshire'a; activities of any officers of the state stands in sharp contrast with the "libertarian dream," which is the only loss of the state and voluntary relationships with others - editor. crowd.
[2] Theophilus "Bull" Connor (1897-1973), Lester Maddox (1915-2003), George Corley Wallace Jr. (1919-1998) - American politicians in favor segregation Race - editor. crowd.
Translation by:
John Derbyshire, Liberty ,
published on Liberty website National Review Online 21 December 2002
I just finished reading Suicide Marlboro Man Fred Reed, who in turn drew inspiration from the full minionymi sometimes longing for G. Gordon Liddy book When I was a kid, it was a free country [ When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country ]. (So \u200b\u200bthis article is inspired by the conservative commentary conservative commentary on the book written by a conservative commentator. Give me some slack, christmas soon.) Fred unspeakable * ** Shares Liddy longing for the old American independence and self-sufficiency, but it shows that the distribution and the eventual loss of this way of life were inevitable. I hope that Fred will not be offended if I quote the last paragraph of the text in its entirety. Fred uses the words in a way that I admire, but do not deceive myself that I manage to match him. Here are his words:
again I would like to live in a world of Mr. Liddy. Unfortunately, this world has a tendency to samolikwidacji. Freedom is in the long run inconsistent with freedom, because inevitably be used in such a way that creates a control. As a species simply can not be overcome. But for some time, we lived well.
Under the influence of the reading I began to wonder about freedom, longing and uncompromising independence of our ancestors. Unfortunately, my ancestors were not working on their own land farmers from the hills of West Virginia, but in most English miners, so I approach the subject from the other side. However, I believe I can shed some light on these issues.
Thinking of freedom always begin on the first page History of England from 1914-1945 AJP Taylor (one of the volumes Oxford History of England ) [ Angielski History, 1914-1945 ]. Let me quote the entire page. I can not bear the thought that I would summarize it or shortening. Here it is:
By August 1914, a reasonable, law-abiding Englishman could have survived all his life and hardly notice the existence of countries outside the post office and police. He could live where he wanted and how he wanted. He had no official number or identity card. He could travel abroad or leave his country forever - without a passport or any kind of official authorization. Able to exchange your money into any currency without restriction. He could buy goods from any country in the world on an equal footing, As in the homeland. Speaking of which - a foreigner could spend his life in England without having to apply for a residence permit and without informing the police. In contrast to countries on the European continent, country English is not przymuszało its citizens to military service. An Englishman could enlist the regular army, navy, or to volunteer territorial defense forces. If he wanted, he could also choose to ignore the requirements of national defense. Owners of large estates called upon occasionally to sit on the jury. In other cases, you only help one wanted. The Englishman paid taxes on moderate: in 1913-1914 it was less than £ 200 million, or less than 8 percent of national income. State intervened to prevent the intake of food by a citizen of the composition other than that indicated by him, or the onset of certain diseases. Dictate the rules of safety in factories and forbade women and adult men employed in certain industries, work by the excessive amount of time. You watched the children to receive education to the completion of the thirteenth year of life. From 1 January 1909 provided a modest pension the needy, who crossed the 70th years of age. Since 1911 he helped to cover selected groups of workers in the event of illness or job loss. This trend towards increasing state intervention grew. Since we took power in 1905, the Liberals social spending has increased more or less doubled. However, generally speaking, the state took its action only in order to help those who could not help themselves. Left the adult citizen alone.
At first glance, this sounds like an idyll - the dream of the libertarian [1]. Now let's look on a little bit more. As it happens, I grew up among the English, the oldest of whom worked and founded the family in the times described by Taylor - shortly before the outbreak of World War [World War I ] (or, as they always said, "Great War" [ "The Great War" ]). They presented a lot of socially conservative attitudes in this respect agree with G. Gordon Liddym. For our youth - were accustomed to speak - the beer was stronger, people cared about each other, the country was not full of foreigners, the children know that adults should not shoot one's mouth, murderers were judged, sentenced and hanged - all within a month, and so on. Yet all these older people were socialists. In matters of public policy has never been quite the government. Nationalization of the mines? State pensions for the elderly? State disability insurance? State housing? Free education? The National Health Fund [National Health Service ]? You're welcome.
If you try to examine where did these socialist tendencies, did figure scary stories. Down the road lived the poor widow with eight kids to feed - none of them had a single pair of shoes. He was old Sam Matthews, who died in agony, because he could not afford the operation. He was a cousin of Alfred, the smartest and most well-read man I ever met, who had to quit school at the age of fourteen and exit "to hell" (that is, to work in a coal mine), because the family lacked the money. They were work-related hazards - fires in the shafts, for example: "The changes people crawling behind iron carriages, each of which is wyrywający forward to put in the carriage shovel hot coals, then returning at the end of the series - all nine pence in the carriage. "(From the notes, which I did once at a family meeting. In 1914, nine pence was worth fifteen cents American.) Worst everything was shelter - a word uttered with such dread and terror that to this day I feel chills. Shelter was the only form of social care in the Victorian (though, as Taylor points out, the decreasing extent) Edwardian England - The Community House was managed by the parish in which the poor received a symbolic shelter and meager meals in exchange for low-skilled work.
historians - including Taylor, who, by the way, he was a socialist - confirm that the libertarian idyll in essence boiled from the discontent and injustice. The best book on this subject is the classic position of George Dangierfielda strange death of liberal England [ The Strange Death of Liberal England ], resumed today, 66 years since the first edition. Dangerfield reveals hidden dark side of the vast Edwardian idyll. Trade unions tighten your muscles begin to work towards universal strikes and demanded nationalization of industry. Participants campaign for voting rights for women to smoke puszczały rural houses, attracted to the fence in public places, threw themselves under the hooves of racehorses. Ireland was a festering wound - a large group of Irish people demanded more autonomy, the second large group of them objected to this, in the British army mutiny occurred when soldiers were ordered to shoot loyal Ulsterczyków. The very constitution - yes, Britain has a constitution, but no one ever bothered transcribe it - began to totter, and a constitutional monarch was forced to use their authority to carry out reforms.
certainly possible to identify some common points above description with the image of the former, more free America, he remembers with such fondness G. Gordon Liddy. "Farmer cultivating their own land" sounds very nice and after jeffersonowsku until I think about Ethanie Frome Joadów or family. Freedom is a beautiful thing, but, like any other good, has its price, and for many people, this price was too high. Sold their freedom for a little security, making America and Britain as they are today. Nobody forced them to do so by force. Accepted the exchange smoothly, we would - in fact many of them fought bravely, and some even died, so that the market managed to finish off. The former, richer way of life in freedom was, as Fred puts it succinctly, "condemned the suicide."
why America today is like the looks: a monstrous level of taxation, huge government bureaucracy is characterized by a breathtaking arrogance, and - as we have seen over the past few months, all too well - incompetence ***, slaying the industry comprising lawyers collective actions for damages, stealing other people's property the government regulators, labor saudyarabizacja (God forbid! to an American born in America, washed cars, cleaned toilets, pucował shoes or picking fruit - we have 13 million illegal immigrants who **** this will take) and choke-free mind disciplined by the Government sets the rules for "diversity", "sensitivity" and "correctness". We have reached the stage provided by Tocqueville, in which "the supreme authority of [...] covers the surface of society, the network of small complicated rules, detailed and consolidated people [...] do not tyrannize, but it oppresses them, weakens, deprives them of hope and makes them in dementia - until the moment when each nation is reduced to the level of the herd suddenly docile and diligently working animals whose government is the shepherd. " And - apart from malkontentami few, such as Fred Reed, G. Gordon Liddy - none of us do not mind.
Fred ends his text saying: "As a species simply can not be overcome. But for some time, we lived well. " So far I agree with him. But what of the future? Our society can not stand still. Or freedom will continue to shrink until the biotechnology and science of the nervous system does not lead us to the state-controlled infantile hedonism Brave New World ? (A few weeks ago when I read once again the master Huxley's work, suddenly I realized why I am absolutely not able to watch the television series Friends . Phoebe, Chandler, and the company would be shining examples of a State of the World in 632 Lord of Our Ford.) And maybe it is way back, leading to a rebirth of freedom? And - if so - whether we want it to go?
really hard is, of course, that last question. In any case, I am sure that way back exist. evil in the past actually took place, but the use of a favorite remedy of the twentieth century - increasing government power - has led to a situation in which gains exceed the losses began, long before the end of last century. In many cases, this means not only proved to be a cure, but even worse case. Readers of the book by Charles Murray'ao libertarianism remember "test the trend line" [ "trend line test" ]. You're doing something like this: You specify any quantitative social phenomenon - poverty, educational attainment, road accidents, infant mortality - and draw a graph of its occurrence over several decades. Then, staring intently at the chart, trying to identify the moment at which the government began to intervene. Usually, you fail.
All this is, of course, at odds with "official" history. For example, the "official" version on race relations says that the nation [the U.S.] generally discriminated against black Americans - until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 destroyed the power of legalized racism. In fact, segregation and the associated evils were in constant back from the moment World War II, and their ultimate end was approaching more rapidly in the late fifties [twentieth century]. The civil rights movement and its activities related to legislation is not driven this process, but followed him, or at best were only a part of it - secondary phenomena, not first causes. Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace [2] did not really fight with the government, but with the inevitable social change - lose these anyway.
The twentieth century was full of such processes. Trivial statement in the field of political science says that revolutions almost never explode, when the worst happens - comes to them when things start to go in the right direction. That has always been the government's meddling in our lives. Reference is an undesirable phenomenon and causes a stir; adopt a law ... And yet, while this process continues - perhaps even before it began - the trend line is already moving down and ended up in the same place, regardless of whether that created a new bureaucratic state office with a budget of 40 billion U.S. dollars, regardless of if enacted by this bust of the new laws, regardless of whether the next piece zrezygnowalibyśmy freedom.
farmer cultivating his own land as an essential part of our society gone for good. Met the same fate, thanks to God, a glowing coal loader for change after nine pence in the carriage. Reducing government intervention to the level before its massive intrusion in the twentieth century does not mean a return to the shelters, the rules of racial segregation, deprivation of women's voting rights and the brutalization of working conditions. Technological advances, more sophisticated financial systems and spare change in consciousness us this, and probably oszczędziłyby us this and so - without any need for rapid progress of socialism in the past few decades. We can live, and live well, enjoying much more freedom and much less government interference, if you want. The problem, which decides the shape of the new century, is this: Do we want?
FOOTNOTES * Forgive me if you have already mentioned this, but one of my all time favorite krzyżówkowych passwords in the London Times was: "Do not describe it any vulgarity." Answer: unspeakable.
** BTW, I noticed that when I read the text of Fred's network, my mouse cursor all the time takes the form of a small hourglass. Presumably, this means that Fred secretly loaded on my hard drive called a "cookie" containing, I believe, tips on cleaning the weapons, cops life stories, recipes for pate raccoon, promotional offer for sale of diving equipment and computer graphics depicting Mexican a raven-haired beauty.
*** This incompetence meets at all levels - to the existing long, the most basic services. I asked recently at the post office that examined whether a letter which I sent as registered, has reached the addressee. I filled out the form and brought the original proof of origin, which, it assured me, will allow the post office to trace the fate of the consignment. Six weeks later, I returned to form with a stamp "unknown fate of the consignment." Since &*!!#@/?%*# the fate of this letter is unknown, then what I paid, so he was sent as registered? **** Sam
trash your lawn. This means that I am the increasingly shrinking minority on Long Island. Most of my neighbors work in the garden has such groups Aztecs.
[1] It is difficult to agree with the opinion Derbyshire'a; activities of any officers of the state stands in sharp contrast with the "libertarian dream," which is the only loss of the state and voluntary relationships with others - editor. crowd.
[2] Theophilus "Bull" Connor (1897-1973), Lester Maddox (1915-2003), George Corley Wallace Jr. (1919-1998) - American politicians in favor segregation Race - editor. crowd.
Translation by:
John Derbyshire, Liberty ,
published on Liberty website National Review Online 21 December 2002
Friday, July 17, 2009
Cloudy Urine When I Poo
Translation: Fred Reed, "Suicide Marlboro Man"
The price of freedom is slavery. Something like that. At least to some extent
I read all the longing for times minionymi G. Gordon Liddy book When I was a kid, it was a free country [ When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country ]. Liddy paints a delightful picture of the old days when America was free, farmers could inundate marshes without violating the regulations on wetlands, and the weapon was simply a weapon. People are independent, we have the character and make decisions on their own budget. Rules for the market to function, just as they should, and the government interfering in private affairs to a negligible degree.
This picture is real. I have lived in this world. I would like to come back, but this does not happen. It was a world doomed to suicide.
It happens that in the rural county full of independent-thinking the nature of farmers, cultivating their own land [ yeomen ], increasing density of population - either in the center or in distant locations on the periphery. There is a highway, because that is what he wants ciężarówkowe lobby in Washington. Construction of the motorway is a Good Thing, because it means progress and gives people a year job.
makes it accessible to a distant province, about fifty miles of the city. Contractor buys 500 acres of land along the river from an independent owner with character. It does this by offering sums that make the farmer's eyes go out of their sockets.
First the 500 houses in a dormitory suburb called Brook Dale Manor. A year later there is another 500 under the name of Dale View Estates. It's a Good Thing, because the independent farmer (now former farmer) the nature exercises its right to property and the construction of the suburb of creating jobs. The river now looks ugly as hell, but only care about oszołomy.
The corporate headquarters Safeway, God knows how far, the new population appears as a darker shade of green on the computer screen. Begins The construction of a new supermarket near the highway. It's a Good Thing, which constitutes an example of free enterprise in action and creating jobs in the construction industry. What's more, Safeway sells cheaper, more diverse and, in fact, better food than half a dozen pre-existing in the county family shops that terminate activity.
Soon they learn about the county, people from shopping malls to the big city. A company with billion dollars is no problem with buying the nature of the independent farmer, who earns less than $ 40,000 a year. Arrives in a shopping center with Wal-Mart. It's a Good Thing, etc. Wal-Mart sells almost everything cheap.
also displace the market, most shops in the county. Together with them, restaurants are falling, no longer visited by those who formerly came there on the occasion of visits to local shops. Along with the restaurants leaves a sense of community, flourishing in the town, where there are eateries, shops and market. But it szurnięte thinking, which speaks only to prying into other people's affairs lefties.
Appears K-Mart, and with it, along the highway, McDonald's, Arby's, Roy Rogers and other intermediate stations on the way to coronary embolism. Mall on the motorway is a Good Thing, because it is an example of the use of economic freedom. Trade is now operating on the distance control of finance, for which the county is the pin on the map.
It's a Good Thing. Posts in the new stores are safe and comfortable. Independent farmers [ frontiersmen ] with the character, now employed at low positions in any of the networks are no longer independent, because you can fire them.
Appears third suburban district - Brook Manor Downs View. Resettled to their homes miastowi ugly now numerically greater than the local with character. There are clever, they have lawyers in their ranks and work together. Quickly taking control in the government of the county.
want urban drainage system, more roads, schools and top-down regulation of construction [ zoning ]. The latter is not so unreasonable. The sparsely populated county kept a few hogs in the yard behind the house, or crumbling without wheels merc does not bother anyone. In dealing with a quarter-acre dorobkiewiczów ghetto - was. Then come provisions for keeping dogs on a leash, and the need to obtain permits for their possession. The noisy crowd obwisłouchych dogs are illegal.
Prices are rising - as taxes. Profits from farming and fishing crab in the river do not rise. Farmers and fishermen are gradually being forced to sell their land to investors building and transition to work full-time from eight to five. Unfortunately, you can not simultaneously be an independent person with character and be afraid of his boss. When a strong character, independent farmer begins to work as a bouncer at Staring becomes unqualified mercenary. The difference between the independent farmer growing his own land and punching the second category is the independence or lack thereof.
People earn more money and buy homes in Manor Dale Mews, but to a lesser extent, they control their own time, so now we do not build their own barns, we assume no electricity in their homes and they do not mention the clutch discs. The boom is a Good Thing. As a result, children become resourceful farmer dependent on others when they want to change the oil furnace refit or repair the boat.
Most people who have recently arrived from the city, afraid of weapons. Do not hunt, knowing that food comes from Safeway'ai its newcomer rival, Giant. They do not like independent peasants, whom they call wsiokami, simpletons or prowincjuszami. Hunting and so there is no sense in their case, because the flock of migratory birds of the wetlands are disappearing.
In fact, when people are shooting with guns and śrutówek in a place that is becoming increasingly annex to the city, it is not safe. Effects of newcomers makes it harder for independent even show up with a gun in sight. In the landfill no longer allowed to shoot rats.
Children resourceful villagers do not succeed in school as well as the offspring of commuters parasitic invaders, and they are slowly being pushed to the margins. Crime is increasing as the social links are broken. Previously, virtually everyone knows everyone and knows what who has a car. Aliens are distinguished. Trouble-making teenagers, but there were limits. It gets into the anonymity of large numbers, and moreover there is no longer any communities.
And in this way, a county full of free farmers is transformed into another suburban district inhabited mięczakowatą the colorless dorobkiewiczów who can not inflate your tires. Individualists rural actors are small cogs in someone else's machine. Their children grow up to be sexually promiscuous supermarket monkey ćpające to escape from boredom. The same county is now paying the hideous, painted in bright colors, building trashy neighborhood. The life of the population is managed at a distance.
Briefly speaking, the point is that the inalienable right of the independent farmer to dispose of his property in the way he wishes (which is not affected), generally leads to the fact that It gets into the hands of the contractor. Inalienable right to reproduction will lead to congestion, which results in a lack of independence, the government prying and the loss of local control.
again I live in a world of Mr. Liddy. Unfortunately, this world has a tendency to samolikwidacji. Freedom is in the long run inconsistent with freedom, because inevitably be used in such a way that creates a control. As a species simply can not be overcome. But for some time, we lived well.
Translation by:
Fred Reed, The Suicide Of Marlboro Man ,
The Suicide Of Marlboro Man published on Fred Reed Fred On Everything in 2002
I read all the longing for times minionymi G. Gordon Liddy book When I was a kid, it was a free country [ When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country ]. Liddy paints a delightful picture of the old days when America was free, farmers could inundate marshes without violating the regulations on wetlands, and the weapon was simply a weapon. People are independent, we have the character and make decisions on their own budget. Rules for the market to function, just as they should, and the government interfering in private affairs to a negligible degree.
This picture is real. I have lived in this world. I would like to come back, but this does not happen. It was a world doomed to suicide.
It happens that in the rural county full of independent-thinking the nature of farmers, cultivating their own land [ yeomen ], increasing density of population - either in the center or in distant locations on the periphery. There is a highway, because that is what he wants ciężarówkowe lobby in Washington. Construction of the motorway is a Good Thing, because it means progress and gives people a year job.
makes it accessible to a distant province, about fifty miles of the city. Contractor buys 500 acres of land along the river from an independent owner with character. It does this by offering sums that make the farmer's eyes go out of their sockets.
First the 500 houses in a dormitory suburb called Brook Dale Manor. A year later there is another 500 under the name of Dale View Estates. It's a Good Thing, because the independent farmer (now former farmer) the nature exercises its right to property and the construction of the suburb of creating jobs. The river now looks ugly as hell, but only care about oszołomy.
The corporate headquarters Safeway, God knows how far, the new population appears as a darker shade of green on the computer screen. Begins The construction of a new supermarket near the highway. It's a Good Thing, which constitutes an example of free enterprise in action and creating jobs in the construction industry. What's more, Safeway sells cheaper, more diverse and, in fact, better food than half a dozen pre-existing in the county family shops that terminate activity.
Soon they learn about the county, people from shopping malls to the big city. A company with billion dollars is no problem with buying the nature of the independent farmer, who earns less than $ 40,000 a year. Arrives in a shopping center with Wal-Mart. It's a Good Thing, etc. Wal-Mart sells almost everything cheap.
also displace the market, most shops in the county. Together with them, restaurants are falling, no longer visited by those who formerly came there on the occasion of visits to local shops. Along with the restaurants leaves a sense of community, flourishing in the town, where there are eateries, shops and market. But it szurnięte thinking, which speaks only to prying into other people's affairs lefties.
Appears K-Mart, and with it, along the highway, McDonald's, Arby's, Roy Rogers and other intermediate stations on the way to coronary embolism. Mall on the motorway is a Good Thing, because it is an example of the use of economic freedom. Trade is now operating on the distance control of finance, for which the county is the pin on the map.
It's a Good Thing. Posts in the new stores are safe and comfortable. Independent farmers [ frontiersmen ] with the character, now employed at low positions in any of the networks are no longer independent, because you can fire them.
Appears third suburban district - Brook Manor Downs View. Resettled to their homes miastowi ugly now numerically greater than the local with character. There are clever, they have lawyers in their ranks and work together. Quickly taking control in the government of the county.
want urban drainage system, more roads, schools and top-down regulation of construction [ zoning ]. The latter is not so unreasonable. The sparsely populated county kept a few hogs in the yard behind the house, or crumbling without wheels merc does not bother anyone. In dealing with a quarter-acre dorobkiewiczów ghetto - was. Then come provisions for keeping dogs on a leash, and the need to obtain permits for their possession. The noisy crowd obwisłouchych dogs are illegal.
Prices are rising - as taxes. Profits from farming and fishing crab in the river do not rise. Farmers and fishermen are gradually being forced to sell their land to investors building and transition to work full-time from eight to five. Unfortunately, you can not simultaneously be an independent person with character and be afraid of his boss. When a strong character, independent farmer begins to work as a bouncer at Staring becomes unqualified mercenary. The difference between the independent farmer growing his own land and punching the second category is the independence or lack thereof.
People earn more money and buy homes in Manor Dale Mews, but to a lesser extent, they control their own time, so now we do not build their own barns, we assume no electricity in their homes and they do not mention the clutch discs. The boom is a Good Thing. As a result, children become resourceful farmer dependent on others when they want to change the oil furnace refit or repair the boat.
Most people who have recently arrived from the city, afraid of weapons. Do not hunt, knowing that food comes from Safeway'ai its newcomer rival, Giant. They do not like independent peasants, whom they call wsiokami, simpletons or prowincjuszami. Hunting and so there is no sense in their case, because the flock of migratory birds of the wetlands are disappearing.
In fact, when people are shooting with guns and śrutówek in a place that is becoming increasingly annex to the city, it is not safe. Effects of newcomers makes it harder for independent even show up with a gun in sight. In the landfill no longer allowed to shoot rats.
Children resourceful villagers do not succeed in school as well as the offspring of commuters parasitic invaders, and they are slowly being pushed to the margins. Crime is increasing as the social links are broken. Previously, virtually everyone knows everyone and knows what who has a car. Aliens are distinguished. Trouble-making teenagers, but there were limits. It gets into the anonymity of large numbers, and moreover there is no longer any communities.
And in this way, a county full of free farmers is transformed into another suburban district inhabited mięczakowatą the colorless dorobkiewiczów who can not inflate your tires. Individualists rural actors are small cogs in someone else's machine. Their children grow up to be sexually promiscuous supermarket monkey ćpające to escape from boredom. The same county is now paying the hideous, painted in bright colors, building trashy neighborhood. The life of the population is managed at a distance.
Briefly speaking, the point is that the inalienable right of the independent farmer to dispose of his property in the way he wishes (which is not affected), generally leads to the fact that It gets into the hands of the contractor. Inalienable right to reproduction will lead to congestion, which results in a lack of independence, the government prying and the loss of local control.
again I live in a world of Mr. Liddy. Unfortunately, this world has a tendency to samolikwidacji. Freedom is in the long run inconsistent with freedom, because inevitably be used in such a way that creates a control. As a species simply can not be overcome. But for some time, we lived well.
Translation by:
Fred Reed, The Suicide Of Marlboro Man ,
The Suicide Of Marlboro Man published on Fred Reed Fred On Everything in 2002
Monday, June 1, 2009
Birth Control Pill And Arm Numbness
Translation: Nina Paley "Understanding the Free Content"
Content resource is unlimited. People can now make perfect copies of digitally recorded content for free. This is because they expect that content will be free and free - in fact, is precisely what it is. This is GOOD.
Think about the "content" - the culture - as the water. Where the water flows, life flourishes.
media content - items such as books, DVDs, hard disks, clothes, figurines Action Man and letters printed a finite resource. Nobody expects that these items will be free and people willingly pay good money for them.
Think about the "media content" - books, CDs, hard drives - as the jars and containers. They increase the usefulness of water and its value. If you can get water for free from the public area of \u200b\u200bthe river - well, this does not diminish the value of the vessels. On the contrary, when the rivers flow, the usefulness and value of vessels for water storage increases.
Continuing this metaphor: the copyright monopoly is an attempt to bring the barrier, overcoming all the rivers and turning them into narrow highlighting the trickles. As soon as the Big Media fail to bind the culture, it's as if stood inflow and outflow of water: the effect of standing pool, which becomes toxic. Fish die and begins to imagine the mosquitoes, because water has no where to przypływać, nor where to drain.
artists are not "own" culture, we are the owners of our names (attribution). Each artist with a group of his fans, he knows that the "driving force" give generously to the recipient's name. Our customers want us to go well. They want to reach the us their money and support.
Therefore, the cooperation of the artist with the merchant is valuable. The book with the autograph is worth more than the book without him. Sellers who collaborate with the artists - their share of revenue - they get the blessing of both artist and audience, and they can sell more items for more money.
In accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Share Alike works by using a fragment Sita Sings The Blues can be used by any person manufactured and sold without my permission. But anyone shares with me an income, he gets my "a sign of support of the artist" [ "creator Mark endorsed" ], or signature, and my fans are directed to his work (via e-mouth and my website).
However, competing against my work can be sold without requesting my approval. If they are cheaper, better quality or more accessible, they can sell better than the supported I products. Why should it be different? Competition may be good. The greater the incentive for anyone who submit a commercial partnership to produce high quality products at reasonable price and easily accessible. There is no incentive to compete with the good work, if it is already available at an affordable price or a comic album Sita Sings the Blues why anyone would ask yourself the trouble and post another one? If there is a competitive issue such publications, it must have some merit, the lack of this earlier. If in the opinion of publishers competing publications difference in quality between the products is so large that it is worth more than my recommendation, it's good for them, since they have done something correctly.
Frequently asked questions regarding the Free Content:
P. Why publish a book, since its contents are available online for free?
O. Because the Internet has its limitations. You can not touch it or smell. The appearance of images is limited by the quality of the screen and can cause eyestrain.
books have value as objects - apart from the intellectual riches they contain. It is easy to carry with you, you can touch them, did not preclude them from power failures. Albums may be characterized by something that gives them even greater value: glossy paper, stamping, reflective and matte printing paper of different texture, very high quality illustrations. Books may be in themselves, something beautiful. Autographed books from authors of this work of art. Book may have value as objects worthy of collection, because they are scarce.
Consumers trying to bond with the artists. Even if the content is free, many fans would like to have work in a physical form. They also want to support the artist. The goods - items such as books, DVDs, clothing - will serve as a means for carrying out the transaction between artist and audience.
Q. Why share your work online for free when it is available in book form (or a DVD, CD, etc.)?
A. Because if it is free, may spread. If it is good, the public will be relied on, to quote them, share them, write their reviews and mainstream. Sharing the work for free allows you to achieve all that advertising, and besides it is good - not bad ideas - and not controlled, distributed freely - and not pushed on the strength of the throats. Instead of spending huge sums of money on bad advertising to sell the "content" that spętałeś, simply release the contents and let the ad represented itself. Use an unlimited resource the sale of a limited resource.
P. But even in the internet age I have practiced advertising!
A. Maybe. It depends, what is your work and how much time you have. If what you have is good, just give it some time. "Infectious" is rapidly growing popularity, but before it starts, it may take some time. Or you can use the ads to artificially direct the public's attention on something we otherwise would not at all interested. If a work is not good and will limit its advertising, it will decrease the interest.
This is our vision of Liberty. This is not communism. This is not capitalism as we know it. It is certainly not a monopoly. It's Free Culture and Free Initiative.
Translation by: Nina Paley
, Understanding Free Content ,
Understanding Free Content published on April 2, 2009 The

media content - items such as books, DVDs, hard disks, clothes, figurines Action Man and letters printed a finite resource. Nobody expects that these items will be free and people willingly pay good money for them.

Think about the "media content" - books, CDs, hard drives - as the jars and containers. They increase the usefulness of water and its value. If you can get water for free from the public area of \u200b\u200bthe river - well, this does not diminish the value of the vessels. On the contrary, when the rivers flow, the usefulness and value of vessels for water storage increases.

Continuing this metaphor: the copyright monopoly is an attempt to bring the barrier, overcoming all the rivers and turning them into narrow highlighting the trickles. As soon as the Big Media fail to bind the culture, it's as if stood inflow and outflow of water: the effect of standing pool, which becomes toxic. Fish die and begins to imagine the mosquitoes, because water has no where to przypływać, nor where to drain.
artists are not "own" culture, we are the owners of our names (attribution). Each artist with a group of his fans, he knows that the "driving force" give generously to the recipient's name. Our customers want us to go well. They want to reach the us their money and support.

Therefore, the cooperation of the artist with the merchant is valuable. The book with the autograph is worth more than the book without him. Sellers who collaborate with the artists - their share of revenue - they get the blessing of both artist and audience, and they can sell more items for more money.

In accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Share Alike works by using a fragment Sita Sings The Blues can be used by any person manufactured and sold without my permission. But anyone shares with me an income, he gets my "a sign of support of the artist" [ "creator Mark endorsed" ], or signature, and my fans are directed to his work (via e-mouth and my website).
However, competing against my work can be sold without requesting my approval. If they are cheaper, better quality or more accessible, they can sell better than the supported I products. Why should it be different? Competition may be good. The greater the incentive for anyone who submit a commercial partnership to produce high quality products at reasonable price and easily accessible. There is no incentive to compete with the good work, if it is already available at an affordable price or a comic album Sita Sings the Blues why anyone would ask yourself the trouble and post another one? If there is a competitive issue such publications, it must have some merit, the lack of this earlier. If in the opinion of publishers competing publications difference in quality between the products is so large that it is worth more than my recommendation, it's good for them, since they have done something correctly.
Free Initiative is also Free Culture.
Frequently asked questions regarding the Free Content:
P. Why publish a book, since its contents are available online for free?
O. Because the Internet has its limitations. You can not touch it or smell. The appearance of images is limited by the quality of the screen and can cause eyestrain.

books have value as objects - apart from the intellectual riches they contain. It is easy to carry with you, you can touch them, did not preclude them from power failures. Albums may be characterized by something that gives them even greater value: glossy paper, stamping, reflective and matte printing paper of different texture, very high quality illustrations. Books may be in themselves, something beautiful. Autographed books from authors of this work of art. Book may have value as objects worthy of collection, because they are scarce.

Consumers trying to bond with the artists. Even if the content is free, many fans would like to have work in a physical form. They also want to support the artist. The goods - items such as books, DVDs, clothing - will serve as a means for carrying out the transaction between artist and audience.
Q. Why share your work online for free when it is available in book form (or a DVD, CD, etc.)?
A. Because if it is free, may spread. If it is good, the public will be relied on, to quote them, share them, write their reviews and mainstream. Sharing the work for free allows you to achieve all that advertising, and besides it is good - not bad ideas - and not controlled, distributed freely - and not pushed on the strength of the throats. Instead of spending huge sums of money on bad advertising to sell the "content" that spętałeś, simply release the contents and let the ad represented itself. Use an unlimited resource the sale of a limited resource.
P. But even in the internet age I have practiced advertising!
A. Maybe. It depends, what is your work and how much time you have. If what you have is good, just give it some time. "Infectious" is rapidly growing popularity, but before it starts, it may take some time. Or you can use the ads to artificially direct the public's attention on something we otherwise would not at all interested. If a work is not good and will limit its advertising, it will decrease the interest.

This is our vision of Liberty. This is not communism. This is not capitalism as we know it. It is certainly not a monopoly. It's Free Culture and Free Initiative.
Translation by: Nina Paley
, Understanding Free Content ,
Understanding Free Content published on April 2, 2009 The
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Morton's Tender Quick Salt In Canada?
Logo Luke7777777

Luke7777777 logo is the letter L and the number seven arranged in a square box.
Black means anarchy as the natural state of human relationships. It symbolizes the commitment to a agorism and the free market. It recalls the death and the need for sacrifices.
color white means to build their lives based on the voluntary cooperation with others, ie the practical application of the principle of nonaggression. Is the image of freedom, joy and purity. He speaks of the vocation to celibacy consecrated to God.
Red means courage. It recalls the blood of the martyrs transferred to the Catholic faith. A bridge to the noble colors of crimson, symbolizing the dignity of the human and material wealth. He speaks of the vocation to marriage.
color gold is honest and wise use of temporal goods. Indicates the need to strive for excellence.
blue color means openness to truth and fidelity to the good principles.
adjoining black and white reminiscent of the existence of the boundary between good and evil. Refer to the idea infoanarchizmu. The colors red and black symbolize the mutualism. Gold and black is the color of voluntarism and market anarchism.
white and red means Poland. They talk about their attachment to their homeland (the matrix), which is what we have received from the mother and father and other ancestors as a gift and task. White and gold refer to the papal colors. Indicate the need for preparedness to defend the Catholic faith.
Black means anarchy as the natural state of human relationships. It symbolizes the commitment to a agorism and the free market. It recalls the death and the need for sacrifices.
color white means to build their lives based on the voluntary cooperation with others, ie the practical application of the principle of nonaggression. Is the image of freedom, joy and purity. He speaks of the vocation to celibacy consecrated to God.
Red means courage. It recalls the blood of the martyrs transferred to the Catholic faith. A bridge to the noble colors of crimson, symbolizing the dignity of the human and material wealth. He speaks of the vocation to marriage.
color gold is honest and wise use of temporal goods. Indicates the need to strive for excellence.
blue color means openness to truth and fidelity to the good principles.

adjoining black and white reminiscent of the existence of the boundary between good and evil. Refer to the idea infoanarchizmu. The colors red and black symbolize the mutualism. Gold and black is the color of voluntarism and market anarchism.
white and red means Poland. They talk about their attachment to their homeland (the matrix), which is what we have received from the mother and father and other ancestors as a gift and task. White and gold refer to the papal colors. Indicate the need for preparedness to defend the Catholic faith.

logo Luke7777777:
Black / Black
RGB: 0, 0, 0
White / White
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Polish Redfish L7 / L7 Polish Crimson
RGB: 217, 0, 0
Gold / Gold
RGB: 255, 215, 0
Ultramarine / Ultramarine
RGB: 18, 10, 143
Black / Black
RGB: 0, 0, 0
White / White
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Polish Redfish L7 / L7 Polish Crimson
RGB: 217, 0, 0
Gold / Gold
RGB: 255, 215, 0
Ultramarine / Ultramarine
RGB: 18, 10, 143
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Letter Of Apology For My Dogs Barking
Waldemar Kowalczyk: Waldek, which lives in the city - the sixth Seventies Survival - Waldek barely escapes with his life
Waldek sprang at the last moment before the oncoming car around the bend.
Just a few moments before looked closely at both sides and entered the roadway. All in accordance with the rules: look left, right, yet left - move briskly! All the cars were still long way from the place which he intended to cross the street - at least it seemed. Therefore started.
A driver suddenly huge size has decided to take a red van with the left hand Waldek and would have flattened him on the hood or the bitumen, if our hero did not show up due reflection.
Waldek some time trying to navigate the city like a man. In the human pace. Apparently he forgot that the road has different rules. Here is a compulsion to rush. There is no mercy, either chase at breakneck speed, or not alive, or not at all do not come near here.
Nevertheless Waldek did not give up the move and tried to flee prior to tabunami car - so far successfully. He referred the unpleasant impression that the drivers disturbed, and the only reason for not yet hit any of them was the fact that the body is run over a passerby might get dirty cars and useful mask its owner occupation, which it would prefer to avoid. You'd have to clean the car, and there is no time because the driver already rushing to work, to circus, cinema, television turn (series begins) ...
But even when the machine was moving Waldek as a green community with sunącym bench crowd (just like in The Matrix ), waiting for the driver gave free rein to understand clearly: "No - Flee, because wheels have us itching."
- The city is what it is, and nothing can change - said Waldkowi familiar. - Too bad talk.
"Maybe it's actually true - Waldek thought - but in that case the city at all suitable for life?".
Just a few moments before looked closely at both sides and entered the roadway. All in accordance with the rules: look left, right, yet left - move briskly! All the cars were still long way from the place which he intended to cross the street - at least it seemed. Therefore started.
A driver suddenly huge size has decided to take a red van with the left hand Waldek and would have flattened him on the hood or the bitumen, if our hero did not show up due reflection.
Waldek some time trying to navigate the city like a man. In the human pace. Apparently he forgot that the road has different rules. Here is a compulsion to rush. There is no mercy, either chase at breakneck speed, or not alive, or not at all do not come near here.
Nevertheless Waldek did not give up the move and tried to flee prior to tabunami car - so far successfully. He referred the unpleasant impression that the drivers disturbed, and the only reason for not yet hit any of them was the fact that the body is run over a passerby might get dirty cars and useful mask its owner occupation, which it would prefer to avoid. You'd have to clean the car, and there is no time because the driver already rushing to work, to circus, cinema, television turn (series begins) ...
But even when the machine was moving Waldek as a green community with sunącym bench crowd (just like in The Matrix ), waiting for the driver gave free rein to understand clearly: "No - Flee, because wheels have us itching."
- The city is what it is, and nothing can change - said Waldkowi familiar. - Too bad talk.
"Maybe it's actually true - Waldek thought - but in that case the city at all suitable for life?".
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Peeing Alot 5 Weeks Pregnant
Look7777777 - New Culture Watch - 2009.01.21
Sandro Magister
Faith By Numbers. When Ratzinger Puts on Galileo's Robes
[faith & reason, mathematics, maths / wiara i rozum / matematyka]
[Benedict XVI: Mathematics, which we invented, really gives us access to the nature of the universe and makes it possible for us to use it. Therefore, the intellectual structure of the human subject and the objective structure of reality coincide: the subjective reason and the objective reason of nature are identical. / In the end, to reach the definitive question I would say: God exists or he does not exist. There are only two options. Either one recognizes the priority of reason, of creative Reason that is at the beginning of all things and is the principle of all things – the priority of reason is also the priority of freedom – or one holds the priority of the irrational, inasmuch as everything that functions on our earth and in our lives would be only accidental, marginal, an irrational result – reason would be a product of irrationality. One cannot ultimately 'prove' either project, but the great option of Christianity is the option for rationality and for the priority of reason.]
A legacy online: Tom Fahy on Jamendo
Tom Fahy @
[free download, free mp3, free music]
Stefan Blankertz
Has the State Always Been There? How Tribal Anarchy Works
Clement Hofbauer
[St. Benon in Warsaw]
Jacek Salij OP Mark of the Beast
[chips, chips, Revelation . John, Beast, mark of the beast]
Mike Gogulski
You are not the bank's customer
Roy Halliday
Vigilantes of Montana by Thomas J. Dimsdale
[private production of security, compensation for the victim]
Theodore Dalrymple
Tough Love
[sexual revolution leads to violence, jealousy, wife beaters]
Kathleen Naab
Saying Yes to Life -- 19 Times (Part 1)
[Interview on Parenting a Large Catholic Family, James and Kathleen Littleton]
Kathleen Naab
Saying Yes to Life -- 19 Times (Part 2)
[Interview on Parenting a Large Catholic Family, James and Kathleen Littleton]
[Kathleen Littleton: “We have found that love multiplies itself. In other words, the more one loves, the more one can love. With each new child, our love as parents has grown and multiplied. Our love has increased, not diminished. . . . The human heart is capable of an infinite amount of love, as it is created in God's image.”]
On The Relationship Between Libertarianism, Anarchism and Values
Maciej Dudek
Porządek anarchiczny
Benjamin D. Wiker
The Meaning of Marriage
Raniero Cantalamessa OFMCap
"When the Fullness of Time Had Come God Sent His Son Born of a Woman" – Father Cantalamessa's 3rd Advent Meditation
[St. Paul’s and St. John’s routes in the discovery of who Jesus Christ is. Jesus “born of a woman”. The imitation of Mary. Interruptions of maternity. Spiritual abortions. “Fiat” and “Amen”.]
Gold rush erupts amid financial crisis
Edward McNamara LC
Applause at Homilies (And More on Substituting the Sunday Liturgy)
Maya Filipič @
[free download, free mp3, free music]
Elizabeth Lev
"Santa" at the Embassy; a Toast for Christ
[French cuisine & St. Thomas Aquinas]
Benjamin Tucker
State Socialism and Anarchism
[from: Instead Of A Book, By A Man Too Busy To Write One (1897)]
[Josiah Warren, Pierre J. Proudhon, Karl Marx]
Emilia Żochowska
Solo the saw
Stanislaw Michalkiewicz
tradition Herod
[ person unborn, unborn child, abortion]
Kathleen Gilbert
Says Noted Atheist if You Believe, You Should Proselytize - Or do you Hate is Not Enough?
Benedict XVI's homily from the Pontifical
Midnight [Midnight 2008, 24 Dec 2008] = & sub = & page = 1 & id = 941 & category = 3
Cory Doctorow
Scroogled the-magazine/2007/09/google_fiction_evil_dangerous_surveillance_control_1.php
Maciej Dudek
organizations without government
Jacek Salij OP
law of nature [natural law]
Vatican Filter of Italian Law Takes Effect
http://www. l = Angielski
The Seattle Catholic - A Journal of Catholic News and Views
Archives from 2001 to 2006
Sue Ellin Browder
Why Condoms Will Never Stop AIDS In Africa . php? option = com_content & task = view & id = 182 & pop = 1 & page = 0 & Itemid = 12
Anarchy, Agora, Action - Interview with Sam E. Konkin 3
[Interview: Samuel E. Konkin III, agorism, free market, kontrekonomia] Konkin-3 /
Vincent McNabb OP
Fr. McNabb Speaks – Over-Production or Under-Consumption?
[production is for the sake of consumption]
Carmen Elena Villa
What Parents of Sick Children Need Most
[Pietro Schiliro / Valter and Adele Schiliro / miraculous cure through intercession of Zelie and Louis Martin]
Keith Preston
The 60s Radicals Have Won – Now What?
Terry Jones
Saint John Nepomucene Neumann
Mike Gogulski
Dear tool
You forgot to mention a few tools…
[A response to Mike Gogulski’s Dear tool; legitimizing tool of the State]
Terry Jones
Saint Lucian of Antioch
[copying, copyists, exact copy, Lucian Recension, “I am a Christian”]
Theodore Dalrymple
Beauty and the Best
[In a sense, everything that human beings do is original, for even if they want to they cannot exactly copy one another. / Beauty is a fragile and vulnerable quality, and moreover one that is difficult to achieve; ugliness, by contrast, is unbreakable and invulnerable, and very easy to achieve.]
Matthew Alderman
"Free-Floating Molecules in the Vast Vacuum of Art"
Quote of the Week: Adrienne von Speyr
[Apostasy is the sin that forever generates new sin.]
Robert LeFevre
Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
A Military Chaplain Repents
[An interview with Rev. George B. Zabelka, a Catholic chaplain with the U.S. Army Air Force; the atomic bomb; Hiroshima; Nagasaki]
Happy Birthday Mininova, 4 Years Young Today
Bobbie Johnson
Richard Stallman: The high priest of hi-tech who shuns technology
Nick Farrell
"Terrible" people get mobile phones
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Merrill Lynch says Rich want gold bars, gold paper notes
'We' Did That?
Quarterly "Remembrance and Future" - interview with Kornele Morawieckim
[Kornel Morawiecki, Fighting Solidarity]
Louis Beam
Leaderless Resistance
Markus Bergstrom
Israel and Palestine: A Statist War
[stateless society, Israel, Palestine, Jews, Israelis, Palestinians]
Mark R. Crovelli
The Catholic Church’s Confused Ideas About Stealing
Royce Christian
The Counter Economy Lives!
Rob Costlow
[free download, free mp3, free music]
Faith By Numbers. When Ratzinger Puts on Galileo's Robes
[faith & reason, mathematics, maths / wiara i rozum / matematyka]
[Benedict XVI: Mathematics, which we invented, really gives us access to the nature of the universe and makes it possible for us to use it. Therefore, the intellectual structure of the human subject and the objective structure of reality coincide: the subjective reason and the objective reason of nature are identical. / In the end, to reach the definitive question I would say: God exists or he does not exist. There are only two options. Either one recognizes the priority of reason, of creative Reason that is at the beginning of all things and is the principle of all things – the priority of reason is also the priority of freedom – or one holds the priority of the irrational, inasmuch as everything that functions on our earth and in our lives would be only accidental, marginal, an irrational result – reason would be a product of irrationality. One cannot ultimately 'prove' either project, but the great option of Christianity is the option for rationality and for the priority of reason.]
A legacy online: Tom Fahy on Jamendo
Tom Fahy @
[free download, free mp3, free music]
Stefan Blankertz
Has the State Always Been There? How Tribal Anarchy Works
Clement Hofbauer
[St. Benon in Warsaw]
Jacek Salij OP Mark of the Beast
[chips, chips, Revelation . John, Beast, mark of the beast]
Mike Gogulski
You are not the bank's customer
Roy Halliday
Vigilantes of Montana by Thomas J. Dimsdale
[private production of security, compensation for the victim]
Theodore Dalrymple
Tough Love
[sexual revolution leads to violence, jealousy, wife beaters]
Kathleen Naab
Saying Yes to Life -- 19 Times (Part 1)
[Interview on Parenting a Large Catholic Family, James and Kathleen Littleton]
Kathleen Naab
Saying Yes to Life -- 19 Times (Part 2)
[Interview on Parenting a Large Catholic Family, James and Kathleen Littleton]
[Kathleen Littleton: “We have found that love multiplies itself. In other words, the more one loves, the more one can love. With each new child, our love as parents has grown and multiplied. Our love has increased, not diminished. . . . The human heart is capable of an infinite amount of love, as it is created in God's image.”]
On The Relationship Between Libertarianism, Anarchism and Values
Maciej Dudek
Porządek anarchiczny
Benjamin D. Wiker
The Meaning of Marriage
Raniero Cantalamessa OFMCap
"When the Fullness of Time Had Come God Sent His Son Born of a Woman" – Father Cantalamessa's 3rd Advent Meditation
[St. Paul’s and St. John’s routes in the discovery of who Jesus Christ is. Jesus “born of a woman”. The imitation of Mary. Interruptions of maternity. Spiritual abortions. “Fiat” and “Amen”.]
Gold rush erupts amid financial crisis
Edward McNamara LC
Applause at Homilies (And More on Substituting the Sunday Liturgy)
Maya Filipič @
[free download, free mp3, free music]
Elizabeth Lev
"Santa" at the Embassy; a Toast for Christ
[French cuisine & St. Thomas Aquinas]
Benjamin Tucker
State Socialism and Anarchism
[from: Instead Of A Book, By A Man Too Busy To Write One (1897)]
[Josiah Warren, Pierre J. Proudhon, Karl Marx]
Emilia Żochowska
Solo the saw
Stanislaw Michalkiewicz
tradition Herod
[ person unborn, unborn child, abortion]
Kathleen Gilbert
Says Noted Atheist if You Believe, You Should Proselytize - Or do you Hate is Not Enough?
Benedict XVI's homily from the Pontifical
Midnight [Midnight 2008, 24 Dec 2008] = & sub = & page = 1 & id = 941 & category = 3
Cory Doctorow
Scroogled the-magazine/2007/09/google_fiction_evil_dangerous_surveillance_control_1.php
Maciej Dudek
organizations without government
Jacek Salij OP
law of nature [natural law]
Vatican Filter of Italian Law Takes Effect
http://www. l = Angielski
The Seattle Catholic - A Journal of Catholic News and Views
Archives from 2001 to 2006
Sue Ellin Browder
Why Condoms Will Never Stop AIDS In Africa . php? option = com_content & task = view & id = 182 & pop = 1 & page = 0 & Itemid = 12
Anarchy, Agora, Action - Interview with Sam E. Konkin 3
[Interview: Samuel E. Konkin III, agorism, free market, kontrekonomia] Konkin-3 /
Vincent McNabb OP
Fr. McNabb Speaks – Over-Production or Under-Consumption?
[production is for the sake of consumption]
Carmen Elena Villa
What Parents of Sick Children Need Most
[Pietro Schiliro / Valter and Adele Schiliro / miraculous cure through intercession of Zelie and Louis Martin]
Keith Preston
The 60s Radicals Have Won – Now What?
Terry Jones
Saint John Nepomucene Neumann
Mike Gogulski
Dear tool
You forgot to mention a few tools…
[A response to Mike Gogulski’s Dear tool; legitimizing tool of the State]
Terry Jones
Saint Lucian of Antioch
[copying, copyists, exact copy, Lucian Recension, “I am a Christian”]
Theodore Dalrymple
Beauty and the Best
[In a sense, everything that human beings do is original, for even if they want to they cannot exactly copy one another. / Beauty is a fragile and vulnerable quality, and moreover one that is difficult to achieve; ugliness, by contrast, is unbreakable and invulnerable, and very easy to achieve.]
Matthew Alderman
"Free-Floating Molecules in the Vast Vacuum of Art"
Quote of the Week: Adrienne von Speyr
[Apostasy is the sin that forever generates new sin.]
Robert LeFevre
Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
A Military Chaplain Repents
[An interview with Rev. George B. Zabelka, a Catholic chaplain with the U.S. Army Air Force; the atomic bomb; Hiroshima; Nagasaki]
Happy Birthday Mininova, 4 Years Young Today
Bobbie Johnson
Richard Stallman: The high priest of hi-tech who shuns technology
Nick Farrell
"Terrible" people get mobile phones
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Merrill Lynch says Rich want gold bars, gold paper notes
'We' Did That?
Quarterly "Remembrance and Future" - interview with Kornele Morawieckim
[Kornel Morawiecki, Fighting Solidarity]
Louis Beam
Leaderless Resistance
Markus Bergstrom
Israel and Palestine: A Statist War
[stateless society, Israel, Palestine, Jews, Israelis, Palestinians]
Mark R. Crovelli
The Catholic Church’s Confused Ideas About Stealing
Royce Christian
The Counter Economy Lives!
Rob Costlow
[free download, free mp3, free music]
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